Question for stoners...

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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So why is weed illegal? Because the U.S. government won't make porfit.
Although Peter bowed out of this discussion, I think it's because marijuana is deemed as poor "family values". There is a strong philosophical undercurrent in contemporary American society of pure body and mind. It's the "morality police" restricting or eliminating adult behaviors and preferences to keep pure the upbringing of children. Of course, we all want our future generations to be properly raised, but of course it's absurd that what one adult individual does to their own body without harming others affects the family values of others.

Also, the government would make huge profits and they know it. But that is another topic.
I tried smoking, I hate how it stays around in your system for a month and you sometimes get paranoid if your in public. At least when your drunk you can sarge but sarging high is really hard.
Personally, I think "sarging" while stoned is actually easier than while being drunk, mainly due to the more astute awareness of actions, but that relative ease applies only while being lightly stoned. But it's still easier to be sober.
Also ppl who are high lack time judgement almost got into a huge accident when friend decided to cut off two trucks.
Just to share with whomever happens to be reading, while driving stoned is ill-advised and certainly not recommended, it's actually safer to drive while stoned than drunk. Statistically, there are just less marijuana-related accidents. Drunks tend to drive faster and more reckless, whereas being stoned tends to make for slower drivers. Of course, the catch is driving slow can be a hazard in itself.

Though, a major problem is memory lapses; such as driving home at night and constantly forgetting what street you are driving on and where should be the next turn. Now that is paranoia!
Maybe its not bad for you, cuz your o so cool with having your brain cells killed or suffering from paranoia and schizophrenia that you considered it "not really bad".
Weed doesn't kill brain cells. Aside from the fact only a few people go on to develop schizophrenia, which does suggest the triggering of a pre-disposition, the general medical findings I have heard is the long-term cognitive effects of marijuana are gone by three to six months of abstinence for long-term heavy users. Overall, marijuana is safer (and more fun!) than having a few beers.

Create Reality

Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2002
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My experiences with weed have led me to believe the only thing it does, is slow down neurons so the brain works slower. Thoughts come slower and are "more thought out" for lack of a better word. I've had trips where I've gotten paranoid as ****, and trips where I've gotten just too emotional. The trip depends on how I feel before I smoke, and the environment I'm in; how it's making me feel. If you are suspicious of something beforehand, those thoughts will be amplified. But if you are really happy about something beforehand, you'll be laughing your ass off soon :D. It's like a emotional amplifier for me, always has been.

There's probably a few really bad negative side effects though. Smoke, for instance, isn't the greatest thing for your lungs. But that can be solved with a vaporizer or hash oil or whatever. And all that THC on the brain will cause sluggishness for a while, depending on how often you smoke. I barely smoke once a month.

I gotta say this though: reading sosuave while high is the funniest sh1t! All these chump stories are just too much :crackup:


Aug 22, 2006
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I'll take over PNA's place...

"1. Impairment of Judgement: Sitting by a nice warm fire with your buddies in the mountains, gettin' stoned. You decide it would be funny to grab an axe and bury it in your buddy's brain that pissed you off earlier that day. You spend the rest of your days in prison."

The fact that you believe this BS shows your brainwashed by biased sources like the government and those "above the influence commercials." It actually doesn't cause impairment of judgement, it just slows it down. Your def joking that you believe this right? The only drug that might cause you to do this is meth, coke or acid. Unless the buddy you mentioned is a complete psychopath smoking weed will not lead to murder. Your more likely to show aggresive behavior drinking alcohol.

PNA also mentioned already that driving cars or other machinery is DANGEROUS already and shouldn't be done when your really high because you lack time judgement and motor skillz, which is WHY most SENSIBLE users stay at home and stay immobalized by watching TV/movies.

He also said large dose of LIQUID THC which implies HASH OIL duh... can lead to overdose but highly unlikely for normal ppl to get it. People can cook hash oil, but they usually set the amount already so when they cook other food like BROWNIES using the OIL it won't cause overdose.

How the hell can you believe all the CONS of weed and metion that you DO COKE or HEROIN? You can die from those the first time... and they're both highly addictive.

Explain to me how U.S. is under different set of circumstances? Aren't most first world countries the same...?

Yes the U.S. government can make profit if they tried, but same with other drugs they don't want to deal with competition or increased violence by drug cartels.

