things I've noticed about women and dating that have changed since I was in highschool/college:
if a girl gave you her number there was a 70% chance she liked you. all you had to do was call, talk to her for about 15 mins and set up a date. once you had a date with her, you were pretty much home free. all you had to do was go be you on the date and you were in like Flynn.
if you went on a date with a girl, it was almost impossible to screw it up. you had to either try to mess up or just me a complete bumbling fool. girls gave you LOTS of leeway compared to nowdays where if you do one TINY little thing they will disqualify you instantly....even if you've been perfect up to that point. if the first date went well she was pretty much your girlfriend. not officially, but you new you had a second date in the future. the "one and done" dates were hardly heard of, and like I said you had to completely screw up the first date not to get a second one. if you didn't get a second one you knew it was on you, now if you don't get a second date it isn't always because of you.
girls were more interested in relationships back then. today they just want to date and hookup....with everyone else but me it seems I swear to God puzzy was easy to come by back then, but now you have to jump through all these hoops and do all kinds of tricks just to get a CHANCE. yet, they seem to be giving it away more freely to everyone else

somehow my game was tight as could be from age 15-25 then apparently my game went to sh!t because whatever worked like a charm back then ain't working now.
girls don't want a guy to be traditional anymore, they've killed it. what I mean is back then you NEVER met a girl out somewhere. you picked her up from her house, no questions asked. nowdays they all want to meet you out somewhere. they walk so fast that you have to be a world class sprinter to be able to get in front of them and open their door. you're freaking tired by the end of the night from all the running you have to do! back then she'd stand their and WAIT on you to open her door.
I never even knew wtf flaking was until 3 years ago. seriously. I'd never heard of being stood up, being cancelled on the day before the date or whatever, I didn't know that crap was possible. you could make a date with a girl a week from now and she'd keep it. now you can make one for two hours from now and she'll forget or flake on you
single moms were RARE. I could count on one hand how many I knew. now it's like I'M the odd person because I don't have a little b@astard kid running around. either guys knew to wear a condom back then or make sure the train pulled out of the station on time, but now I swear these guys don't know how to have sex. their dumbass must have fell asleep during Biology when they taught reproduction.
I can't remember a single girl I dated that I had competition with. what I mean is the girls might have had 50 guys chasing them but when I went on a date with them that was it, she cut off all contact with the others and it was just me and her. now? hell I could go on 10 dates with a girl and she's still seeing 3 other guys.
girls were alot more classy back then, alot more fun. sure you had to put up with some bs but it wasn't anything that would drive you out of your fvcking mind like now. you had to play the game, but you didnt have to do it on a daily basis. you just had to play it long enough to get her number and one date and the rest was golden.
girls seemed to be smarter back then, had more common sense. there's so many flat out IDIOTS out there today that I honestly have a hard time finding one that's on my education level.
that's about all I can think of for now.