There is no justification for a false accusation, and the false accuser should pay for bringing false allegations, but the problem isnt as widespread as you think it is.
Only 2-8% of rapes are falsely reported, the same percentage as for other felonies
34 out of every 100 rapes are reported, that would mean that 2.4 of those reported rapes are false accusations
I think those stats are rapidly changing. Kavanaugh is a prime example of how accusations are now enough to rally thousands of people to derail a man based on one woman's accusations. Aziz Ansari was another one. If the woman hadn't basically explained how she thought a bad date was sexual assault then he probably would have ended up with more heat. Luckily, he picked an idiot to take home that night.
But going down the line, mattress girl turned out to be a lie. She was begging him for anal sex via text days after he "raped" her. She admitted to friends that it was bull**** and they came forward when it all started to blow up. The guy in that story was kicked out of university and persecuted for years until the real story came out. His life is forever tarnished based on a bull**** lie that the media gobbled up and spat out everywhere. I've also had a friend accused of a rape I know first hand he didn't do. She was drinking and horny and hitting on guys, including myself, all night. I saw her leave with my friend lucid enough to be making decisions. My friend had posters put up doxxing him as a rapist. In a small town, this was a big deal. She never faced punishment despite it being reported to the police.
But this idea now that we should start destroying men before there is evidence of a crime is unforgivable. Anyone who's tweeted #believewomen #believevictims is guilty of demonizing men. I'm all for #metoo outing men when there's evidence, Cosby and Harvey are great examples of what can happen. But those 2-8% of false accusations are important. We've all now seen the damage they can do. I have had it happen to a friend and I care about those men.
I've also had female friends who were raped in such a way that it was impossible to prosecute. I feel for them and I believe them as a friend. But the law needs to be impartial and weighted on the burden of proof or we descend back into the witch trials. #metoo is the modern "witch, witch!".
I also strongly believe women should protect themselves from rape the same way men protect themselves from assaults and muggings. Men are constantly on guard for this stuff. Guys to avoid because they look like they're up for a fight. Neighborhoods that are dodgy at 3am. I encourage women in my life to learn Krav Maga, develop situational awareness and care about where they are. Just like men do silently all their lives.