R5D2 Workout Journal plus Progress Pics


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2006
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So I got some advice from my other thread and today is the last day of Week 1 of my revised plan. At the end of Week 12 I'll be going away on holiday so I want to see some good results.

My aims are to improve overall fitness whilst bulking up a little T-Shirt muscles (6-pack would be nice too). I have designed my workout into 2 phases.


Weights Circuit
25 pressups
20 bench press
20 dips
5 chins
30 hyperextensions
12 bentover rowing
12 shoulder press
20 curls
15 press downs
25 crunches
30 leg raises
25 v-crunches
35 seated leg push
20 crossover crunches

Phase 1 (Weeks 1-6): Get used to doing lots of exercise again and form a base of muscles to speed up metabolism and make phase 2 easier. This involves 2 gym workouts a week starting from 1 circuit and building to 3. There are 2 runs and a swimming session in addition to this, and a test day at the end of the week to measure:

- 1.5mile Run Time
- Max Press-ups in 2 mins
- Max Sit-ups in 2 mins

Phase 2 (Weeks 7-12): Cardio Cardio Cardio
A typical week here is:

Mon - Performance Running (varying: 45mins Fartlek / 30mins Fast Run / Interval Running).
Tue - Muay Thai Boxing or 30mins Easy Run & 30mins Swim
Wed - 45mins Normal Run
Thu - 3 x Weights Circuit & 30mins Easy Run (1 in morning, 1 in afternoon)
Fri - 45mins Normal Run
Sat - Rest
Sun - Sports

At the end of Week 12 will be a final test day to see what improvements have been made.

As a by-product of improving fitness I'm hoping to improve the way I look so I will be posting progress pics along the way. After my holiday I have 2 months before I head down for basic military training so I will switch up the plan for something like the one included in the BUDs Warning Order (very similiar to the Marines plan I have).


I had never really considered any type of supplement to help my training, but I've ordered 2kg of Whey Protein Isolate that should help me through phase 1, although I may not keep using it through phase 2 (need advice on this respect). After some extensive reading of this forum I've also started taking Flaxseed Oil and I already take Cod Liver Oil with Multivitamins daily.

A typical daily diet (with protein shakes once I receive it) is as follows:

Bowl of Weetabix
Small Glass of Orange Juice
Large Glass of Milk with Protein shake

2 x Sandwiches with cold cut meat
Something sugary (small chocolate bar etc)
Bottled Water

Post Afternoon Training:
Large glass of Milk with Protein shake

Varies Example: Steak, vegetables and potatoes

I have cutout late night pizzas post drinking sessions and cut down on alcohol consumption. I don't smoke or take any form of drugs.


Pre-training: Week 0


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2006
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Week 1 Summary
Mon - 30 mins Easy Run
Tues - 30 mins Swim
Weds - Rest Day
Thurs - Weights Circuit (got to 2nd exercise in 2nd circuit before arms gave up)
Fri - Rest Day (Started to feel effects on cold coming on)
Sat - Rest Day (Work)
Sun - Sports

I'm still feeling a little rough with cold symptoms but I had plenty of sleep last night which helped. I haven't slept too well this week (late nights plus early starts) so this has contributed to becoming ill. Hopefully get an early night in tonight so I can start Week 2 fresh.

On a brighter note my body feels tighter and harder, I have been on and off training for a number of years so I think I've woken up my muscles a little.

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
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Your routine is fine for fitness but don't expect any muscles from it - which according to your picture you need if you're going for the look you mentioned:

My aims are to improve overall fitness whilst bulking up a little T-Shirt muscles (6-pack would be nice too). I have designed my workout into 2 phases.


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2006
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My weakest area is my 1.5mile run time, so I need to get this as low as possible. I would like to improve on my muscles but not at the expense of running.

Thanks for heads heads up WBA :D


Master Don Juan
May 18, 2006
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Leeds, UK
Since it looks like you wanna gain some muscle, you'll have to change your routine to something that's conducive to muscle growth. Since you're going to the gym to workout 2x a week, why not just do this routine instead?

