Race Specific Engineered virus?



It was those Giant Lizards from the Rothschild and Rockefeller Dynasties who caused this.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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perseverance said:
from the Rothschild and Rockefeller Dynasties who caused this.
they are the ones who paid you to write your comment ...so quickly after mine right :D


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2009
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U.S. East
As much as I hate conspiracy theories, discrete biological warfare is probably the new way to go. A lot of the world has nukes, you can't set one off without a world ending scenario, but if you can engineer a disease and discretely hide it, then that's something else entirely.

Kind of like how computer viruses always seem to hit Iran nuclear facilities yet we all know its probably Israel. Sure, Iran can't prove it and Israel won't admit it but we all know what's up. Governments could just release diseases discretely and we'd have no way of proving exactly where it came from.

For example in my class I learned that viral vectors can be taken apart and a gene of interest (GOI) can be inserted into the viral carrier. Using this method scientists were able to insert a gene into the dog's retina that allowed retinal to work properly again and restore vision. I suppose it could definitely be possible to load a viral carrier with something that disrupts protein function or expression and is only specific to certain promoters.

By having promoter specificity maybe scientists can make the expression only in cells with certain promoters/genes and perhaps target genes that are common in certain races. Tis speculation of course, but science has always been used for good and bad, so I don't hesitate to imagine there are people over the world thinking of new ways to kill each other.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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Danger said:
Cordon had better get tested, he likes asians.
its non contagious but careful of the bareback your might get the herp :eek:

engineered disease is truly a frightening reality...

The U.S. military-industrial complex’s interest in race-specific bio-weapons as a tool of warfare is not a paranoid conspiracy theory – it’s outlined in their own public documents.

“Advanced forms of biological warfare that can target specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool,” stated the September 2000 Rebuilding America’s Defenses report released by the Project For A New American Century – the ideological framework of the Bush administration.


Nov 2, 2011
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Want a race specific virus that inslaves? It could hit a one specific race called the ghetto and middle class. Syria and Iran are allies and have mutual defence treaty, war with either one would sink several ships in straight of harmus and leave US begging for oil and its economy devistated, China and Russia also allies of Iran and Syria would at bare minimum dump the dollar, at maximum join the war. There you have it, dollar would default, you'll loose everything and become a 3rd world nation.

Global SDR could come to the rescue, prompting one world currency, and total control.

Any wonder why soros dumped all stocks and bought gold???

Don't want bread to cost $1,000, they have plans for total economic collapse, build FEMA camps and bought bullets.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
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I wouldn't put it past any genetic engineers ...

But I also wouldn't be spending my time thinking about this stuff unless I planned to spend my life in a lvl 4 hazmat chamber deep in a bunker somewhere. Since I'm not, I don't really care about bio-selective warfare.

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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Burroughs said:
...just like the original plan for AIDS.
Some believe that HIV is a 'conspiracy' or that it is 'man-made'. A recent survey carried out in the US for example, identified a significant number of African Americans who believe HIV was manufactured as part of a biological warfare programme, designed to wipe out large numbers of black and homosexual people. Many say this was done under the auspices of the US federal 'Special Cancer Virus Program' (SCVP), possibly with the help of the CIA. Linked in to this theory is the belief that the virus was spread (either deliberately or inadvertently) to thousands of people all over the world through the smallpox inoculation programme, or to gay men through Hepatitis B vaccine trials. While none of these theories can be definitively disproved, the evidence given to back them up is usually based upon supposition and speculation, and ignores the clear link between SIV and HIV or the fact that the virus has been identified in people as far back as 1959.

A rational person with an internal locus of control of their life does not concern themselves with believing in speculative suppositions. The burden of proof weighs down on believers to prove their wild claims, not skeptics to prove a negative.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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believe what you want.... :crackup:

If you don't understand how something in nature can be changed and refined to suit a purpose then you are just too dumb to be alive.


