Some further explanation...
A few year's back, a 20-something year old girl was killed, and possibly raped in Boston. I believe she was from Cali, and was out at night. The details of the crime were such that, she went to a bar with several friends on a weekday night. Got fairly intoxicated, and then proceeded to leave the bar alone, at 2am or later. In the end, it turns out a bouncer had raped and killed her.
To be or not to be?
She did not DESERVE this...but let's find the "critical" mistakes she made that lead her to this unfortunate end.
1. It's dumb for a girl to be out late at night, ALONE.
2. It's even dumber for a girl to be out drinking, late at night, ALONE.
3. Unless a girl is with her BF, BROTHER, or FATHER, or other male family figure, I never count her as being safe while drinking. Many rapes occur because the male figure is someone she knows.
4. Drinking has become a social sport, akin to golf or fantasy baseball. I like my drinks, but people don't realize it causes death, diabetes, and many stupid decisions we wouldn't otherwise make sober.
Did she create her reality?
100% YES!
Even the radio newscasters, said as much, even though people were outraged. Why? I'd never let a sister, gf, mother, daughter, etc, etc do what this girl did. I'm always aware that there's precisely THAT chance of it happening. Look at what she put herself into? She was a pretty, intelligent, and apparently nice girl...and she's dead. Rhyme or reason? Take that up with God. Odds are damn good if a girl is out boozing without a pack of friends, something will happen. TV has people believing GOOD things happen all the time like Porn Stars on TV or playboy playmates...what they don't show are the countless abortions, children born out of wedlock, diseases, rapes, and murders because of situations like THIS that INVITE such outcomes. Attraction? Yes, because she allowed all the elements of a bad situation to arise to come together, and she just happened to be the 1 in 10 chance who was unlucky. Was I sad? Yes. Did I feel bad? Not really, because she CHOSE, and MANY choices lead to that bad outcome.
As far as good food's not what it used to be. Most is engineered, and if you don't specifically grow it, odds are it was given some growth hormones, toxic pesticides, or whatever else is all over your salad, beef or fish that makes it more profitable for the companies. Thinking Fat? Yes. It makes you fat. Calories make you fat. Inactivity makes you fat. Where you get this point, I don't know. But a person who never believes they can be thing, or what thin is, or active, never will even try. Remember henry ford?
"Whether you think you can or you can't, you are right."
Extrapolate what you will from it, logic or LOA.
As I mentioned, LOA was around LONG before The Secret, The Secret just provided a different and more profitable spin on it. Years ago a book was written by Michael Losier, an NLP practitioner from Canada, called "The Law of Attraction." In it, he has a person go through what they're saying, believing, and actually wanting, and compare that to what they're getting. It's a very real exercise, with real results. When people examine what they say on a daily basis, what they think on a daily basis, and what they feel on a daily basis, they'll notice hardly anyone ACTUALLY works on the specific outcome they want.
It's entirely possible people in these depressed countries are so INGRAINED into their chosen realities, that they can't accept anything different. It's like...being born in the matrix, and not know anything else exists. They're so low on Maslow's hierarchy of needs, that just getting food and medicine is MORE important, such that "thinking" wealth, health and freedom is like imaging anyone here will be Bill Gates or the President tomorrow. What's going on overseas is a complex situation, one that can't be easily defined by any system. We could harp on the war and how much that's costing, and debate whether it has merit...but let me ask...for who is such a war making the world a better place? The belief is everyone, but in the process we kill a few people who are innocent to make OUR greedy lives better...and here people in the US complain about life. Even life at poverty is apparently BETTER than what it is internationally, wouldn't you agree?
So if people stepped up HERE, stopped complaining, appreciated the "matrix" they have here, and made it the BEST they could...don't you think the whole world would change?
A wise seer once said..."You can carpet the whole world, but it's easier to put on your own slippers."'s easier to care for yourself, because that's one less person feeding off everyone else. That's one MORE person who can contribute to moving humanity. That's one more person who puts POSITIVE thought in, instead of ADDING negative thought to the batch. That's one more person who if he/she wanted...could donate money or time. Yet, if you're in poverty yourself, emotionally, physically, financially, then you're just a leech, too. We need more FISHERS, not people begging for FISH.
If you'd read "Ask and It is Given", you'd see you can't create in anyone else's reality. You don't need to read the book to get why you can't "wish" away poverty and give everyone unlimited wealth and happiness. That's common sense. No person responding here has created or shaken my reality, hence the stalwart posts. I'm willing to read, listen, and respond, but not necessarily alter. LOA would require a WORLDWIDE effort, but yet, time and time again, more people are their own worst enemies.
Women will pick or fvck the wrong guy.
People make the same dumb financial mistakes.
Other people drunk drive.
I don't feel bad for humanity, because humanity doesn't feel bad for me. I care for me, and respect people based on their virtues, not their vices.
I had a buddy who just lost his license because he refused a breathilizer test. LOA baby. Not only was he driving home at 3am from Boston after work, but he also drank enough to blow cost to the legal limit. He put himself IN THAT situation, he was speeding at about 80-85 on a Friday night. That's the perfect alignment to get nabbed. DO I feel bad? Not really. In the land of the free, and the home of the brave, of the all the dumb things we choose to do, we drink and endanger our lives and other peoples? Come on. Nobody can say they appreciate the fact we have heat, hot and cold water, electricity, light at the flip of a switch, our friends, our family, our loved ones, breathing, walking, running, lifting, seeing, sight, hearing. Nobody. Being selfish and researching LOA doesn't mean you exclude other people...or hurt other don't create or damage other people's realities WITHOUT THEIR CHOOSING. It means you care for you and appreciate your own existence, the bliss of simplicity. People pay THOUSANDS of dollars to live more simply on vacations, and they run like rabbits on treadmills in big cities, driving gas guzzling cars to get more of what they actually want...more love, better looks, a simpler way of life, relaxation. They take the long, hard, painful road, when what they want is right before them. If you want to do it, do it. But accepting a 150k a year job, to be MORE free is a convulted way of creating freedom, when you'll probably have to work 12 hours a day just to have the money to have the illusion of freedom.
Even the Bible and world religions haven't accounted for crises. Political leaders play chess games on a global scale because people don't truly stand up and demand a better, perhaps more humane reality. LOA isn't a religion, as much as everyone appears to paint it out to be. It's a thought system, that even has ties to why and how people use SoSuave. It's interwoven in all books dating back to Think and Grow Rich, and possibly earlier. Yet, in the end...nobody can tell you what reality is...if that were so, the greatest of the greats, and the lowest of the lows wouldn't be who they are. Because ultimately THEY CHOSE what they wanted, got it, regardless of what people said. So what effect will Kevin Hogan, an article, or a bunch of guys here to pick up chicks have on anyone's reality that actually wants to make their life as they see fit with any beliefs that get them there???