This shyt is happening all around me at my employer. Its insane how you watch these truths unfold in front of your eyes.
I am 30. Far too old to be throwing hands lol. Waste of time. I highly recommend that you meditate, you seek self knowledge, and explore consciousness.
If you have exposure to absurd amount of women, you see bpd, crazy, the good, the bad, the ugly. Meditation is key. Also, the groups are full of women, many who are into ESP, witch craft, and a variety of other things all horny to be ****ed.
The culture is the problem. Women take no responsibility for any of their actions and if all else fails divorce rape, child support, and daddy government will bail her out. Game doesn't fix the culture. Pickup gets you a girl. Delusional guys think they game their wife. Women are suddenly in the mood to have sex with husband when wanting another baby. She then has incentive to cuck and do in the marriage by unleashing the dogs of the state.
Its then a question of lineage, ROI, and gambling on the above point in risk? ROOSHV has a lifetime of game and this is no easier.
Dudes then use Pragmatism: what do women seek? Aesthetics, status, money. Dudes then chase the following rather than pursue self interest. For example, i lift. I enjoy the challenge of it. It looks maxing by default. Pursuit of the top spot on the dominance hierarchy just cause its in my nature versus doing it because one thinks it is the route to getting baeeeees.
Doing XYZ to get baaaaae rather than just getting girls. The climbing of the dominance hierarchy or pursuing girls is arbitrary. Its all for sport. It serves a purpose until it doesn't.