Gift cards are money. The amount you are spending from the gift card is money/value you could be spending on yourself, somebody else, and/or something else, so YOU should view it as spending money and treat it as such.
If you wouldn't normally spend money on broads, then you shouldn't think of gift cards differently. Not only should she not dislike it, but should consider herself lucky that you are spending on her, period.
Now, if what type of currency and how much you are spending on a broad matters to either of you, it means you are using money, gifts, etc. to impress them and as a crutch. If your game is tight, if your value is high, as in the guy in med school, she won't mind. On the other hand, that same girl will judge, put up resistance, and look down upon the guy if he's a chump who she has no interest in.
In summary, two things. You should treat it as cash, and spend it on things/people you are willing to spend cash on, and the women you use them with should be women who are appreciative, specially since it is costing them ZERO, and you are giving up something else you would use it for. If she cares, she is really not into you, but into what she thinks you can provide financially.
If you have to ask, or in doubt, regarding gift cards/paying, then you shouldn't be spending on her, gift cards or not.