question for the pros


New Member
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
Hey Djs,
i have a question thats a little advanced.
Ok yesterday I was out on the town and i was scoping the potential at my favourite mall . Literally 50 hotties on a given day.
Anyways While i was checking out the hotties this hot hot HB12 on ( 1 to 10 scale) French chick makes eye contact with me and then proceeds to check me out. She is dressed like she wants to fvck like ONS. I mean her skirt is so short if she sits i would be able to see her panties. And shes got this tight ass and is showing cleavage. All the classic signs that a chick wants to fvck right now.

So whats the prob?
Shes with her boyfriend who happens to be a 6'5 goliath.

So anyways I stall and they walk away but later on im sitting and checking out another hottie. And this same hottie comes and sits right next to me . I mean if i just lean on her side ill be touching her. And her dumbass bf is sitting on the other side instead of sitting between us.
So i start making ec and she keeps it. By this time I have an erection the size of the fvcing eiffel tower. Anyway she sends her stupid bf away and her actually goes :p.

Ok so I really really didnt expect that, and i would have normally just opened her but the bf kept getting to my head this guy could beat every ounce of **** out of me.
So i just settle to kino her and she just sits there and i just sit there for fvcking half an hour. and the whole time im like her bf is gonna come here any sec.

Man im kicking myself for this ****.
What should i Have done. I mean if i hit on her like i normally would have her bf might have hit me.
And he was her bf ( his hand was on her ass) .

What should I do next time?? Has anything like this happened to you guys?
How do you get the chick to ditch her bf and come home with you.
Cos which ever guy went home with that chick on that night was getting it . If you know what i mean ;)

Thanks DJs.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2002
Reaction score
Wow, a 6'5 Goliath isn't something you really want to mess with. To be honest she must be a Sex goddess who will stay loyal to you after your near death experience or if not a deadly experience.

Second of all, do you think those type of girls actually are that simple? Seems like she got you in a trance rather you enchanting her. She might be just plain evil and like to mess with random guy's head cause she wants to see who will stand up to the bf of hers. Whatever the reason, keep your eyes open.

Third, it's one thing to risk your after after the fact that you already got with her and that she has a giant bf, but to go head in knowing already she got this giant bf is something I personally wouldn't want to be a part of. Granted she may be the hottest thing in the world, but it's going to be hard attracting other chicks after she leaves you when you don't have a full row of teeth.

DJ Hawtness

Don Juan
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
Dude, this girl had you on the ropes. The fact she sent her b/f away is weird...hmm...

I would have asked her what's up with her relationship, etc. (I would have used all the flirting techniques).

Lost In Translation

Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
dude you should have in your 30 whole minutes just asked for this MAD H0ES number #

Lost In Translation


Quote: PuertoRican_Lover
“ Yeah i saw this today and it remided me of you" --- then show her a doll of a sumo wrestler! “
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
You should have asked her "Is that your b/f or your pimp?":rolleyes:

Be happy you are still alive - get your own ho!!!