Quick replies I'm at work live and HOT girl sat in my seat


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
Yeah, we know you're just b!tching right now. It's not fair I know. =(



Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
There have been a few times I've been afraid to say anything to girls that are in my work area, not my office but surrounding buildings, who I see walking around and stuff. If you don't make SOME kind of impression, it can be pretty awkward man. Then you'll wish you had just blurted out a "hi my name is (...) how are you" and just did your best.

Next time this happens be friendly and say, "hey how's it goin".

Pretend she's a dude if you have to.

Women do not have super powers!


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
Look man people are not stupid we all know you wanted talk to her otherwise you would not have asked urgent advice on what to say. Do not try to justify your failure now by passing yourself off as some kind of ladies man who intentionally ignores women. You wanted to talk to her, you went as far as to ask us what to say to her but in the end you backed out. We know this because I am sure all of us here have had similar experiences. Women like me so man up and admit you were afraid until you can admit your failures you can never grow. Just don't come on here all hard faced and give us some **** and bull story about intentionally ignoring her and being approached by women you ignore. Here is something to ponder when you lay down to get yourself off today, if you had the balls to approach maybe it would be her mouth around your **** not your hand.

By the way concentrating on making money is no reason not to get laid. Getting laid helps you concentrate on making money, in the past few years I have slept with over 70 women and become very successful in business. I hardly for more than 1 week per month and I predict by years end I will be worth over one million dollars. I done this whilst getting laid so you can do it too....


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
Wow, I know this whole situation passed by yesterday (without you saying a word probably :( ) but it's actually quite upsetting to me to see something like this that mirrored my old b1tch self so much.

What is our society coming to that people (not just you) are too afraid to even START a conversation with an attractive girl? I used to be the exact same way with the exact same mindset, "I know I'M hot as hell, so if she wants me she has to approach me."

Guess how many numbers/hookups/ANYTHING I had with that mindset...0

It all comes down to the fact that you were intimidated by her and the fact that you didn't think you were going to say the right things, when in reality she is just as scared as you and it doesn't really matter what you say as long as you convey yourself confidently.

Next time this happens and you start to think you just can't do it, take a feel around in your pants and make sure you have your friggin balls, and just start a conversation, YOUR THE MAN! THAT IS YOUR JOB!


On Point

Don Juan
Jun 24, 2007
Reaction score
I'm with Touchout. THat's why there is the 3 second rule man, you should've approached her the minute you saw her in your chair. Opener, "You're in my chair". How hard is that?

Life just put a hot chick in your chair and you didn't talk to her. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!