Rant About Wing


Don Juan
May 28, 2009
Reaction score
I just want to get this off my chest. Pretty much every guy I've met in the community, save two or three has been a weirdo. The latest dude is one of the more irritating examples.

ALL he talks is about "game." He seemingly has no other interests. Except maybe W o W. Some online game he's obsessed about.

Also, his conversational skills are limited to his "DHV's." He tries to turn every little triviality of his life into a "DHV." It's so obvious and annoying.

The thing is, my other friends get really weird when going out and I talk to women. They just freak out and literally sh#t their pants.

This community dude accepts, even encourages pickup. But he's so annoying and irritating, I feel like dropping him altogether.

Anyway, that's my rant. Had to get that off my chest.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
Reaction score
Never depend on wings. This wingman stuff is great in theory, but in real life, I think it backfires the majority of times. The fact of the matter is, if there is an attractive girl, most guys are going to want her for themselves. That inevitably leads to competition and you might end up getting c0ck blocked by the very guy that's supposed to be helping you!

It's between you and the girl. So it's easiest to go solo.

Even if your friends are scared of picking up chicks, there's nothing that's stopping you. You can go out with them, hang out and then also go and do your thing with the ladies. Just go out to have a good time. Socialize with your friends and also mack on the chicks.

Friends are friends. They're people who you can talk to and whose company you can enjoy. They're not tools to help you pickup chicks. If they're too scared to go out there and pickup chicks, that leaves more ladies for you! And maybe if they see you take home a gorgeous number, they'll jump into the game as well.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
kody_starr said:
I just want to get this off my chest. Pretty much every guy I've met in the community, save two or three has been a weirdo. The latest dude is one of the more irritating examples.

ALL he talks is about "game." He seemingly has no other interests. Except maybe W o W. Some online game he's obsessed about.

Also, his conversational skills are limited to his "DHV's." He tries to turn every little triviality of his life into a "DHV." It's so obvious and annoying.

The thing is, my other friends get really weird when going out and I talk to women. They just freak out and literally sh#t their pants.

This community dude accepts, even encourages pickup. But he's so annoying and irritating, I feel like dropping him altogether.

Anyway, that's my rant. Had to get that off my chest.
This is why I'm a loner.

Wings suck, and have just about no purpose. It's much more efficient to just quickly make a few quick friends in the venue to fall back to, or to joke around with.

And I used to have friends that I'd go out with, but I stopped hanging out with them because they were such p*ssies. THEY would get scared if I went to go approach a girl, they'd always try to talk me out of it and try to plant limiting beliefs in me. I don't need that ****.

So now I'm a guy who doesn't have any close friends that are male, only acquaintances from work and activities.

I don't know if I'm independent or dysfunctional, but this is what works for me.


Master Don Juan
May 18, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
That is the problem with the "community". Lots of guys get on community boards local to their area and meet up with these "community guys". You need to ask yourself something: why are these guys..."IN THE COMMUNITY"? (i.e. in the sense that they meet up with other local community guys to go out "sarging")

The answer is (for a lot of them, not all). . . . .because they are often socially inept, nerdy and weird. That's why they joined these stupid "lairs" in the 1st place. This is not all of them at all - but it includes many that I have met.

The solution to this problem? Get out of this ridiculous "community" mentality. How about just having normal friends - rather than ones you met for the sole purpose of going out "sarging". I just go out clubbing with my friends and pull girls. And for fvcks sake, if you don't have friends who naturally pull girls - you need to more friends man. Pulling girls is a normal thing - you don't need to join and meet up with a "local lair" in order to do it :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Oct 24, 2006
Reaction score
wings are supposed to help you get out into the field and out doing things. beware of getting sucked into a ****fest looking for a good time, avoid that situation at all cost. nobody wants a bunch of dudes that think they got game. even if you gotta ditch them. also, those negative people that aren't down to have a good time and are too shy to hang out with girls, unless you can convince them otherwise, they're never too great to have around...


Senior Don Juan
Oct 19, 2008
Reaction score
Wings can make or break you. The best answer is to find some good friends with natural game. Remember, your biggest goal in going out is to have fun - pulling ass should take second seat. If you find people who already live like that, chances are they could make a good wingman -- and you may not even have to prompt them to do so.


Don Juan
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Just put my "NO GAME RULE" in effect whenever you go out with Community guys.

In essence, you're not allowed to talk about Game (except in the most general terms or in need of immediate assistance with a girl). If you do, you buy a round of shots.

Either way you go, not talking Game or getting drunk, you're both gonna end up not talking Game at the end of the night, that's for sure :nono:

Here are some rules to Social Circle Wingmanship:


Don Juan
May 28, 2009
Reaction score
I've just realized the guy is a sleaze. He makes people cringe and pull away when he tries to talk to them. I feel the same way, lol.


Don Juan
May 28, 2009
Reaction score
Against my better judgment, I actually "sarged" with this guy again. I just left him, I just couldn't stand being around him.

The thing is, I don't respect him. He's basically a fat, lazy fvck looking for a short cut to getting laid. Which I don't think he needs, because the only girls he seems to hook up with, are quite fat.

Interestingly, even the majority of fat girls don't want to date him. There's one girl he's been trying to hook up with for months. She is fat, short and basically looks like a man. She won't go out with him, but loves to lead him on, by sending him sexually suggestive texts.

Also, his constant lying is getting ridiculous. He says his "friends" used to get jealous of how pimp he was going to clubs, but then let it slip that he's only been going to clubs for a month, which is as long as I've known him.

From what I can tell, he's scared to actually meet girls in person, so he goes on to dating websites and basically hooks up, or tries to hook up with, heavy girls.

Anyway, I'll let this sleazy weirdo alone. I've tolerated him much longer than I should.