Raising interest...


Oct 13, 2002
Reaction score
Chesapeake, Virginia, USA
Im curious as to how you all would go about raising interest in a girl who doesnt really think a relationship would work with you even tho she has feelings there... shoot.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2002
Reaction score
if u know ss, use it to change her mindset into being totally happy in an idealistic relationship w/u.


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2003
Reaction score
Madtown USA


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2003
Reaction score
Go and see other girls. Make sure she knows about it too.


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Framboise
Im curious as to how you all would go about raising interest in a girl who doesnt really think a relationship would work with you even tho she has feelings there... shoot.
Read that again...she likes you, but doesn't think a relationship would work...how about a relationship where you two spend nearly the whole time in the bedroom? That could work.


Don Juan
Jul 7, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by StuartScott x 2
SS is crap.
I don't agree with you after my weekend experiences...

I've never read about speed seduction, but I could have had a one night stand 2 nights ago, with a girl who was sober, if there hadn't been so many other women in the tent we were in.

Within the first 5 hours (maximum) of knowing this girl, I rubbed her cvnt through her pajama's, felt her tits under her shirt, she rubbed my wang. It all started with me playing footsies with her. Its not threatening to play footsies with a girl. After a bit of that, hold hands with her, rub her hands with your thumb, finger, while your holding her hand you can use the same hand to feel different parts of her body without her getting nervous, cuz she has complete control of your hand. Take it slow. One thing will lead to another. If you feel her getting nervous or wanting to stop or anything, just grab her hand and hold hands with her for a bit, rubbing her palm with your thumb and shlt till shes happy again, and then continue. The chick grabbed my hand once or twice because she was getting too horny while I was rubbin her cl1t...just about to the point of moaning and she didn't want the other people in the tent to hear her.

If you suddenly grab her cvnt without any of the shlt building up to it, you are fvcked. Gotta get a girl into the mood.

I did something similar to this another time too - me and this chick were sitting on opposite sides of my truck with our legs on the seat, so her feet were right beside me. I wanted to fvck her but didn't really know where to start so I just started tickling her feet and rubbing them a bit for a while, goin up her leg after a while, she started doing the same to me, and I later rubbed her puss and shlt. Forplay is so important, and it makes chicks so horny... utterly priceless.

So if your definition of speed seduction is getting a chick to want to fvck you in a matter of a few hours or something, it isn't crap. I never learned from anyone else how to do it, you just have to practice and take some risks. It came to me surprisingly natural - its almost like its an instinct how to turn a girl on or something. Just go with your instincts, and make your goal to make them as horny as possible. Don't worry about yourself as much at first. Make her horny, then put her hand on your wang. Use your mouth, feet, hands, tongue, arms, donk, etc., to make her horny. You have the tools, just go with it, and if she says no or you feel her getting uncomfortable at any time, slow it down. I've never had a girl say no, though. Just make sure you take it really slow. Read the girl's actions - breathing rates, temperature, facial expressions, etc.

At one point, to make sure that she was into me and wanted me to be doing this stuff, I just stopped everything. Laid there for a bit. She reaches over, grabs my hand and brings my arm around her, puts it on her tit. I did the same shlt with my friends cousin too last summer - we were sleeping in my camper, she was beside me and she put her hand on my chest and stuff, and then she rolled over. I was like wtf, so I just layed there. She grabbed my hand and put it on her tit. I started fondling, and after a bit she was breathing pretty damn heavy. - another girl that I only knew for 1 day.

Sorry this is so long fellas, but I just wanted to make the point that speed seduction is not just a load of crap. It is definitely possible to win a girl over sexually in a short amount of time. I am living proof. Although I have never read anything about it, it works. And with that, I think I'm going to go read about it for once, see if they can give me any tips I don't already know... ;)


StuartScott x 2

Senior Don Juan
Oct 4, 2002
Reaction score
THAT'S NOT SPEED SEDUCTION CHEVY. (the definition of speed seduction on this forum that is)

I'm talking about that Ross jeffries crap where you say stuff like "can you imagine a time bla bla bla. Basically hypnotizing a girl into liking you.

Do a search, I don't feel like making any long posts explaining my position.