Quick help with a line


New Member
Sep 28, 2011
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So, hi, everyone. I'm totally new to the forum, and am very excited about it. Hope we have a great future together. :D

I have a short question regarding a compliment I want to give to a girl today. I have seen her a few times, there has been attraction, and I will see her again tonight. I will ask her for a date and all, but it's nice to start of with a compliment. Now, I want it to be right after the hello, but not to be a cheese one, like "Wow, nice hair.", or "You look great today.", so it came to me that it should be something like:
"And, yes, my day just got a whole lot better!" or
"Wow, my day just got a whole lot better."

I really hope she will get it. Now, the first one seems like I was expecting it to be a whole lot better, so the second is better because of that (I am truly surprised how good she looks), but still not sure which one to go with.

Are they any good, and which one is better?


Master Don Juan
May 12, 2011
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I think you're thinking too much and should allow it to be more natural. You can't really pre-plan out interactions(successfully) unless you're a super-computer, maybe.

The furtherest I'd go with it is planning on a compliment, but even then it's going to be forced. Why not try to make it a natural thing? Just compliment her on something unique at the time.


New Member
Sep 28, 2011
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She won't have anything unique, because shes in a work uniform, that is the thing that's most bothering me... She looks always the same. :D
But ok, thanks for the comment, it helps.


It would still mean a lot to me if you would pick one of the above... :)


Lines are lame, you should only compliment someone if it's genuine.

Most men use lines and this woman has probably heard the line you're going to use on her by several men beforehand.

Compliments should be uttered when she has done something worthy of a compliment.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
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Be spontaneous. I have tried to memorize stuff I want to say to a girl and when I have her in front of them, the line doesn't fit with the context of the conversation or I simply forget the line completely.

My advice: First of all you should use compliments wisely and rarely. If you don't understand why, then read this thread and then it will all make sense.

I see where you are coming from. You want to be charming and use that as your introduction, and that's fine as long as you don't spill your guts out like the other ten guys she sent to hell. Second of all, you do not ASK her for a "date".

You TELL her to give you her number cause you guys need to finish you conversation later. Once you have the number, call her a few days later and set up a get together. Do NOT call it a date, that will set up a bunch of alarms inside her and it will just make things more difficult for you; call it a hangout and ask her what her schedule looks like on (pick a day). If she's free, tell her not to make plans because she's hanging out with you & if she prefers Japanese or Mexican food. (By assuming she'll come, you will save yourself a bunch of trouble).

You need to do homework if you want to succeed. it sounds like you're lacking the basics. I recommend reading the book of pook available here: Book of Pook

Hope you get the concept, if not PM me. Come back and tell us what happens (regardless of whether you get her or not).


New Member
Sep 28, 2011
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Ok, guys, listen, that is all great, and thank you all very much for you're comments, they are really good. But, if I must be honest, in this case I do not want to be a womanizer, nor a natural guy. I want to manipulate her. Sorry if it sounds harsh, but it is a little experiment I'm doing, transferring behavior. I promise, this is a harmless experiment. And I really need you're help with the comments, which beginning of the two sounds more subtle?


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
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Manhattan, NY
Like the other guys said, lines are lame. It's going to sound forced. It's not going to sound like "you". So just don't do it.

You could just as easily walk up to her and say "I like your hair today. What's different?" Which sounds like something a real person would say. And it accomplished the same goal as your cheesy, "Wow! My day just got better!"

With that said, I don't know your personality. If you're a bubbly, energetic guy, and "Wow my day just got better" sounds like something that would naturally be a part of your personality, then go for it. But the fact that you're coming on here asking for a line makes me believe that this just isn't how you talk.

So, better to sound natural and cool rather than forced and awkward.

AwSomeDudu said:
Ok, guys, listen, that is all great, and thank you all very much for you're comments, they are really good. But, if I must be honest, in this case I do not want to be a womanizer, nor a natural guy. I want to manipulate her. Sorry if it sounds harsh, but it is a little experiment I'm doing, transferring behavior. I promise, this is a harmless experiment. And I really need you're help with the comments, which beginning of the two sounds more subtle?

Okay, then do your "experiment" with your line.

If your heart is set on doing it that way, then why ask for advice, right?
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New Member
Sep 28, 2011
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Ok, yea, you are right. Thanks for the help, and I will come back to you guys about what happened. ;)


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
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I'm so spontaneous that I didn't even read the whole thread :D

So, she's in her uniform, first thing that comes to mind tell her that it looks good on her. I assume it does. Then if you feel like it was too cheesy then crack a joke about how she looks like some silly person... well depends on the uniform... or if she has a construction worker uniform it's even more hilarious, because she will think you are joking... or not? Flirting and teasing, yeah!

Oh, but what Iceberg said, it's about your personality. What you read above is mine :D


New Member
Sep 28, 2011
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Hey, all.
So, she wasn't working last night! :D
Can't believe how fate f**ked me up. :D
But ok, the time will come.

Don't get me wrong, guys, I totally agree that 99% of the time, the best way to act in front of the female gender is not to act (ok, that sounds strange... I mean, to be natural), but only sometimes, it is better to be prepared.
I am not saying that you guys are not right, far from it. It just seems that none of you believe in manipulation and subconscious control that much. :)

Oh, and Huffman, flirting and teasing is the best, totally ftw! :D
God, I love those acronyms...


And a special thanks to Robyn923b for the Book of Pook. It really has some useful stuff in there, danke schön.


And for the thread you did! Awesome stuff! Great work.
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