Never try to read a woman's mind. It is a scary place. Ignore her confusing signals and mixed messages. Assume she is interested in you and act accordingly.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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“A wise man proportions his belief to the evidence.”—David Hume (Scottish philosopher, 1711-1776)


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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A confrontation of Dr. Robert Gallo by Dr. Len Horowitz is shown at the 11th International Conference on AIDS in Vancouver in 1997, where Horowitz presents the findings of his research to Mr. Gallo. Horowitz asks Mr. Gallo if he was concerned that his experiments may have given rise to the spread of the AIDS virus through contaminated Hepatitis-B vaccines which were cultivated in AIDS infected monkeys shipped by Litton Industries to Merck’s vaccine division in New York. Sitting to the right of Robert Gallo at the press conference was Dr. Jonathan Mann, who at the time was at the AIDS Czar for the World Health Organization. Not long after he witnessed Mr. Horowitz’s exchange with Mr. Gallo, he quit his position saying “Far more than a medical problem, AIDS is a socio-political imposition.”

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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Leonard Horowitz is a former dentist with no medical training, but claims to have the cure to skin cancer, thinks DNA is "nature's bioaccoustic and electromagnetic (that is, 'spiritual') energy receiver, signal transformer, and quantum sound and light transmitter," and believes the Illuminati tried to cause worldwide death with tuning forks because A above middle C on the musical scale conflicts with the human chakras. He quacks woo woo. He somehow figured out the 2003 SARS outbreak was targeted at Muslims, which is curiously ironic because he tried to profit with his "Urbani SARS Formula Homeopathic" treatment.

Too funny.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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"THE conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.
We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. "

-Edward Bernays


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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Poor reporting and even poorer comprehension by some reading the story.

The disease is not race specific. Because of its location of course there are only Asian cases so far. Also, chemical warfare from the past may have something to do with why this disease happened (think Agent Orange). But race specific diseases dont make any sense seeing as human beings are one species.

You essentially upped your VALUE in her eyes by showing her that, if she wants you, she has to at times do things that you like to do. You are SOMETHING after all. You are NOT FREE. If she wants to hang with you, it's going to cost her something — time, effort, money.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Nov 2, 2011
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Bio lab

I’m including both Bourne Legacy and Total Recall in the same analysis because both were released around the same time and both contain similar themes.  Of course both are from books, and both are packed with the esoteric, despite both receiving mediocre reviews.  I enjoyed both tremendously, and Bourne Legacy was especially packed with espionage and semiotic dissembling.  Both deal with agents being run by all-encompassing systems that control reality almost en toto.   In Bourne Legacy, we are introduced to the latest (public info) on nanotech and bio-engineering–particularly the attempt to create a supersoldier.   We have thus passed the realm of mere MKULTRA mind-controlled assassins.  We have now passed into the realm of geo-engineered nano-soldiers that have their minds wiped of the past, and are reprogrammed to do the bidding of the geo-political chess masters who handle them.

For Bourne, the plot revolves around the need to take a certain pill to stabilize the effects of altered DNA.  I have, in many instances, engaged in debates with people who deny the existence of any such nano-tech DNA manipulation and in particular, race-specific bio-weapons that have been written about for decades, including recent publications in medical journals, the Sunshine Project, the PNAC, as well as other citations given several times on this blog.  Here is a DARPA video from 1997 that includes an illustration of unconventional pathogen measures designed to destroy the viral DNA.   If the DNA of a virus can be attacked, then the DNA of humans can, as well, and in particular the DNA of certain races.  While this may not be “PC,” since most people deny that there even are races, the shadow establishment marches on already light-years ahead of the multi-kulti moron public engineering all manner of variations in underground labs and level 4 bio-weapons factories. I want to again stress that this video is from 1997.


The pill-taking soldier is a thing of the past with the rise of bio-engineering.  Transhumanism will come to replace the older temporary modifications, as men merge with machines.  Billions of dollars of the black budget are spent on this research from MIT and other secret sites.
The transhumanist goal of course being immortality, a version of the philosopher’s stone, while the more immediate goals are advanced unconventional warfare techniques.    I recall first viewing the later seasons of the X-Files that dealt with the supersoldiers and thinking they were absurd, yet clearly the revelation of the method there was also accurate–there are supersoldiers, functioning as a kind of hybrid between the MKULTRA programs and nanotechnology.  Just this week the New Scientist posted an article on synthetic cyborg tissue.   The article states:

“They beat like real heart cells, but the rat cardiomyocytes in a dish at Harvard University are different in one crucial way. Snaking through them are wires and transistors that spy on each cell’s electrical impulses. In future, the wires might control their behaviour too.”

