Reaching 40, successful, no luck with women


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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As you live in Germany, I don't get why you're wasting your time with the hoes and the women saddled with baggage from OLD when you could just bang some escorts. I mean, really, what kind of women do you expect to find on OLD at the age of 40? :rolleyes: Those in their 20s won't even see you due to the default age filter.

I would suggest to just get on with your life, you'll meet someone organically, if it's meant to be.
Germany has these great "sauna clubs", with lots of Eastern European talent. :cool:


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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If a late 30s/early 40s wants to meet a 20 something, the best thing he can do in order to achieve that is meet women through some real life method.

Find a way to speak German better. If I lived in Mexico and my Spanish wasn't on point, I would find a way to make sure to improve my Spanish.
In any big city, there will be some type of language meetup via Facebook for foreigners to practice the local language - to say nothing of formal classes.


Master Don Juan
Mar 7, 2022
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*When you are 40 you gotta realise that TIME FLIES. Remember Happy from Pharrell Williams dominating the charts? That's "only " 10 years ago...when you reach 60 you'll be a "default older man" and thus chances will decrease. This my brother, is your LAST opportunity to get things going...gun on your head, you must find p00sy or I'll start blasting..dont die as a man without ever taken risk regarding women.
Time flies for everyone. That hot 18-23 year old - it's only a blink of an eye until she is 35 and guys of ALL age don't look at her the same way.

I still remember seeing a hot blonde girl. Over the duration of a single year, she developed chins, crows feet, etc.. etc.. She became middle age and I think she was only 27. I noticed this throughout my life. hot girls. They don't have a lot of time. Men, we have more time. That doesn't mean we should waste it.

The good news is a year is a really long time. A lot can be done in a single year. As we get older, a year may seem inconsequential.. But that just wrong. That's not the right mind set. Set goals... do them... Instead of feeling that you are wasting your time.. instead of feeling time is moving fast, I've noticed having goals and actively trying to achieve them.. Time moves slower... You appreciate the moment more -- there are more obstacles more things to overcome.. Time slows down a bit more because you are forced to find solutions to a problem.. forced to live in the moment and experience it in "real time" instead of seeing it as time moving at the speed of a blink of an eye.

Thats just my 2 cents.

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
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How do you find 1 hour of gym time
you do the following:
Wake up and do fasted full speed sprints. 20-50 meters each depending on your tolerance. Do ten. Walk back each time, wait one full minute and go again. It will take you 18 minutes.

At the office on your slower periods you do push up pyramids. You simply go 10/20/30/40/50/60/50/40/30/20/10 and obviously you just build upwards to your abilities.

Sit-ups: work those in. 10-20 at a clip. Try and get 100 in.

If you can’t do this you really need to assess your life. This is virtually impossible not to be able to accomplish.

Learning Curve

Senior Don Juan
Feb 7, 2023
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I've massively upped my financial and social status in the last two years. My physique is almost the same as it was, maybe a bit worse due to being tired from work and my side business, which leaves very little energy to go to the gym regularly. Hopefully with warmer days ahead, I can go biking regularly which should help both physically and mentally as well, seeing that I'm living in a depressive country like Germany. No luck with women, been single for 2,5 years now and no s3x during this time either. It's pretty bad and I'm trying to get some females going but as I met them all online they're all somewhat away from me. All the ones I've met in real life here I've had no luck so I basically stopped trying. What else is there to do but to basically give up and continue hustling away on the work and the big passions in my life?
You have decided to focus on your health and wealth which is the way to go so don't get too judgmental with your self about this.

This will remove time from women since your focus is elsewhere and it should be and it's normal we are at the same boat.

Keep in mind that this is the sacrifice you have to make in order to provide to your family and for your self. Women are a distraction and you have to be careful so you don't get off-route when chasing women as now you are in the need for one.

Spare your time once a week and go out to find women and keep trying the online-dating to save time from approaching if you are that busy but don't think that you are doing something wrong or that you need to give up on women for any reason.

