Why would u hate it, i hate it to, but when u really think about it why do u. "what dosn't kill u, only makes u stronger" is exactlly what these girls do. If u can take the most *****iest comment why would u b scared of talking to any woman, they threw there worst at u and ur still standing. It is also this what seperates u from any other man, the men who complain about it and stop doing it due to these women r the weaker men and guess what that just leaves more for us because there to chicken to do it. Don't become one of these men who stops because of the "*****es".
If u could also approach every set and get a result what would b the point everyone will do it. its the fact that life is so imperfect is what makes it perfect. Perfect is crap, if u can't fail whats the point theres no achievement in that thus and loses value. if these *****es didn't exhist life has u know it won't b the same and no where near enough fun. Failure is what makes us stronger.
I wanted to say few things off subject but still on subject to u. Now first i'm not trying to insult u, i am giving u truth.
Now u r a character thats what i like about u el stud, even if u get quite a lot of negative vibes from people it shows u stand out and u wud probs go a lot further than those who do nothing. But u r limited due to this, this is ur strength and ur weakness. If ur able to understand this u can master game. Theres ying and yang, now u got to understand there is truth in what ur saying, but theres truth in what these people r saying has well.
Being narrow minded and not listening to anyone else will get u no where, just imagine if no one listened to our teachers or anyone we would b all stupid and sucking ur thumbs. People give u information what u do with it is up to u, but if u don't allow the exchange ur making improvement very harder on urself.
ELstud: field work = +10
El stud: not listening to anyone else trying new thing= -10
= 0 no improvement
for people who don't field work on site
RAndom dude who stays on computer: field work = -10
RD( not me lol): listens to what ever everyone else says and learns new things = +10
= 0 no improvement
Dj: field work= +10
Dj: listens and trys new things from information from other people = +10
= +20 gaming points IMPROVEMENTS
I feel u have the opposite problem el stud to quite a lot of people who don't field work but learn from other people. If u don't experiment u can't improve doing is 10 times better than seeing. Vice versia if u don't get any new info and do same old ****, do u think if a man goes up to u and points at computer parts and tells u to make a computer with no knowledge of it at all, that u would b able do it? What makes our race so bright is that we learn from eachother, if no one got taught in the world we would all b cavemen without spears..fire....or CARS(CAVEMEN INVENTED THE WHEEL RIGHT?)
but the fact u got PART a (field work) is still good u got half the puzzle, now open ur mind try new things listen to everyone use ur sources and find best way for u. Even if it sounds dumb try it out, u will b suprised, come back and tell that person ur idea was stupid didn't work or wow thanks man never thought about that.
Dude if u can do that with ur field work u would b one of the best DJS out there, if u refuse and decide to not open ur mind, u will improve tortoise style.
Think thats the longest advice i ever given anyone, u can listen to it or not up to u, Like i said though i am no intention to insult u, i'm trying to help u. Hope one day u will get what u want though, but if ur willing to do what i said i know u will get what u want.
ps: don't judge ur success by the amount of numbers u got in ur pocket, been there done that, it dosn't get u very far, it builds ur ego up just to get u let down by yes another flake and ur ego makes u blind to ur improvement. Rather judge it by how much u IMPROVED to ur ultimate goal......