(First of all I know the general philosophy of dating within the workplace but please understand that where I work people dating each other is very very common)
I recently took this girl out who's been flirting with me for the longest. We went on a first date and everything was cool. She invited me back to her house and we just chilled out. I didn't go for a kiss close b/c she was just getting over a cold so I just hugged her goodbye and kissed her on the cheek. About a week later we went out again and I turned up the kino, again, everything went really well. When I drove her home this time I was determined to make a move b/c I figured if I didn't make a serious move she would perceive me as a wuss. So when I dropped her off I this time I went for the kiss and we made out for a few minutes. She then made a comment like, "I don't date guys I work with." I then said that she should make an exception and she laughed. Plus I knew she was lying b/c she has dated before within the workplace.I took it as a s*** test and moved on telling her that I would call her later to set up another date. I called her 2-3 days later and she was very cold. Every answer was one word or very very short. I tried to set up another date telling her she should hit me up after she got off of work a few days later. Well, she never hit me back and I'm assuming its over and that's fine. I plan on just leaving her alone now, but I would just like to learn what I did wrong. I seem to always run into situations like this whether its a girl at work or not. Things go from extremely hot and interested to extremely cold without any explanation. I would just like to know what I'm doing wrong so that I stop making the same stupid mistakes. Again, any advice would be appreciated, thanks.
I recently took this girl out who's been flirting with me for the longest. We went on a first date and everything was cool. She invited me back to her house and we just chilled out. I didn't go for a kiss close b/c she was just getting over a cold so I just hugged her goodbye and kissed her on the cheek. About a week later we went out again and I turned up the kino, again, everything went really well. When I drove her home this time I was determined to make a move b/c I figured if I didn't make a serious move she would perceive me as a wuss. So when I dropped her off I this time I went for the kiss and we made out for a few minutes. She then made a comment like, "I don't date guys I work with." I then said that she should make an exception and she laughed. Plus I knew she was lying b/c she has dated before within the workplace.I took it as a s*** test and moved on telling her that I would call her later to set up another date. I called her 2-3 days later and she was very cold. Every answer was one word or very very short. I tried to set up another date telling her she should hit me up after she got off of work a few days later. Well, she never hit me back and I'm assuming its over and that's fine. I plan on just leaving her alone now, but I would just like to learn what I did wrong. I seem to always run into situations like this whether its a girl at work or not. Things go from extremely hot and interested to extremely cold without any explanation. I would just like to know what I'm doing wrong so that I stop making the same stupid mistakes. Again, any advice would be appreciated, thanks.