Read this.


Don Juan
Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
Here is what he wrote about American women in one section of his site. SO true:

Women do NOT like AFCs. They do NOT. Never have, never will... at least not until after they've been battered to hell and back, of course. But sure, women don't only go for *******s... they also like money, too.

But whatever the hell it is that women might like on that particular day (who knows?) they sure as hell don't go for AFCs, do they? Nope, AFCs just aren't sexy. An AFC isn't 'kind-hearted' or 'affectionate' or 'generous' mind you, he is but a groveling, distasteful, supplicating, centipede-like little bootlicker who makes a woman's lip curl in disgust. No, the actual content of your character doesn't matter a damn. You are a spineless toady and will never be anything more than a spineless toady. Even if you actually aren't a spineless toady, if you try to make a woman happy by giving her what she says she wants, then you are still probably a spineless toady but just don't know it yet. If you try to make accommodations for a woman's well-being, then there is nothing you can do to ever not be a spineless toady. Furthermore, if you don't demonstrate and advertise that you're not a spineless toady, then you are a spineless toady by default. If a woman ever takes advantage of you, then its your fault for being a spineless toady- that is what gave her the green-light to cheat you in the first place.

If you're even suspected of being an AFC, but you're factually not a spineless toady, then you still are one no matter what. And it will always be your unforgivable sin for being that way. So there.

Why was I a spineless toady? Well, being a spineless toady is a cynic's accusations of my actions. And God knows, American women are cynical towards men- they are happily embedded in a man-bashing culture, after all- it's the only way they can feel superior.

I wanted to do things that benefited American women because... I liked doing good things for them and I didn't imagine that they'd be repelled by someone who did stuff like that. I wasn't consciously trying to bribe them with good treatment per sé; I just wanted to be kind, decent and generous because women spend so much time complaining vociferously that they want someone like that in their lives. (Yes, I actually took them seriously when they would talk to me with tears welling-up in their eyes. Silly me for being taken-in by it all. Silly me for ever trusting a female. Silly me for accepting a woman's words at face value. If you ever trust a woman's words, then you probably deserve to get screwed-over by her.)

Yeah, I tried being generous and sensitive to the needs of American women, but I was wrong to do so. I didn't want to imagine that American women were so f'd-up in the head as to be repelled by someone who wanted to treat them well, but I was wrong. I didn't want to think that American women were so f'd-up in the head as to be entirely insincere when voicing what seemed to be their most heartfelt desires for what they yearned in a loving relationship- but I was wrong on that one too. I was wrong about a lot of things. I was wrong because I didn't think that American women were so f'd-up in the head as to be lying through their teeth about what their perfect man would be like. I didn't think that they were so f'd-up in the head as to be attracted to the men who are the exact opposites of what they say they want. I dismissed how f'd-up in the head they might be, simply because I had some respect for them. Silly me.

In fact, I was so wrong about American women because I spent years dismissing a critical factor that shouldn't have been dismissed, namely: that North American women actually are that f'd-up in the head! THEY ARE!

Say it with me: THEY ARE F'D-UP IN THE HEAD!

If a man gives her flowers, then does it mean he's generous or romantically-inclined? NOOOO, it must mean he has a low self-esteem and is trying to bribe her! If a man ever tries to soothe a woman's hurt feelings by offering comfort, does it mean that he cares for her well-being? NOOOO, it's because he's trying to emotionally supplicate his way into bed! If a man returns her phone calls in a timely fashion, does it mean that he shows common courtesy? NOOOO, it's because he is just desperate to get laid! But if a man is ****y, arrogant and ignores her emotions throughout the relationship, then oooh- he is a REAL MAN and he must be slept-with!

I tell you: THOSE are the schizophrenic thought patterns of man-haters who nonetheless get turned-on by the same kind of men that they hate.

All together now: THEY ARE F'D-UP IN THE HEAD!

It doesn't matter how decent or ethical you've been throughout life. It doesn't matter if you're the type of person who always tries his best or wants to treat women in a generous and empathic fashion. It doesn't matter if you believe in charity, mercy, reciprocal giving, putting others before yourself or making special efforts for a woman you care for. It doesn't matter if you want to be honest within a relationship or want to make emotional connections with a woman before you have sex. It doesn't matter a damn because a woman just won't find that behavior sexy and she's too busy thinking with her ***** to ever care about your worth as a human being. In fact, she will consider you lower than **** for all the good things you try to do for her, simply because you swallow her lies and try to accommodate her lies! You need to become a smooth-talking pickup artist, because she won't get nice and wet until you provide whatever her ***** demands. Only then will she have sex with you, compete for your attention and yet complain to others about how awful you are and how you don't meet her emotional needs and how she wants someone more caring in her life. It is the same thick-skulled myopia of someone who wades-through a river of diamonds looking for gold.