In both films, this theme is the dominant one, with a little false memory programming and geo-political gaming to top it all off.  In Total Recall, the British Empire triumphs as the only future empire, following upon a biological warfare plague that has engulfed the globe outside of the UK and the “Colony,” which functions basically as the US.  In the Total Recall narrative, the “Colony” is led by a revolutionary egalitarian (French/Italian Grand Orient Mason) whom the establishment brands as a “terrorist.”  The British monarchical police state is run by elites who stage terror attacks and are big bad nasties.    Apparently it still hasn’t occurred to Hollywood screenwriter types and other leftists that the egalitarian revolutionaries are generally far worse and end up killing millions more than the so-called humanitarian fantasies the utopian liberal revolutionaries hope to establish.   In this scheme, as is usually the gnostic narration, Colin Farrell’s character is trapped in a dreamworld/Matrix where the system as a whole must be collapsed for the true gnosis-liberation to occur.  We’ve seen this theme repeated tirelessly, with Dark City, the Matrix, Tron, Labyrinth, and a dozen other movies, as I’ve outlined many times.

As a side note, it’s important to mention that Farrell’s character is seen reading Live and Let Die, the most occultic of the Bond stories, where Bond faces voodoo and the darkside in a highly esoteric spiritual battle.   Farrell’s character becomes a kind of Bond as he chooses the Rekall Program that makes him into a secret agent, wherein he soon loses the sense of his actual life.  This same phenomenon is reminiscent of both the intelligence world, often portrayed as the “looking-glass,” as well as drawing a connection to the dual worlds of film/fiction/fantasy versus reality.  The actor, like the agent, plays a role, you see.  In Total Recall, Farrell realizes that both sides of the coin are part of the system’s ruse, yet through his own gnosis and liberation, he is able to choose the reality he wants.  This is, of course, but it at least makes for a good story.    Likewise, in the Bourne Legacy narrative, the new Bourne agent played by Jeremy Renner must override his programming and former identity to become a “new man” who beats the system.  In this regard, the film is reminiscent of Hanna (which also delivered a transhumanist message), and the 007 tales.   Recall (ha!) that Renner also played an “MI” agent in Mission Impossible 4.   So now “MI,” 007/MI6, and the British Imperial scheme all tie together into a sizzling summer of esoteric semiotic psy ops.

by Jay from Jay's Analysis


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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It didn't take long for the Internet to start buzzing with conspiracy theories after the Social Security Administration posted a notice that it was purchasing 174,000 hollow-point bullets.

Why is the agency that provides benefits to retirees, disabled workers, widows and children stockpiling ammunition? Whom are they going to use it on?



Nov 2, 2011
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Borroughs, not just them purchased ammo, post office, DHS, and others bought insane amounts of hollow point ammunition.

Personally I think this puppet (of 6 major banks) government of your is in the last stages of preparing for civil unrest (more like civil war). Economy is going to stategically crush, as per the scheme described in my first post to this thread (7th from the top), this will no doubt cause the Greese and Ice Land situation.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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Soros is playing both sides like the Bilderbergs always do.

Soros wants all Americans to run in fear of bank collapses, and run in fear of stock market crashes, while he plans for new Derivatives Bailouts for the Bilderberg Banks.

The Soros Interview by Glen Beck explained the whole thing. TOP DOWN! BOTTOM UP! INSIDE OUT! The Bilderbergs have a painting or stained glass that shows them around a boiling pot above a blazing fire that they are feeding while keeping the lid on tight so that the pot finally explodes.
Top down = Bank Bailouts
Bottom up = fear in people
Inside out = collapse

The same thing goes for the riots. They pay the aclu to file suits against the ndaa to stoke the fire. They get the military and police to be the fall guys, which is the lid on top that is very tight.

The pot explodes and we have Martial Law Dictatorship.


Nov 2, 2011
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Question is not the why but what they are trying to achieve?

Answer is, in short term, global technocratic eugenics government. In long term transhumanism.

How to stop them? In short term a coup de tat can be sufficient, but to insure long term live of the republic the six major banks would have to be destroyed/restructured, and all those illumined once would have to be wasted.

This is easier said than done of course. That's why I left United States.

Google/NORAD has a program called LifeLog, similar to FaceBook. It tracts everything about everyone. During the coming martial law the program would classify on red, yellow, and green. Reds will be killed, yellows sent to reeducation camps. You, my friend, are in danger.