Question, she asks for my #, say's she likes me, then ???


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2012
Reaction score
Could you senior members give me advice on this, I'm in the bar and one of the waitress, an older woman asks for my number.I give it to her. Calls me later that night. I talk to her a little bit tell her me and the other guy got home ok. She texts me later. I tell her thanks for asking...she says my name is so and so, say's you make my face Red. I like your name.

I'm drunk. (The bartender and someone else was feeding me shots. I) tell her she's beautiful. She tells me she's working tomorrow that she'd be happy to see me blah blah blah. I tell her I'm busy and maybe I see her another night. I don't live far. I asked what the situation is and if she has a man, she says No etc. I texted her saying ok gnite beuatiful I'd like to know more about you. She said she wants to know more about me...

I stop by the bar tonight (two nights later), and she's acting all coy. She goes out of her way to stop and flirt with everyone except me. Funny ass chicks! I talk to the bartender who's off work for a bit. Then talk to another dude sitting at the bar about this and that. I sure as hell wasn't pawning for her attention. But WTF?

On the way out she goes to lock the door behind me and she's kind of blinking her eyes and talking about she had to work since 12.

Whole situation is weird. I didn't hit on her at all. She tells me I make her face red. That she likes me. Then when I see her she talks to everyone but me and acts funny. Not that I give a fk. But WHAT IS THE DEAL WITH THAT? Maybe that I was drunk off my ass and said that I like her too or asked if she had a man? (Not the ideal thing to do, but I was seeing double vision bro)


Senior Don Juan
Jan 20, 2013
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Game617 said:
Could you senior members give me advice on this, I'm in the bar and one of the waitress, an older woman asks for my number.I give it to her. Calls me later that night. I talk to her a little bit tell her me and the other guy got home ok. She texts me later. I tell her thanks for asking...she says my name is so and so, say's you make my face Red. I like your name.

I'm drunk. (The bartender and someone else was feeding me shots. I) tell her she's beautiful. She tells me she's working tomorrow that she'd be happy to see me blah blah blah. I tell her I'm busy and maybe I see her another night. I don't live far. I asked what the situation is and if she has a man, she says No etc. I texted her saying ok gnite beuatiful I'd like to know more about you. She said she wants to know more about me...

I stop by the bar tonight (two nights later), and she's acting all coy. She goes out of her way to stop and flirt with everyone except me. Funny ass chicks! I talk to the bartender who's off work for a bit. Then talk to another dude sitting at the bar about this and that. I sure as hell wasn't pawning for her attention. But WTF?

On the way out she goes to lock the door behind me and she's kind of blinking her eyes and talking about she had to work since 12.

Whole situation is weird. I didn't hit on her at all. She tells me I make her face red. That she likes me. Then when I see her she talks to everyone but me and acts funny. Not that I give a fk. But WHAT IS THE DEAL WITH THAT? Maybe that I was drunk off my ass and said that I like her too or asked if she had a man? (Not the ideal thing to do, but I was seeing double vision bro)
Why are you letting what she is doing bother you?
Are you the prize?
Does she have a ring?
Answer these questions and you know what to do.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2012
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The Viagra Pill you wish you had...- United Kingdo
Women are creatures of insecurity, indecisivness, inability to make good decisions without regretting later on.

What you have here is a woman who had her hamster spinning TWO days over-time after texting you. She is questioning her decision to be so forward and didn't want to look SLUTTEE to you when you showed up.

YOU ARE THE MAN: You are expected to do your part of the job, she's definitely done her's. She's now going 'WTF??!! - he's ignoring me and has no balls to come talk to me now after all the interest I showed him 2 days before??'.

You lost your golden moment.



Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
She could be pulling the old stripper routine on you. Act all flirty and exchange numbers only to get you coming back and tipping? lol

Though I don't typically see waitresses/bartenders pulling that game because those positions tend to have relatively high turnovers and it doesn't make sense for a girl to put that much investment in it.


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2012
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On Earth
"she asks for my #, say's she likes me, then ??? "

Scotty knows, Scotty knows !

THEN when she got your attention, takes it and pulls her strings like a master of puppets to be under her control, and wants your attention to be like every single pvssywhipped beta out there to buy her gifts etc. Attention WHOAR.

Is Scotty right ?


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
scotty may be right.

On the other hand she may just feel rejected because you turned down her plans.
She may just want to keep her work and personal life seperate. If her managers watching, and knows you two exchanged #s, she'll keep her distance.

Try calling her and asking her out again. Get a date.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 10, 2012
Reaction score
She stuck her neck out by getting your number and contacting you. She wanted you to ask her to come over that night! She wanted to get laid and you failed to invite her.

Now she feels self-conscious. She's a bit embarrassed because she laid it on the line, basically said, "I want you to do me" and you failed to take her up on her offer.

She thinks less of herself and you now too.

You probably have one more shot at getting her out and banging her. Ask her out for drinks at some place other than where she works. It should be easy pickings from there.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2003
Reaction score
HalfPUAHalfAFC said:
She stuck her neck out by getting your number and contacting you. She wanted you to ask her to come over that night! She wanted to get laid and you failed to invite her.

Now she feels self-conscious. She's a bit embarrassed because she laid it on the line, basically said, "I want you to do me" and you failed to take her up on her offer.

She thinks less of herself and you now too.

You probably have one more shot at getting her out and banging her. Ask her out for drinks at some place other than where she works. It should be easy pickings from there.
This is pretty much on the money.

Don't jump to the conclusion that she's just being a b!tch. She was at work after all. Maybe you're too hot for her and she thought she start making mistakes at work if she got to close to you :)

Be positive my man, you just need to take the lead here.


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2012
Reaction score
The other might she called at around 2:30 AM or something like that. Under the guise of making sure I got home OK. After we hung up is when she started talking about me making her face red etc. Saying when I have time stop by and have a drink she'll be happy to see me. If I wasn't seeing double I would have played it better and not responded showing my interest...

The place was crowded because of the Big Storm we're getting here today. But she's at the other end of the Bar talking to these guys. Leans over and kisses one on the cheek. Then she's talking to a couple of old dudes at the end of the bar. She asked if I wanted to go outside with them for a smoke and I said no. I played it cool and din't let it bother me. I'm just not the type if she's over there talking to two other guys to jump into the middle of their conversation.

Texted her the next day asking what time she's working and no response. I'm just going to do what I usually do and stop by when I want to stop by. Maybe tell her COME HERE and talk to me. She's a good looking woman in her late thirties and the b*tch know's what she's doing.


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2012
Reaction score
Guys, do you remember the part where I said I was kind of drunk and seeing double?....well wrong fking waitress haha. I see the woman tonight and I'm next to her feeling all up on her body and her thighs. Seeing her on her next night off later this week. Told my friend in spanish about how her friend, who wasn't her bf and her broke up after 7 months. So she's DTF, and good with FWB.