There is time and there is stages in life. Your stage now is health-wealth next stage is love. Now you have to focus on what you are doing but don't remove completely yourself from women as they are pleasure and you should seek one.

Find a better way to find them since what you are doing now is not working.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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That hot 18-23 year old - it's only a blink of an eye until she is 35 and guys of ALL age don't look at her the same way.
The 35 year old is still in big demand. She might not get approached in person as much anymore as when she was 21. However, if she uses social media or a swipe app actively, she barely notices the slow down in the number of men interested in her. These 35 year old women on swipe apps have hundreds of men expressing interest in her, which isn't much different than when she was 21.

Reality would hit more if she solely relied on real world ways of meeting men. With that said, a 35 year old woman with a good day-to-day routine will still generate sufficient interest in the real world.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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OP: I recall you said you had ten girlfriends. How come you didn’t turn just one of them into a serious life partner or wife?

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
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The 35 year old is still in big demand. She might not get approached in person as much anymore as when she was 21. However, if she uses social media or a swipe app actively, she barely notices the slow down in the number of men interested in her. These 35 year old women on swipe apps have hundreds of men expressing interest in her, which isn't much different than when she was 21.

Reality would hit more if she solely relied on real world ways of meeting men. With that said, a 35 year old woman with a good day-to-day routine will still generate sufficient interest in the real world.
Totally correct. 35 is not a block to her getting sexual interest AT ALL


Master Don Juan
Mar 7, 2022
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Totally correct. 35 is not a block to her getting sexual interest AT ALL
the average 35 year old female is not getting as much sexual interest as we would like to think. it's pretty much selection bias. we picture the atypical 35 year old woman who does have choices and who is fairly attractive. however, this is not the case for the AVERAGE woman. for example, the average height of a woman is arround 5'6" (I think), but the average weight is arround 170lbs

basically, go to a mall or a food court
look at most of the women around 35. would you have sex with most of them? I wouldn't.

the reason why some men think that the average 35 year old woman still has a lot of options is because of selection bias. this is the same for women who say guys have all the options. the AVERAGE guy does not.... only Chad's do...


Master Don Juan
Mar 7, 2022
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With that said, a 35 year old woman with a good day-to-day routine will still generate sufficient interest in the real world.
the average weight of a 35 year old year old woman is aprox. 170lbs.

does she still have as much interest as compared to when she was 23 weighing 120lbs?

selection bias :) the average man is invisible to most girls (that is why she cries and says most guys have multiple women when chad dumps her)... the average older woman is invisible to most guys (that is why some guys say that even older women have choice when they are only referring to old stacies)


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
the average 35 year old female is not getting as much sexual interest as we would like to think. it's pretty much selection bias. we picture the atypical 35 year old woman who does have choices and who is fairly attractive. however, this is not the case for the AVERAGE woman. for example, the average height of a woman is arround 5'6" (I think), but the average weight is arround 170lbs

basically, go to a mall or a food court
look at most of the women around 35. would you have sex with most of them? I wouldn't.

the reason why some men think that the average 35 year old woman still has a lot of options is because of selection bias. this is the same for women who say guys have all the options. the AVERAGE guy does not.... only Chad's do...
You bring up an excellent point that the RP loves to overlook when most men complain about women's high standards they are not talking about average women they are talking about hot women, which most men do not qualify for. I keep bringing up the example of the loser who lives in his parents basement. smokes pot, and has no job. Those guys feel entitled to a hot woman but why would a hot woman settle for a guy who is living at home with no ambition? Yeah I know outliers exist of the handsome Chad but most guys aren't Chad's (myself included)

It always baffled me that men complain about women wanting the best option when men do as well, granted women are more delusional with their options but when I'm watching RP podcasts in 2024 or Blackpill content (which I avoid now like the plague) a lot of those men sound delusional as well.

The cognitive dissonance is real