Day One:
Dips or Bench Press 2-3 x 6-8
Incline Press, or incline Fly 2 x 10-12
Military Press, Or Hammer Shoulder Press 2-3 x 6-8
Tricep (skull crushers) Extensions or Tricep Pushdowns 2-3 x 10-12
Heavy Abs 3 x 10

Day Two:
Pull-Up 3 sets to failure
Barbell Row 2-3 x 8
EZ-Bar Or Dumbell Curl 1-2 x 10
Squats 2 x 10
Deadlifts, or Stiff-Legged Deadlift 1 x 10

There are a few things you could change if you want (i.e. different rep ranges here and there), but that's the basic outline.

You'll do a lot better on that one than the one you have laid out now.

I had never really considered any type of supplement to help my training, but I've ordered 2kg of Whey Protein Isolate that should help me through phase 1, although I may not keep using it through phase 2 (need advice on this respect). After some extensive reading of this forum I've also started taking Flaxseed Oil and I already take Cod Liver Oil with Multivitamins daily.
More protein needed :). You need 1.5-2g/lb of body weight. So if you're 150lbs go for 300g. If you are looking to gain some muscle like you say, more calories as well. Maybe try 20cals/lb of body weight as a minimum, so well over 3000cals if you're 150lbs.

However, all this said, it really depends what your goals are. Since you're joining the military, is your main goal fitness, or is it strength and size? For gaining fitness, you're doing a lot of cardio, so unless you eat a lot, you'll find it hard to gain muscle. If you just wanna be fit, keep doing what you want. :)



Don Juan
Oct 29, 2006
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Thanks Shaun!

My weight is 175lbs, so even 1.5 x 175 = 262g protein minimum. I worked out the following:

Each shake with whole milk = 45g
Breakfast = 15g
Lunch = 30g
Dinner = 50g

So that means I'm gonna need to take at least 4 shakes a day - do I have to do this forever or will it suffice just doing it in phase 1? I'm also looking at 3500cals a day, I know that I don't get anywhere near that amount but I'm worried about putting fat on if I do eat that much - guess its more of an excuse to train though :) .

I'll give those routines a try, thanks! Ultimately I'd like to start crossfit. Need my basic fitness up first though so that won't be until after basic training (prob Jan time).

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
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R5D2 - you have 12 weeks, in which time you can make significant progress. Dump the cardio, the phases, the whole milk (that is if you want your sixpack), eat more protein, use a routine like the one Shaun gave you (in my opinion that's far from optimal for growth but better than your current choice) .. you need to do a body recomposition over three months. You're already fairly lean so concentrate on gaining some muscle and you'll look great.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2005
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that's a fart load of cardio..are you overweight or pudgy?

and i am kinda confused about when you do your workouts,one day a week?
and those are reps correct? i think you would make the best results with that routine twice a week and maybe cardio twice a week,but not with all that boxing and stuff.You also need to up your protein ,if you do that you need to naturaly up your fiber and veggies.Eat a fart load of simple carbs after your workout and maybe a moderate one before bed to help you repair and sleep better. 5 chins? come on sport! give me at least 50! :lol:

The workout will get you cut up and proportionate from the looks of it,but you're gonna have to tweak your diet more and really really really make sure you get the most out of each and every rep.

thats awesome that you are doing this! i thought about doing a transformation myself,but i am soo lazy- plus i already got up to a pretty good size ,it's great to be in shape but be prepared to maintain it.Getting there is the easy part..keeping it ,for the long run is the hard part.


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2006
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Week 1 was just my starter week, Week 2 starts tomorrow so I intend to hit the ground running so to speak. How's this look as a revised plan for week 2:

Mon - Day One Weights workout
Tues - 30mins Swimming
Weds - 45mins Basic Run
Thurs - Day Two Weights workout
Fri - 45mins Easy Run
Sat - Rest Day
Sun - Sports

That swaps the Mon from a cardio day to a weights day.

My upper body strength sucks, and is where I want to improve after my run times. But I've got 2 months where I can do solid cardio after my holiday. I know I should cut down on the cardio but it's my weakest area and I need to be at my peak by Sept.

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
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Mate, you really have to prioritise here. You can achieve a good level of fitness by your holiday in 12 weeks time while still growing to look good, which you can then work on with more cardio and army-specific exercises. But don't try to do both at once. Right now concentrate on gaining some muscle.


