Ready to rumble


Don Juan
Nov 26, 2010
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Whats up guys. I been looking at your website for the past few days and decided that this is the key to greatness. Really? where did some of u people think of this stuff? Anyways I'm gonna make a promise to myself and the message boards to become the MAN I really wanna be. That way I can post my own tips to help others. So let me start off with my current situation.

Right now i'm an 18 year old attending a local community college on a large scholarship. Since I got so much money I don't have to work and got alot of freetime on my hands so I figured I would make a plan and work it out. I don't feel like a complete AFC cause I've had some quality women in the past, but the problem is that they wanted me. Now its my turn to get the women I want. Any ways here are some things I'm gonna improve and some new things I want to start.

Schoolwork- In High school everything was easy. Unfortunatly college is a whole new animal. All my grades are average because I still have the same study habits which is no studying lol. My plan is to finish strong the last semester and ace my finals.

Martial Arts- I have always liked ufc and mma and have taken bjj on and of this past two years with no rank or anything to show for it. The goal here is to get some consistency and get some stripes on that belt. Maybe compete in the near future

Women- I know nothing of attraction besides what I've read on here. The plan here is to build some confidence and get in the game and get my name around.

Social Life- Im a loner. I think its a family trait. I almost never go out and never have the urge to do so. Gonna plan some outings in a few weeks.

*urgent*- I want to learn how to dance hip hop. I seen step up few days ago and I was hooked. looking online for classes as we speak.

Thats it guys feel free to give me some tips if needed. gonna start right now. Wish me luck.


Senior Don Juan
May 15, 2010
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ricososuave said:
Right now i'm an 18 year old attending a local community college on a large scholarship.

Schoolwork- In High school everything was easy. Unfortunatly college is a whole new animal. All my grades are average because I still have the same study habits which is no studying lol. My plan is to finish strong the last semester and ace my finals.

Martial Arts- I have always liked ufc and mma and have taken bjj on and of this past two years with no rank or anything to show for it. The goal here is to get some consistency and get some stripes on that belt. Maybe compete in the near future
My number one critique for you would be this: where is your ambition? It doesn't seem like you're trying hard at life, but that you're comfortable with just coasting and going with the flow. An average life will get you an average woman, but you need to try harder if you're going to score with the elite girls.

You say that high school was "easy", but you're only going to a community college, where you're only getting average grades. If high school was truly easy for you, you would have a full scholarship to an Ivy. Similarly, you wouldn't have average grades today, nor laugh about your lack of study habits.

Similarly, you study MMA on and off for two years and haven't even advanced a degree. I'm not getting any sense of drive or ambition coming from you. It seems to me that if something seems hard or requires too much effort, you'd rather go home and play Xbox instead.

Of course, it doesn't matter what I think of your behavior. What does matter is how women will think of you.

If you want to get the best girls, you need to be the best kind of guy, and it does not sound like you're working to your full potential. Whatever kind of life you want to live, work your ass off to make that goal a reality. If you want a good job (which you should want, because good jobs pay good money...and good money attracts good looking chicks), you need to study. Or if you want to be a good fighter, then actually show some discipline. Go to the dojo at least 5 times a week, and talk to your sensei about what it will take for you to progress at BJJ. But whatever you do, don't settle for living an average life. I see so many people who do (which is what makes them average), and it's really sad.

The question is, do you have what it takes to make your life better?


Don Juan
Nov 26, 2010
Reaction score
Your a hundred percent right man. I havent had ambition in a while. I'm doing something about it (already trained twice this week and been doing homework every oppurtunity i get. There is a hip hop dance class this friday that im planning to intend. ill let you know how it goes.


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2010
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Standing At The Crossroads
In short, concentrate on:

1)Your studies/homework!
2)Athletic interests
3)The women will come later
4)Pay attention to #1 and #2 (see above)


Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2009
Reaction score
the world is your oyster and looks like you about to crack it open!

improving ones self is a life long process so NEVER EVER stop learning.

once you have your solid foundation, the house you build it on will never crumble. So keep at it dude, but dont make these board your life. Read up on the bible, check out the the threads on BDP's, the Archives and Tips forums are awesome aswell.

Make sure you explore, make new friends, get rid the old ones that weigh you down.

youve made the right steps in becoming a better person, a better Don Juan, and kill that afc!


Don Juan
Nov 26, 2010
Reaction score
school- Got finals next week, studying my ass off for that
martial arts- been on the mats 4 times this week and had a damn good time doing so
Dance- havent had the time to step in and check out the class. Anyone on here have any experience taking hip hop?
Girls- Got one number HB8, Gave my number to HB7.(I dont know why I did this)
*Motivational Tip*- I don't know if there are any rap fans on here but I been listening to Roscoe, which talks about success, and it lights a fire under my ass. So anybody who wants daily motivation should make a CD of music about succeeding and listen to that every day


Don Juan
Nov 26, 2010
Reaction score
*Another Tip* Deleted my facebook. It motivates me to actually go talk to people instead of "creatively avoiding" it sitting behind my computer. It also gives me more time for improvement