Also most medical like the British medical journal is biased in their sample population, they get people with the disorder who used to smoke pot in their study. So it's not a random sample with a controlled enviroment, if they did this then they could techniqually prove that smoking cigs and alcohol both cause schizophrenia.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2006
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Deus ex Pianoforte said:
It has been proven many times over that marijuana affects your judgment, perception of time (as stated by yourself earlier), and inhibitions. All three are dangerous.

Yes you can suffer from paranoia, but it's mainly caused by thoughts of getting caught by the cops...

If that were true, then underage drinkers and recreational cocaine and heroin users would also suffer from accute paranoia. THC is the cause of the paranoia.

There has been no link to schizophrenia either...

Research between the use of cannabis and mental illness has also brought significant results. Cannabis use is generally higher among sufferers of schizophrenia, but the causality between the two has not been established. Another study concluded that sustained early-adolescent cannabis use among genetically predisposed individuals has been associated with a variety of mental illness outcomes; ranging from psychotic episodes to clinical schizophrenia. - British Medical Journal 2004, 2005 and Society of Biological Psychiatry, 2005

...and if it was BAD then why do some hospitals perscribe it for pain killers?

Lesser of two evils. Like using a sample of a virus for a vaccination.

Why do the country like the Netherlands or Canada have weed legal?

Same reason the legal age of consent for sex in Yemen is 9 years old. Just because another country has a law doesn't mean we automatically should too. Although I do think it should be legalized.

Deus your amazing.

Master Bates

Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2007
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Deus ex Pianoforte said:
1. Impairment of Judgement: Sitting by a nice warm fire with your buddies in the mountains, gettin' stoned. You decide it would be funny to grab an axe and bury it in your buddy's brain that pissed you off earlier that day. You spend the rest of your days in prison.
:crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

Too bad you can't go back in time to the 50s and write anti-marijuana propoganda commercials for the government. You'd make a killing.

Anyway, science, real-life experience, and plain common sense all tell us that marijuana use isn't even as dangerous or unhealthy as regular drinking, so you're not going to see my mind changed by some douche on the internet with an anti-weed agenda.

PNA also mentioned already that driving cars or other machinery is DANGEROUS already and shouldn't be done when your really high because you lack time judgement and motor skillz...

No, it shouldn't. Too bad said individual is too stoned to make a sound judgement call.

People can cook hash oil, but they usually set the amount already so when they cook other food like BROWNIES using the OIL it won't cause overdose.

What if I'm too stoned to know how much is too much?
Holy crap you're a tool.


Don Juan
Oct 27, 2005
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Deus ex Pianoforte said:
Whew, tough question. But I think I'll give it a shot.

1. Impairment of Judgement: Sitting by a nice warm fire with your buddies in the mountains, gettin' stoned. You decide it would be funny to grab an axe and bury it in your buddy's brain that pissed you off earlier that day. You spend the rest of your days in prison.

2. Perception of Time: Not dangerous for sitting around playing video games. However, if you're driving around a forklift at Costco after smoking a fatty on your 10 minute break and happen to notice the perfect ass of the hottie behind you while you're still moving, it may mean bad news for the 5 year old staring at the ceiling whose face happens to be perfectly lined up with one of the prongs.

3. Inhibitions: Well, that's not too bad. Unless of course you find a couple girls that promise you cheap weed at some dive bar, and you more than willingly get in the beat-up van with them only to end up in some dark basement bound and gagged, with some big fat dude revving up a chainsaw in the corner. Too bad you were too stoned to notice the blood stains and claw marks on the dashboard.

To overdose on weed you have to smoke nearly your body weight or have THC in liquid form, which are both close to impossible.

Really? You've never heard of hash oil?

Underage drinkers, cocaine and heroin users can also suffer from paranoia if they're faced with the same circumstance.

That's strange; I've done 2/3 of those drugs and never felt anywhere near the same level of paranoia that I felt on marijuana. You may not be experienced enough to make a determination like that.

Actually you read it wrong, people with schizophrenia SMOKE POT because it takes the pain away.

Heh, no I didn't. "...cannabis use has been associated with a variety of mental illness outcomes; ranging from psychotic episodes to clinical schizophrenia." Associated with schizophrenia means "connected with", not "used for medicinal purposes to help with". YOU read it wrong.

How are you sure that the British Medical Journal isn't biased?

Same reason that I know that studies showing smoking cigarettes causes emphysema aren't biased.

