Random Hot Girl Question


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
Ok, so me this girl 2 weeks ago on boat from a coworker. Got her number....been texting and stuff. the following Friday picked her up from her apt, took her out to a bar, had fun, went to the parking lot to leave and we made out...took her back to her apt, in the parking lot made out some more. she has showed signs of interest. recent break up 2 months ago, said she isnt ready for a relationship I said neither am I.

In the parking lot to her apartment she told me she would love for me to come up and snuggle with her because she is lonely and loves snuggling. Foolish move I know, I declined because I had to drive 5+ hours the next day to a wedding reception. She walks to her door all bummed then comes back and kisses me through the car before she leaves to finally go home.

Next day I text her asking her things like its all normal. She tells me she doesnt really didnt remember the night. I never brought up the kissing part but did remind her of how she acted kind of wild. She then said she did have a fling with my coworker (who brought her on my boat the first time we met, and she said she kind of likes him) she then asked why I would still pursue her knowing that and that she was going through rough times. I just responded with we have only hung out one time and I'm still getting to know her.

Any thoughts on how to proceed with this one? I am currently texting her as we speak.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
She asked you to have sex with her, and you said 'no.' :down:

Hot girls don't handle rejection very well, because they typically don't have to. That's why she is saying she doesn't remember anything; it's a way to save face and to imply that she only asked you inside because she was drunk.

The 'why do you like me; you don't really like me' routine is more of her trying to deal with being rejected. Just brush it aside- it's all a trap. If you tell her you like her, that's a turn-off, so there is no winning in that conversation.

Just act like nothing ever happened and try to set up your second chance. And just a mental note for next time, "snuggle" means 'fvck.' You'll probably only get one more chance with her, as she is definitely not going to take being rejected twice.


New Member
Jul 26, 2012
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This "I don't remember last night" happens to me a lot. I think it's because many girls only want a one night lover.


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
Getting with a drunk girl is not all that fun. It's practically given to you. It's almost like cheating UNLESS you're drunk too, then go for it big guy. But yea, hot girls usually aren't used to getting rejected and they say that "I don't remember last night" stuff to exonerate themselves from whatever it was they did the night before. Her asking questioning you is just her seeking validation. And it doesn't matter who she get's with because in the end you're a DJ, and you'll come out on top. Its simple math. lol


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
Best move next? I have been texting her more then she has been me. Lay off for a bit? Wait for her to come back? Want to win this girl over, but Ive been with so many crazy girls recently I'm trying not to fall for this girl to quickly. I told her that. She doesn't have many friends and I go out all the time so whats my next move?

Mantis Toboggan

Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2010
Reaction score
KillShot said:
Best move next? I have been texting her more then she has been me.
What are you texting about if you're not hanging out with her? I see guys doing that so often on this site. If you've hung out with the girl a few times, then what's there to talk about every day on text? Television? The new Doritos taco at Taco Bell?

Lay off for a bit? Wait for her to come back?
Well, not to be a d!ck, but what are your options? Obviously being her texting buddy didnt work. So your only move is to do the opposite.

Want to win this girl over, but Ive been with so many crazy girls recently I'm trying not to fall for this girl to quickly. I told her that. She doesn't have many friends and I go out all the time so whats my next move?
You told her that you're trying not to fall her for too quickly? Ah man. You're making bad move after bad move, Romeo.


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
No didnt say I will not fall for her to quickly. I basically said she is a number and that I dont fall for girls quickly. We hung out last on Sunday and watched tv and just really hung out sober.