Its a great idea to quit caffeine for sure!
In my opinion the only one way that works is like this:
There isn't any miracle cures, super pills or anything like that wil do it for you and easily.
A plain good old cold turkey is the only thing that works and then some personal
discipline to stay on the path and never leave it.
It ain't going to be easy but it works and will not change one old bad habit with a new one. It will not be easy because what happens when you take caffeine is that you block the receptors in your brain the register that the body is tired and need to rest/sleep.
The brains response to this is to start adding and building even more receptors which then requires an even greater amount of caffeine to have an effect of not feeling tired. So its basically a snowball effect that newer ends.
This is the reason people crash totally when they stop drinking coffee or the intake of caffeine through various sources. So once you stop the brain have way too many sleep receptors which makes you REALLY tired and you can't do jacks'hit.
All you can do is to go through the hard period and let the brain do its job of removing all the excessive massive amounts of unnecessary sleep receptors which can take a month or two before it has normalized it.
You need just to stick through it and you will feel awesome once you get there. It is worth the price for sure.
You will feel much better, have more energy and sleep better too. Your internal body watch will start working normally again and much more. The health effects are real and very good for you.
Good luck dude!