I have worked in retail in shoe departments. At the time I was also studying body language. (by the way a shoe department job is one of the best ways in order to become more comfortable interacting with women and people in general) I brought out
these shoes for a woman after talking for about a minute or two.
When I handed her the shoes, I asked her if she worked at "something Dupont" meaning that DuPont was the second part of the name of the place she worked. She repled "Yes, A.I. DuPont." Before this, I didn't ask her anything about herself. The place is a chidren's hospital so I know that I never been there.
That may have been a coincidence but it seemed pretty cool anyway.
There are also times when I obstutely observe a girl's body language and place it into the context of the situation and it pops in my head what she is probably thinking.
Do any of you guys get this same feeling?
Have you ever told a woman what she is thinking and truly blow her mind? If so, how did you do it?
these shoes for a woman after talking for about a minute or two.
When I handed her the shoes, I asked her if she worked at "something Dupont" meaning that DuPont was the second part of the name of the place she worked. She repled "Yes, A.I. DuPont." Before this, I didn't ask her anything about herself. The place is a chidren's hospital so I know that I never been there.
That may have been a coincidence but it seemed pretty cool anyway.
There are also times when I obstutely observe a girl's body language and place it into the context of the situation and it pops in my head what she is probably thinking.
Do any of you guys get this same feeling?
Have you ever told a woman what she is thinking and truly blow her mind? If so, how did you do it?