One more time: THEY ARE F'D-UP IN THE HEAD!

Ugh, look... if there's one main thing I want my male 'nice guy/AFC' readers back in the 50 states to remember for all time... being generous to American women DOES NOT WORK. IT DOES NOT WORK! IT DOES NOT WORK! IT DOES NOT WORK! ES FUNKTIONIERT NICHT! NÃO FUNCIONA! NE MARCHE PAS! It never has, it never will! BEING GENEROUS TO AMERICAN WOMEN MAKES YOU SEXUALLY-REPELLANT BECAUSE THEY ARE F'D-UP IN THE HEAD!

I have always thought this in my gut, but I'd hoped that I was underestimating them and I'd one day meet a special woman in America who wasn't that way. If such women do exist, they are needles in a massive stack of ****-smelling hay and you'll almost never realistically find one like that. So stop it!

That's right, I said 'stop it'. Stop it, because it just doesn't work.

Stop being 'nice' this instant. Stop it stop it stop it.

Abort. Halt. Cease. Desist. You're guaranteeing your own failure. Abandon what clearly doesn't work: give-up on being 'nice'.

Quit it this second. Wake-up from your dream, you God-damned loser of a 'just friends' DIP****-- IT JUST DOESN'T WORK!!

If you DO try to make an effort to do good things for North American women, then I'll spare you the effort right now-- STOP IT, BECAUSE IT JUST DOESN'T WORK!!

And why doesn't it work, hmm? Well, just in case you missed it: THEY ARE F'D-UP IN THE HEAD!

So stop being a 'nice guy' right now. Stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it!! Okay?

STOP IT! Put down the flowers. Tear-up your laboriously-written love poetry. STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT! Stop being mistaken for an unsightly, smarmy, lickspittle supplicating AFC.

Oh, and especially drop the free counseling, too! Don't waste your time. She is lying to you about what she wants in a man. Shove her away and tell her the truth: she is incurably f'd-up in the head, and absolutely NOTHING you or anyone else can do will ever make her one bit less f'd-up in the head.



Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
An AFC isn't 'kind-hearted' or 'affectionate' or 'generous' mind you, he is but a groveling, distasteful, supplicating, centipede-like little bootlicker who makes a woman's lip curl in disgust.
That is the best description of an AFC I've seen so far.

AFCs and "nice guys" are just manipulative and deceitful cowards, pretending to be generous and kind, while wanting sex in return. No wonder women hate them so much.

The worst part is, they keep a tab on all their "kindness" and ass kissing and hold it over the women like a debt. And when they don't get what they want (sex), they get angry.

Just proves they're not so nice and selfless afterall.


May 25, 2005
Reaction score
he forget a thing about "nice guys" they think they KNOW WOMEN.

he's a whiner and just because he lives in japan and believes he is a cool dude because he's dating women from a different culture.

while it's true that american society has taught women over here that it's okay to be a w hore, they have also taught men how to be into rapstar gay thugs. do you see any sites of women saying how awful they are? NO.

the problem with this guy is that he is unwilling to accept american women so he puts them down conveniently because he lives in japan.

i bet he's one of those typical geeky looking white guys who couldn't get any from white women and glorifies asian women. i've seen so many asian women and white men relationships to prove my point.. it's always the geeky looking white guy with an asian woman who has been rejected by her own kind.

if he is so great, he should post pics of himself


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Jariel
That is the best description of an AFC I've seen so far.

AFCs and "nice guys" are just manipulative and deceitful cowards, pretending to be generous and kind, while wanting sex in return. No wonder women hate them so much.

The worst part is, they keep a tab on all their "kindness" and ass kissing and hold it over the women like a debt. And when they don't get what they want (sex), they get angry.

Just proves they're not so nice and selfless afterall.
Clearly, you missed the point. :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Do you see men saying stuff like "they'd like to see a woman beaten to a bloody pulp with a shoe shoved in her mouth like an apple shoved in a pig's mouth" and getting APPLAUDED for it? That's what this feminist said that he spoke of. Yes IT IS A REAL QUOTE from that dyke feminist!

If a man said ANYTHING, even REMOTELY of that nature, he WOULD HAVE HIS FUXKING HEAD ON A MOTHERFUXKING STAKE! "SEXIST PIG! KILL HIM!" That's what you would hear over and over again.

