Question On Attention *****s ( Sorry If Its Confusing long lol)


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2001
Reaction score
Alright heres my deal. I just read a recent post about attention *****s, and its very similar to this girl I work with that I have been pursuing but have finally nexted. She was a 9-10, model beautiful, has guys always approaching her, and says she likes to have "good guy friends" which she has plenty of, including a chump ex who gets nowhere with her. Can you see why I nexted this chick? lol Anyway, I was growing strong feelings for her, and while we had gone out a couple of times, she was giving me the whole " I see you at work all the time, and got to hang out with my friends " B.S when I asked her to do a couple of things( and instead of saying no initally she would cancel on me the day before. Bad behavior problems!).

Anyway, I decided to next this girl. I had feelings for her, and felt that if I fell into to deep with this game I would hurt my confidence and dating efforts, so I just stopped doing stuff like going to lunch, let her know that she was a great co worker as opposed to friend, and kept dating other girls. Now I am holding strong, even though I do like her, but she is starting to get angry with me because I am a bit colder and she won't leave me alone with her attention seeking. My goal with her is if she wants to see me, and cares for me, she will ask me to do something, if not , then I have already nexted her, and will find someone else. My question is though that she wont leave me alone, and is obviously trying to get my attention, but I don't want to be sucked back into her game. Am I doing the right thing or should I have been honest and said I like you alot, and I don't want to be friends with people I have a romantic interest in, so eithier you want to go out with me or you don't and we move on?

Sorry if this is rambling. Any advice would be appreciated.


Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Another Dimension


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Just ignore her and keep doing what you are currently doing - good job!. If she is not the revengeful type, then she will eventually get tired/ bored that you are not responding to her, she will find some other suckers to manipulate, and everything will be back to normal.

As long as you move on and not hung on her then you will be fine.


New Member
Aug 21, 2000
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Forget her. She's obviously a drama queen and who needs that in their life. Keep doing what you're doing and don't bother with Ms. THANG!!! at your job, it'll get you nowhere, you'll only wind up with headaches and being annoyed all day long.


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2001
Reaction score

BluePhoenix, DJ Damage, and Eric, thanks for the responses and encouragement! I've come a long way in two years then after signing on to this site. Two years ago I would have conintued to take her B.S, but this site has taught me to be a real man. I also love this site, because my friends are all AFC's( and in relationships but AFC's nonetheless) who don't really help. I'm staying strong, have a date tommorow, and on Saturday, so I am just focusing on women who treat me with respect as opposed to women who play games. Hopefully I become more of a master with this as I grow wiser. lol