Originally posted by abs0lute77
training plan..i figured i cant workout every body part..or any for that matter everyday
cause each one needs time to heal and stuff..so basically im goin to work out everday but a diff. body part each day..abs, chest and biceps maybe every three days
height 5'10
Hi, I'm new here but I'm no beginner to weightlifting.
Working out every day would overtrain you terribly - work out every other day with a full day of rest in between.
A good training scheme would be a simple push/pull/legs split, if you're not familiar with this I can post up a sample workout. That should be intense enough to give your body a reason to start growing.
Next your diet, this is 80% of your muscle-building quest. As posted above, six meals a day, every 2.5-3 hours, each meal based around a protein source - I'd recommend keeping track of your protein intake, making sure you get 2g of protein per lb of bodyweight you WANT to be.
In other words, if you want to be 160lbs, you have to eat like you're that weight already! 320g of quality protein every day mate, protein shakes can be your friend here but they're not 100% necessary - whole food is better. Eat as many clean carbs and good fats as you can, but make sure you down the protein first so you don't fill up on carbs. Protein builds muscle, carbs are your energy source.
Watch your waistline, you want to get big but not fat. If you're putting on the wrong sort of weight then review your diet and/or add cardio (preferably before breakfast) to keep bodyfat in check.
30lbs in two months is a big ask, I'm not saying it's not possible but you'd need steroids and super genetics to get there. Concentrate on 10lbs at a time: your target now is 140lbs, once you get there you can take a break for a while, then get up 150, etc.
Sorry mate, but Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is good muscle. But it'll come, believe in yourself and it will.
Get yourself on a good workout program, eat your way up to a new level of size, cardio to keep lean and sleep as much as you can.
Alex ...