Master Don Juan
before I say this I want to first say that 95% of the people on this forum, probably even more than that, aren't racist in the slightest. This post isn't' even about this forum this is about some real life ****, but I'm just putting this out there before the spambots come along. So this isn't directed towards anyone in particular here.
I'm approaching this in a very logical manner because it works in a very logical manner. There will be no name calling, no shamming, no racist remarks in this thread.
As you know I'm black. I've been black pretty much my entire life lol. Now gaming as a black man trying to game women of all races, is one thing. But being married to a woman who is white and having a biracial son, you see, hear, a lot of ****.
And again I want to stress, for the most part, especially here in LA, no one gives a **** lol. I've stated this before in the sense, I've never met a truly racist woman in my life. I'm not saying I've never been rejected by a woman for the color of my skin, but not because they found it repulsive, more along the lines "my dad won't approve/what will my frineds think/etc" thing. Women from my personal experience aren't racist. At least the type of racism we are talking about in this thread
Racism is a male thing. In fact, racism isn't even really racism anymore. No one thinks I'm an idiot who should not be allowed to go ot the same school as they do if I have the grades to do so. No one thinks I should not be able to eat at the same restaurants as they do. That's racism. That's good ole fashioned, screw you colored people lol racism.
No what you have no is race shaming. In other words, you have people who go around trying to make other people.. really, make themselves feel better about the color of their skin by shaming another race.
I deal with racism probably better than any black man I know. Def better than most here on this forum do, you never see me get suckered into silly ass race baiting discussions. I Don't care how tantalizing the bait is. I don't' lose my cool every time someone throws around a bad stereotype or throws some phrases together that I don't care for. The reason I'm able to do so basically is because of what this site taught me.
And the site taught me, that racism is nothing more than rationalized blue pill / beta male think. what I mean is this
I don't see race as anything more than another machine for the beats to rage against. I don't take it personally. Because it's not personal. Guys who aren't poor will rage against the rich guy machine. Always painting the rich guy as some aloof beta male with nothing but money, consolidating themselves in the fact that the only reason women lik them is because of their money.
guys who aren't good looking will rage against the good looking guy machine. going out of their way to tell you that looks don't matter and if they do happen to get a lot of attention, painting all women who happen to want to see the good looking guy over the avg looking guy as a **** carousel rider slut type woman. Because obviously the only people who prefer good looking people are sluts.
You even have your niche machines. Like foreign women only guy. Or NO women over 30 guy. Hey whatever floats your boat.
But you also have the race machine. And again I want to stress that i"m not talking about anyone here, though some would fit the mold, but no one sticks out in my mind when I say this, I'm just observing **** from real life. And to me this is really the sorriest of the entire bunch. It's quite pathetic and sad to see in real life. The reason I say this is because the good looking machine guy can have a lot of **** going for him, he just isn't good looking. The same for machine rage guy. But racism rage machine guy is basically just a dude lol. He has nothing, whatsoever else going for him other than the fact that he's white/black/whatever (I've seen it work both ways not just white guys). The only saving grace that his guy has, the only hat he can put on is the fact that he isn't another skin color.
This guy isn't even racist. He is just mad and bitter. At best sheltered.
I am making this post for 2 reasons
1. under no circumstances is it EVER okay for you to be "that guy" in the real dating world. Teh guy who inquires about the races of the guys that a girl has previously slept with, the guy who makes stupid racist remarks the guy who points out how white /black people do X or Y and black / white people don't do X and Y. I saw a guy do this in real life this weekend (Why i am making this post) And i was like did this **** just really happen lol? Then the motherfvcker wonders why the girl went out of her way to not hang out with him
for the sake of game, I'm not even saying you can't have your stupid ass beliefs lol. I'm saying don't in any way, shape or form disclose anything in this realm on a date with a woman. don't broach the subject i don;'t care what she says your response should be "that's cool".
This is some **** i took for granted that most guys just knew, this is common sense ****, but the **** I saw this weekend made me do a double take. You don't do this and expect to get your knob polished.