Women can get away with this and be applauded as "independent, strong willed modern" american women.

There is a reason there are not as many sites of women complaining about north american men....because north american men are not the main problem. North american women don't have to put up with as much sh1t from men as men have to put up with from women. Just look at this damn forum!! Why do women not need as many places like this forum as men do!? Because they have it easy. They have virtually everything handed to them on a silver platter. Society has shifted all the power to the women. We're using places like these to learn what THEY want. They do not need to learn what WE want. We are adapting to THEM. This is a serious indication of a power imbalance in the gender roles. This is not fair.

It is the feminist, hypocritical, sexist mentality that is fuxking up north american society. Women (mostly feminists) constantly complain about sexism, harrassment, etc when they themselves are involved in it as much or more so than men. They have all the power but are good at hiding it and making themselves look like the victims. This is where the power comes from. The only thing better than being powerful, is being powerful while looking seemingly weak. You become a greater threat.

Also, a woman would not be able to put up a coherent argument against north american men when there are so many comebacks a man could make about north american women. Men for the most part take a lot of sh1t and put up with it. We put up with a lot of sexist, double-speak from woemn. For every bad thing a woman could say about north american men, I could say 5 about north american women with examples and proof to backup all my arguments/claims.

Calling him a "whiner" is just your way of looking like a "cool, bada$$ I-don't-give-a-damn tough guy". This is tranparent. "Ah! Look how tough and bad I am! Quit your whining b1tch!" Whoa! I'm scared. :rolleyes:

Why don't you actually provide a valid, thoughtful counter argument to everything he is "whining" about instead of name- calling. Name-calling is too easy. Even 5 year olds can do it. Putting up a thoughtful argument with evidence and facts is not.

Giving a pretty accurate and well thoughtout criticism is not "whining". It's called research. He's lived in america. He's dated there. He's moved to other countries. He's dated there. He's done his research. What have you done?

Yet you insist you must be right and he must be a "whiner" because you're sitting at home in your boxers on your a$$ and know all the answers to life by doing nothing but sit on your a$$. Why don't you go do your research, take a good long look at north american women and visit other countries and compare instead of name-calling?

The fact that he went to Japan and has a girlfriend there does not automatically make him "white and geeky looking". If anything, this gives his argument more validity because he has travelled the world and seen more culture. However, you find it easier to name-call and judge him instead of travelling the world yourself and disproving what he's saying.

You're simply ignorant and blind to facts. I also find it ironic that someone such as yourself who is obsessed with making Star Wars references in 80% of your posts judges someone else as a "geeky white guy." :rolleyes:
Originally posted by darthsidious
while it's true that american society has taught women over here that it's okay to be a w hore, they have also taught men how to be into rapstar gay thugs. do you see any sites of women saying how awful they are? NO.
Originally posted by darthsidious
if he is so great, he should post pics of himself

Next you will ask him to post pics of his pen1s so you can have that "my pen1s is bigger than your pen1s" juvenille argument.

Whether he is a stud, average looking, or "geeky looking" does not change the state of north american women. :rolleyes:


Senior Don Juan
May 17, 2005
Reaction score
someone who is willing to write at length of how awful american women are while dating women of a different culture seriously has issues.


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
One question.
Why is the author, Mr Niceguy, writing about north american women when he's happily with a Japanese chick? Shouldn't he be writing about how Asian chicks are like the shyt?

Triple X

Senior Don Juan
May 12, 2005
Reaction score
Wow. Its articles like this that make me pleased to live in Britain.

OK, we may all 'drink tea', 'love the queen', and talk like someone shoved an umbrella up our a$$ :rolleyes: but it appears the overall quality and nature of our women seem to be better (although we have plenty of feminized psycho-b*tches here too).

My first impression of American women was when I went over to New York a couple years back. (This was only at the airport as well, we hadn't gone into the damn country yet!)

I was signing some form to get in the country or something when without thinking I put the pen in my mouth (a habit I spose). Now if I'd have done that in England I'd probably have got a filthy look or something, but nothing more.

The next thing I know there is this hideous feminazi gawping at me in utter horror screaming 'OHHH MY GAAAAADD!!! You put MY pen in YOUR mouth?!?!? OHHH MY GAAAAADDD!!! I CAN-NOT BE-LEEEEVE you just did that!!! That was MY pen and YOU put it in YOUR MOUTH?!?!?'

