Summit said:
whats life without a bit of drama? It's all fun and games anyway!
A "bit" of drama is just fine.
The problem is with these monsters its not just a "bit" but a whole damned ocean of drama and chaos!
Its the difference between someone smoking a harmless marijuanna joint and someone else going to get high on crystal meth.
Marijuanna will give you a nice buzz and relax you.
Crystal Meth will kill you and fvck up your teeth.
Borderline Personality Disordered chicks= Crystal Meth.
"I was wondering if someone can post some warning signs to look out for"
-Cut marks or burn marks on her body
-drinking, drug abuse, past suicide attempts, depression, bipolar disorder etc
-Jekyll and Hyde presentation where you are led to believe at first that she is sweeter than sweet but later she becomes the devil incarnate to you while maintaining her sweet facade to the rest of society which causes you to think you are the crazy one when you tell others about her craziness which they will never believe due to only seeing her sweet harmless side
-Fearing constantly that you will abandon her
-Making up stories about how she's in the hospital near death to get your attention or someother outrageous lie
-Keeping swarms of guys around whom she claims are just friends but in reality are guys who believe they're her only boyfriend just as you are led to believe the same
-Goes into rages over issues that to any other person would be minor and trivial which gets you walking on eggshells which means you are afraid to say anything for fear of setting her off onto another screaming rage tangent
-Conversation between you both initially will make you feel like a god and like the histrionics she may use many superlatives like awesome or amazing to describe you
-The connection between you both will be made to feel like you've met your soulmate since they mirror your actual personality back at you. Think about it who loves you more than you?