2. To guys of any race who might be the subject of these remarks, undresatnd it for what it is. When I see a "racist" guy today i see really the most pathetic of beta males, brush it off your shoulder and don't take it personally.
I'm approaching this in a very logical manner because it works in a very logical manner. There will be no name calling, no shamming, no racist remarks in this thread.
As you know I'm black. I've been black pretty much my entire life lol. Now gaming as a black man trying to game women of all races, is one thing. But being married to a woman who is white and having a biracial son, you see, hear, a lot of ****.
And again I want to stress, for the most part, especially here in LA, no one gives a **** lol. I've stated this before in the sense, I've never met a truly racist woman in my life. I'm not saying I've never been rejected by a woman for the color of my skin, but not because they found it repulsive, more along the lines "my dad won't approve/what will my frineds think/etc" thing. Women from my personal experience aren't racist. At least the type of racism we are talking about in this thread
Racism is a male thing. In fact, racism isn't even really racism anymore. No one thinks I'm an idiot who should not be allowed to go ot the same school as they do if I have the grades to do so. No one thinks I should not be able to eat at the same restaurants as they do. That's racism. That's good ole fashioned, screw you colored people lol racism.
No what you have no is race shaming. In other words, you have people who go around trying to make other people.. really, make themselves feel better about the color of their skin by shaming another race.
I deal with racism probably better than any black man I know. Def better than most here on this forum do, you never see me get suckered into silly ass race baiting discussions. I Don't care how tantalizing the bait is. I don't' lose my cool every time someone throws around a bad stereotype or throws some phrases together that I don't care for. The reason I'm able to do so basically is because of what this site taught me.
And the site taught me, that racism is nothing more than rationalized blue pill / beta male think. what I mean is this
I don't see race as anything more than another machine for the beats to rage against. I don't take it personally. Because it's not personal. Guys who aren't poor will rage against the rich guy machine. Always painting the rich guy as some aloof beta male with nothing but money, consolidating themselves in the fact that the only reason women lik them is because of their money.
guys who aren't good looking will rage against the good looking guy machine. going out of their way to tell you that looks don't matter and if they do happen to get a lot of attention, painting all women who happen to want to see the good looking guy over the avg looking guy as a **** carousel rider slut type woman. Because obviously the only people who prefer good looking people are sluts.
You even have your niche machines. Like foreign women only guy. Or NO women over 30 guy. Hey whatever floats your boat.
But you also have the race machine. And again I want to stress that i"m not talking about anyone here, though some would fit the mold, but no one sticks out in my mind when I say this, I'm just observing **** from real life. And to me this is really the sorriest of the entire bunch. It's quite pathetic and sad to see in real life. The reason I say this is because the good looking machine guy can have a lot of **** going for him, he just isn't good looking. The same for machine rage guy. But racism rage machine guy is basically just a dude lol. He has nothing, whatsoever else going for him other than the fact that he's white/black/whatever (I've seen it work both ways not just white guys). The only saving grace that his guy has, the only hat he can put on is the fact that he isn't another skin color.
This guy isn't even racist. He is just mad and bitter. At best sheltered.
I am making this post for 2 reasons
1. under no circumstances is it EVER okay for you to be "that guy" in the real dating world. Teh guy who inquires about the races of the guys that a girl has previously slept with, the guy who makes stupid racist remarks the guy who points out how white /black people do X or Y and black / white people don't do X and Y. I saw a guy do this in real life this weekend (Why i am making this post) And i was like did this **** just really happen lol? Then the motherfvcker wonders why the girl went out of her way to not hang out with him
for the sake of game, I'm not even saying you can't have your stupid ass beliefs lol. I'm saying don't in any way, shape or form disclose anything in this realm on a date with a woman. don't broach the subject i don;'t care what she says your response should be "that's cool".
This is some **** i took for granted that most guys just knew, this is common sense ****, but the **** I saw this weekend made me do a double take. You don't do this and expect to get your knob polished.
2. To guys of any race who might be the subject of these remarks, undresatnd it for what it is. When I see a "racist" guy today i see really the most pathetic of beta males, brush it off your shoulder and don't take it personally.