Obviously startled and a little embarrased, I looked at her and gestured to give it back to her, and before I could even get to 'sorry...' she screamed 'I DON'T want that pen now!!! MY pen has YOUR germs on it!!! I don't want that pen back!! OH MY GAAAD!!!' :eek:

I left at that point, feeling as though I had murdered her grandmother or something (God only knows how an American woman would react to THAT?!?)

The point of this post? Not much really, just to say that I really feel for you guys out in the States. I can see why DYD's being '****y and arrogant' technique is so highly recommended. I'm sure not all American women are like this, but it appears the majority certainly are.

So all I can say, totally from the heart, is GOOD LUCK fellas.


Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by darthsidious
he forget a thing about "nice guys" they think they KNOW WOMEN.

he's a whiner and just because he lives in japan and believes he is a cool dude because he's dating women from a different culture.

while it's true that american society has taught women over here that it's okay to be a w hore, they have also taught men how to be into rapstar gay thugs. do you see any sites of women saying how awful they are? NO.

the problem with this guy is that he is unwilling to accept american women so he puts them down conveniently because he lives in japan.

i bet he's one of those typical geeky looking white guys who couldn't get any from white women and glorifies asian women. i've seen so many asian women and white men relationships to prove my point.. it's always the geeky looking white guy with an asian woman who has been rejected by her own kind.

if he is so great, he should post pics of himself

He's not a whiner, he's talking the truth. You call him a geek because he tells the truth?

American women are fvcked in the head. Anybody who disagrees with that isn't in touch with reality. There are still SOME good women in America, but like he said, few and far between.

I don't agree with everything he has to say, and I agree he has some issues, but what he said about most American women is spot on.

P.S. You'll now get the real whiners aka "Capn Save a Ho's" come on here and tell us that's just the way females are wired. It's our fault for not being man enough. While I agree that a lot of American men are wimps, I disagree that American women's behavior is somehow our fault, or they're "wired" that way. If that was the case, how come this type of fvcked up behavior is mainly found in North American women?

Our culture has changed from men being dominant, to men being portrayed on T.V. as buffoons, lucky to have a sensible woman in their lives. It's OK for women to make sexist remarks. It's some how "funny" or "cute" for a woman to bash her husband. Let a guy do the samething and see what happens.

Our courts are also skewed towards women, because officials are afraid if they don't side with the female, they'll be looked at as politically incorrect.

It's a sad state of affairs, but this guy is right about the behavior of American women. Most are spoiled little princesses, who get to pick and chose which guy they want, they can act in any disgusting manner they please, and if we complain, we're just those bad men who should be thankful we have a woman.


Don Juan
Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
Just read all about his ex gf. Wow, what a manipulative psycho and she was responsible for writing "rules" for dating. No wonder why the women race is ****ed up. They're following advice from damaged goods. Yea, I think most of what he says really sums it up for the majority of females.


Senior Don Juan
May 17, 2005
Reaction score
i never complain about women, if a woman is messed up or tries to manipulate me, i immediately walk away or turn the tables on her.


Don Juan
Apr 3, 2005
Reaction score
Canberra, Australia
The question isn't "are women fvcked in the head". Women have always been fvcked in the head. They haven't changed. If you think women have changed, you've got everything backwards. It's men who have changed.

Men used to be hunters, farmers, miners, sailors, builders, blacksmiths, warriors, leaders, defenders. We used to be killers. Endless physical labour was a way of life. OUR way of life. We used to be highly disciplined. We used to have strict codes of honour. We used to have real-life heroes who represented and fought for our ideals. The men of the past created everything you see around you today. Every nation and city, every religion and every justice system.

Now "men" are a sorry shadow of their former existence. We push pencils behind desks, type for hours behind glowing monitors, sell stock and flip burgers.

The roles that men now play in society are vastly different to the roles that they used to play. But the roles that women play are pretty much the same as they always have been. Women may have become "liberated", but anyone whose been around for long enough will be able to see that they haven't changed one bit. They are still all women, and still just as fvcked in the head. Now the only difference is they are the same women in different positions. But that same person will also tell you that men have definitely changed.

The question isn't about "how women are/aren't". It's "What are you going to do about it?"

Are you going to be a fvcking man and identify what needs to be done, and just fvcking do it? Or are you gonna complain and whine about how hard things are and why women have to be the way they are? Who cares why women are the way they are? What the hell can anyone do about that? Nothing. So the only thing left is to change yourself. Grab your balls, and see what you've gotta do, and just do it without a word or a moment of hesitation. That's a man.

American women, asian women, british women, afghani women... they're all women. What are you?