Quick question?


Don Juan
Mar 27, 2014
Reaction score
I've been dating this girl for 4 months and we've been off lately. We talked on Monday and she said we should do something on Thursday. (We haven't seen each other in 2 weeks) I told her I have to see with work but said to her I'll do my best.

Yesterday I texted her I'll be available but we didn't talk much yesterday. She texted me hey last night and I just replied Hi back figured she fell asleep. (She is younger than me and in college)

Today I texted her and said "You mentioned hanging out on Thursday lemme know" This is the second time I asked... And then I told her I'm going to California on Monday.

She replied back and said "Oh cool why??" I'm not sure if she is avoiding my question or? She knows I travel for work. I'm a little confused asking her twice already. There is no way I'm asking her again ugh. I hope I get to see her today.

Here is my story... Original thread about what's going on between us and why we've been off.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 4, 2011
Reaction score
"Oh cool why??" was she asking why you are going to California? Or does she already know? Either way she knows you want to see her, I wouldn't text her again and just go away, let her text you next. The person that show's the least interest has the power, make sure that is you. Also go meet some women while you are in Cali. Good luck


Don Juan
Mar 27, 2014
Reaction score
Willard said:
"Oh cool why??" was she asking why you are going to California?
Yea she was asking why I'm going to Cali. I told her for work... I know I made this girl extremely happy. It really hurts thinking about it.

She tells me Monday we should hang out Thursday and talk. I asked her today what time did she wanna hang out?

She texted a little bit ago saying
"I might have work" and then
"I have 2 papers do by tonight too I really cant"

And she apologized twice. I didn't reply anything back after that. Maybe I should? She's been blowing me off too much. And Monday she told me she wants to go out on dates and stuff but wants to take things slow.

Right now I'm being mind ****ed.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 4, 2011
Reaction score
You aren't being mind ****ed, she responded back, maybe she told you the truth, maybe not. Doesn't matter, don't text her again, go to Cali, when she texts you while you are in Cali, ignore it and text her when you get back. You have oneitis, work on your game, download David Deangelo video's, book's, audio tapes. Once you are good with women, you won't care so much if one blows you off. I was were you were 7 months ago, i put a lot of time and effort into my game, I have pretty solid game right now, but I'm not done learning. The game will help you in every aspect of your life, social circle, career etc... The girl I'm seeing now answers the phone every time, texts back every time, and I do the same for her.

In the beginning with her I called her and she didn't call me back, I waited 8 days to text her, so she knows better now. One of the guys on the forum gave me that advice and it worked. At the time I was seeing a couple of other girls, so I didn't care if she got back to me or not.

You will be ok, go to Cali, have fun work and work on your game.

Good luck, keep us posted


Don Juan
Mar 27, 2014
Reaction score
Thanks Willard.

I haven't texted her since. And yes I know about oneitis. I've had a bad breakup with my last ex 4 year relationship she cheated on me a lot.

It sucks hurting and wanting back something that was once great. I really appreciate the advice it made a lot of sense. And if she doesn't text me back then I'll know this girl never cared to begin with. It's going to be hard ignoring her if she does text me but I'll listen.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2013
Reaction score
Playpen, Chicago.
She's got the power and you're chasing her down AFC road. You lost your frame and now its a run away train. Only way to get it back is to stop giving a f*ck.


Master Don Juan
Jan 31, 2013
Reaction score
S Town
durrr said:
I've been dating this girl for 4 months and we've been off lately. We talked on Monday and she said we should do something on Thursday. (We haven't seen each other in 2 weeks) I told her I have to see with work but said to her I'll do my best.

Yesterday I texted her I'll be available but we didn't talk much yesterday. She texted me hey last night and I just replied Hi back figured she fell asleep. (She is younger than me and in college)

Today I texted her and said "You mentioned hanging out on Thursday lemme know" This is the second time I asked... And then I told her I'm going to California on Monday.

She replied back and said "Oh cool why??" I'm not sure if she is avoiding my question or? She knows I travel for work. I'm a little confused asking her twice already. There is no way I'm asking her again ugh. I hope I get to see her today.

Here is my story... Original thread about what's going on between us and why we've been off.

sorry but this girl ain't into you anymore, she's hanging out and texting another guy and she is avoiding your questions to hanging out. if she wanted to see you before you left, she would. girls who don't talk to you have lost interest and college girls lose interest in older guys when they have college guys hitting on them. she doesn't even know why you're leaving nor does she sound like she cares.

stop texting her and asking her out, she is showing no intentions of wanting to hang out, i would ignore her like she is doing to you and look at new girls to date. you should be done with her just for being unaware of your life and for having the other guy in the car and texting him in bed. where's your dignity?


Don Juan
Mar 27, 2014
Reaction score
Dgwizdal said:
She's got the power and you're chasing her down AFC road. You lost your frame and now its a run away train. Only way to get it back is to stop giving a f*ck.
You're totally right about the whole power thing. I should know this stuff. What if this chick calls me or asks to see me before I leave on Monday? It probably won't happen but if it does should I just not make myself available?

I get the whole make her want me back more thing. I'm wondering is it best to just go NC until she reaches out to me or until she is upset to the point thinking I gave up on everything?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 4, 2011
Reaction score

No contact until you get back from Cali, she knows you want to see her, keep the power. Have a great trip, forget about her until you come back.


Don Juan
Mar 27, 2014
Reaction score
I'll let you guys know what happens! And Willard I Pm'd you.