Really crazy over highschool girl(my first/long post please read all and PLEASE help)


New Member
Mar 20, 2005
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I needed help with this one girl at my highschool. I see her almost everyday after school and we both kind of look at each (but kinda with the a "hey" while no facial expression). I saw that she walks home almost everday and the street she walks down is just on the other side of my house (meaning to get home I would have to walk around the block). It's been a week and now 2 weeks and on tuesday March 15th I walked down her street thinking of talking to her but just ended up walking behind her (but she did look back and notice me) and when i had to cross the street to go towars my home I just turned and she went straight (I felt sort of like a stupid stalker). On Wednesday I did the same thing but this time I had way more confidence but not enough (i did the stupid stalker thing again). I've been obsessed about her after the first week I saw her. I don't know her at all and neither does she know me, I just want to walk with her one day and talk (but I won't know what to talk about after a sentence or two), and get her info. I read on this website about getting her e-mail then number and name on paper.
Basically I just want her to feel comfortable to walk with me after school (not like I just stalk her everyday after school, I mean i think she's interested but if i never make a move she's gonna think i really am stalking her) since after school is the only time I see her. I wanted to see if someone can please please help me on what to say to her the first couple of days and how to start conversations, so that I can start a real relationship (becuz when I get to know most girls I tend to make good friends instead of "girlfriends"). Also maybe ask her where her classes are so that I can stop by her class or something during passing time and chat (and what to say and not just come to her class and stand their like a idiot just to say hi and nothing else). Oh yeah and if I fo get her e-mail or number then when should I talk to her about and what do I say, (I mean if I get her number in the 5 minutes it takes till we walk towards our home then i barely know anything about her to talk to her about something).
Crap!! I have to tell you that I am from a culture that doesn't allow for the kids to be engaged in any kind of relationships with the opposite sex until I i get married (arrange marriage), so I can't let my parents know about anything and have to be cautious on days they suddenly decide to pick me up from school and catch me while i'm talking to her or i'll bee in the deepest pile of sh*t, and you do not know how miserable my life would be if that happened. But I say to myself how can a guy resist from not noticing girls for what they are.
I just really need help and cannot express how much i care for getting help on this big problem. I don't even know her name yet and have to call her, HER so I seriously need help to get started. PLEEEEEAASE!!! I beg of someone to reply.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2004
Reaction score
jacksonville, FL
Dude, sorry to tell ya, but you are an AFC. You should read the DJ bible and apply some if not all of the concepts. Don't be a wussy.

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
Hi and good luck @ SoSuave. Before you go for the number, before you follow her home, before you think about doin the hippity-dippity with her, you HAVE TO TALK TO HER. Talk to her about damn near anything? what class she likes, is she having fun? What she did for the weekend? Does she have a job 4 the summer? WHatever.

Secondly don't do the whole visit her in between classes thing, at least not yet. Talk to her in school when you run into each other, and you will have time to really get to know her on the walk home if you finally speak to her. This is good to because you are all alone so you have no interuptions or c0ckblocks or whatever. Then when you are going to your house and she is going to hers, say something like "Hey do u take________?" "Can I borrow your notes? what is your number?"

Mr. Debonaire

Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score
in front of my computer
read the bible, then convo with her about anything

ps micfiend "Slick Rick" in your signature couldn't be very slick if he rhymed lasted with bastard. lol :p