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2006
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First days workout for week 2:

Press-ups: 20-20-6 (struggled with last set)
Chest Press: 10-8-6
Tricep Pushdown: 10-8-6
Skullcrushers: 10-8-6
Shoulder Press: 10-8-6
Dips: 10 (arms were shaking like crazy so only did 1 set of these)
Fly: 10-8-6
25 Situps
30 Leg Raises
25 V-Situps
35 Seated leg kicks
20 Crossover Situps

Arms feel like I've done some work! I'll feel it more tomorrow though I think.:woo:


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2006
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Second Workout Week 2:

Pull ups 5-5-5
Bent Over Dumbell Row 8-8-8
Dumbell Curl 10-10-10
Squats 10-10
Deadlifts 10
Barbell Row 10-10

First time I've eved done Squats or Deadlifts so was a bit apprehensive, going to check some videos out for form checks. I'm not sore tonight but I'll see if I worked hard enough tomorrow - My Bi's aren't as sore as they normally would be, yet I used the max weight I could do and struggled with all reps.


Master Don Juan
May 18, 2006
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Leeds, UK
That's better bud, much better than what you had before :up:

I'd say just choose either DB or barbell rows...preferably barbell rows. You can do them underhand, if you want, to allow you to use more weight :)

Otherwise, it's all looking good mate.

Don't worry about being sore, I've found that sometimes I am, and sometimes I'm not, yet next time I'm stronger and able to lift more weight than before, so the training is *always* working, whether I'm a sore mofo the next day or not ;) Just focus on adding more weight to the bar each week (5-10lbs, possibly more if you can), that's what keeps your muscles growing.

Yup, get comfy with deadlift and squat form, and when you get good at em, you begin to enjoy them more.

Keep up the good work :up:



Don Juan
Oct 29, 2006
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Thanks shaun! That workout was more of an intro to using a barbell as I've always used machines before, I wonder if by not training the supporting muscles for free weights it'll take a few weeks before I start to feel the benefits again.

Managed to sort out a 6 month gym membership out today, so I'll be able to use an induction session to check my form on all the free weight equipment and help pick a starting weight.

After doing a lot of research and reading I've also decided to up the workouts to 3 x per week and drop back a little on cardio until after my holiday. I'm now eating more and having protein shakes twice daily on non-weight days and 3x when I'm training (morning, Pre-WO and Post-WO). I find it hard to eat more than I am or to find the time to get more shakes down.

As for a 3 day workout I'll be going for the beginners workout recommended on Iron Addicts, its a 3-day split that works on a 2 week rotation as follows:

Day one, week one
Dips 3 x 10
Incline Bench Press 3 x 6
Lateral Raise 4 x 10
Laying Tricep Extensions 3 x 8-10

Day two, week one
Wide Grip Pull-Down/Up 3 x 8
Chest Supported Row, or Barbell Row 3 x 8-10
Barbell Curl 3 x 10
Resistance Abs 3 x 10

Day three, week one
Squat 3 x 6-10
Leg Press 2 x 15
Good-Morning or Stiff-Legged Deadlift 2 x 8
Calf Raise RP 2 x 15/30

Day one, week two
Bench Press 3 x 6-10
Incline DB Press 2 x 10-12
Military Press 3 x 10
Tricep Push-Downs 3 x 8-10

Day two, week two
Supinated Grip Pull-Down/Up 4 x 8
Dumbbell Row 3 x 10
Dumbbell Curl 3 x 8
Reverse Curl 2 x 10
Hanging Leg Raises

Day three, week two
Deadlift 1 x 8
Safety Squat, or hack squat, 2 x 6-10
Glute/Ham Raise 3 x 8
Leg Press Calf Raise 3 x 15


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2006
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Todays workout (part of new 3-day split plan)

Week 1 Day 1
5 mins Crosstrainer
Dips: 3 x 10
Lateral Raise: 4 x 10 (DB's: 6kg each, then 5kg x 2, then 4kg)
Laying Tricep Extensions: 3 x 10 (DB - 10kg)
Incline Bench Press: 3 x 6 (Pretty embarressing but first time I've done this - 10kg plus the weight of the bar, although I did leave this to last).

Keeping up with the protein shakes (2-3 a day) and trying to eat more, also picked up some creatine capsules today, says 3 before and 3 after each workout.

Progress pics at the end of the week hopefully :D, but I'm feeling much better about myself which is the important thing.