ElStud said:
So is it really unattractive qualities? I don't think so.
I want to adress this point. If they really WERE attractive qualities, girls would be ATTRACTED to you!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep reading.
Of course it is a good thing what you are doing. Being nice and all. You go man! And, of course, girls like it when a guy cares for them. (Is it the number one priority? Well, girls prefer jerks. So no.) But you must be lacking in other things, that's why they don't choose you. You are a nice guy. And they ALWAYS end LAST. You said it yourself!
Jerks display confidence. Girls are attracted to them. Nice guys display... sweetness. Okay. It's attractive ONLY when combined with boldness, and manliness.
You see, biology is what programmed girls. Many many years of evolution, ElStud! Why are we attracted to girls with big boobs? There is a reason. Why are not girls hot for you? There is a valid reason too, man. It's not unfair. It is fair as fair can be. Think about it to see if you agree.
You are doing something unattractive. There are some positive things these Jerks do that you must figure out what they are. And learn them too, then you will be attractive.
You also have good qualities. That jerks don't, like you are a caring guy, etc. Somehow, biology decided that jerks are overall more useful then nice guys. You think it isn't fair? How fair would it be that we were attracted to girls with small breasts? We would be SCREWED, our babies wouldn't be happy at all!
I WANT to add to this thread that girls aren't "bad" at all. It's how they were made, we were also made in a certain way. Girls are very fun to be around, and you will spend great times with them.

No woman-bashing.
And chicks DO want a REAL MAN, who is
not a jerk. Man, I remember Pook... he said it perfectly, the master in this kinda talk, he was!

I read that three years ago, and I still remember. I took it to heart.
I also agree with Julius_Seizeher, some very valid points there!
But ElStud, IMO there is plenty of off the chain advice here in this thread. That is why this board kicks so much ass. If you listened more, and tought more about stuff, you would evolve more, it would be good for you I think.
Iceberg told something cool, nice is boring, may I add it is boring only without dominance, for example, being smooth, (Hey beautiful

) that is kinda being nice and confident at the same time no? :crackup: