Your tale of "feast or famine" interests me, backbreaker, because it seems to be a common one around here. And because it so completely does not match my experience with women. Things have always been on a pretty even keel for me. I've been skinny, fit, overweight, well paid, dirt poor, confident, lacked confidence, faked confidence, been intentionally confident. And honestly, none of it has ever seemed to make much difference when it came to women. I've always been able to get women (apart from a few slumps). But I've never been what you would describe as "great with women" either.
When I walk into the room girls don't seem to want to crawl over each other to get to know me. But when I talk to them they generally respond positively. When they get to know me they seem to like me but rarely do I get the impression they are drooling over me or anything like that. Occasionally one will hit on me, both good looking and not. It's been that way my whole life pretty much, no matter what my situation. Even after learning all this DJ stuff I can't honestly say it's made any difference in the way women treat me (of course at my age I've learned a lot of the basics through trial and error anyway).
I'm in a LTR right now so I'm not out there sarging, maybe that would make a difference. If I broke up with my girlfriend today, I know I could go out and get another girl. Obviously women see something of value in me, but it's not a rockstar elite type of thing either.