The 10-point rating system used to describe women is very common among men. The problem is that the system is highly subjective - not only do different qualities appeal to different people, but some people are much more willing to give out an 8 than others. The end result is that when some guy calls a girl a '6', you have no idea what he means.
One issue of contention is whether the 10-point system is graded along a bell curve or a linear distribution. In the case of a bell curve, 1s and 10s would be very rare, and the majority of women would fall into the 4-7 range. In a linear distribution, 10% of women should fall into each point - that is, 10% of women are 1s, 10% are 2s, 10% are 10s, etc.
The confusion here is obvious - a guy that uses the linear distribution might call a girl a 10, and his friend that uses the bell curve might say, "you think she's a 10??? What are you smoking? An 8 maybe, but surely not a 10!" The bell curve's problems are further compounded by the question of whether two guys use the same standard deviation - that is, how steep the bell curve is.
I generally use the bell curve but as I think about it, I think the linear distribution makes a lot more sense because it is more discriminating. With the linear distribution, you can ask yourself the following question: "If this girl was taken randomly with 99 others, do I think she would be one of the 10 cutest girls there? 20 cutest? 30?"
With this question you can get a very clear understanding of exactly how good looking she is. What do yall think?
One issue of contention is whether the 10-point system is graded along a bell curve or a linear distribution. In the case of a bell curve, 1s and 10s would be very rare, and the majority of women would fall into the 4-7 range. In a linear distribution, 10% of women should fall into each point - that is, 10% of women are 1s, 10% are 2s, 10% are 10s, etc.
The confusion here is obvious - a guy that uses the linear distribution might call a girl a 10, and his friend that uses the bell curve might say, "you think she's a 10??? What are you smoking? An 8 maybe, but surely not a 10!" The bell curve's problems are further compounded by the question of whether two guys use the same standard deviation - that is, how steep the bell curve is.
I generally use the bell curve but as I think about it, I think the linear distribution makes a lot more sense because it is more discriminating. With the linear distribution, you can ask yourself the following question: "If this girl was taken randomly with 99 others, do I think she would be one of the 10 cutest girls there? 20 cutest? 30?"
With this question you can get a very clear understanding of exactly how good looking she is. What do yall think?