So it's medical value out weighs the cons right?

Absolutely. I'm very pro-medicinal marijuana use.

Canada has better healthcare and lower crime rate, so U.S. can actually learn from other countries and stop being so ignorant.

Please. The United States is under a completely different set of circumstances. Although, I personally do advocate the legalization of marijuana, like I said before.

... That's that I really don't feel like debating anymore, I quit so find someone else to argue over.

Don't take it so personally. I don't consider this an argument. More like an intelligent discussion about the pros and cons of marijuana usage. As long as we keep the personal attacks, politics, and "why looks matter" out of it, we should be A-OK. :up:
Regarding the paranoia issue, most people seem to forget that weed is a psychadelic. This makes it very sensitive to set and setting, as opposed to something like ecstacy where a good time is guaranteed. I used to get paranoid on weed too, but with a little self control I've learned to let go and chill the fvck out. Its the thoughts in your head that are making you paranoid, thoughts that you can control!

As far as overdosing on THC, see for yourselves:


LD50 is the amount of substance it takes to kill half of the sample range, so if you're feeding THC to a group of dogs, it would take 525mg/kg to kill half of them. If we extrapolate these figures to an average human male (around 75kg), we would need 39375mg (~39g) of THC. Smoking this much THC is not possible, you would pass out within the first gram. THC is not water soluble, so eating 40g of hash oil will not have that effect either. It would first have to be cooked in oil to make the THC readily available to your system. Not to mention that 40g of hash oil is not 40g of THC, it would require considerably more hash oil to have 40g of THC. So lets see, a lot of hash oil, plus fat to make it available to your system = a lot of fatty sh!t tasting sludge to swallow. Most people would get the idea that they are taking too much, and if they don't, we know that Darwin was right.

You've got the benefit of doubt on your first 3 points, I'll assume you were high and joking around when you wrote them.
Feb 28, 2007
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hahaha this is a funny thread. One guy arguing for weed and another against it even though he wants it legalalized. haha, you guys are funny.


Don Juan
Oct 27, 2005
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Deus ex Pianoforte said:
I really can't tell if that's sarcasm or not, so I don't really know what to say. :p

Thanks. I've always had a knack for creative writing. I'm thinking about going into erotic literature, actually.

Anyway, science, real-life experience, and plain common sense all tell us that marijuana use isn't even as dangerous or unhealthy as regular drinking...

Yeah...and? That was never an issue. Pros and cons for everything. Have a glass of wine a day, prevent stroke and cancer...but drink too much, and you'll end up with cirrhosis of the liver. Have a joint a day, keep your stress levels down and your mind free...but smoke too much, and you'll end up stupid, lazy, and pumping gas when you're 70.

so you're not going to see my mind changed by some douche on the internet with an anti-weed agenda.

No need to resort to personal attacks. I'm sure you have plenty of valid arguments why everyone should move out to the woods, set up shelter in a tree, and start hittin' the hash pipe. Besides, I'm not anti-weed. Read my earlier posts. I'm very pro-legalization of marijuana. But if you actually believe that there are no negative consequences of marijuana use, you're only fooling yourself. And that's a fact, Jack.

Holy crap you're a tool.

Because I messed with your favorite past-time, or those one-line points that I made are inarguable?

Bad assumption; I don't use drugs. If you want to honestly contend that marijuana has never been involved in accidental deaths or homicides, then that's fine...I'll just look up some specific cases. But don't go citing erowid and telling me that it's a PSYCHedelic, and thus it's impossible for someone to have a PSYCHotic episode as a result.
Easy there cowboy, I'm trying to make a point that your points are a little "out there". Sure, its possible for dormant schizophrenia to be activated by smoking a joint, its gonna happen with psychadelics. Do you understand that the cases you're outlining are very extreme and unlikely examples, yet you're stating them as if they are common? What you're doing is the equivilent of giving people meteor forecasts every time they leave the house because 3 people get struck in the head by one every year. I have smoked weed countless times and the only damage I managed to do was kill a couple dozen chickens through my KFC purchases.

Another thing you have to realise is that weed does not cause schizophrenia, it brings out dormant schizophrenia. A person who reacts like this to weed already had the psychological disorder before taking a puff. The best case solution would be that everyone is provided with a session with a psychiatrist before trying any kind of psychadelic. The best case solution would also have people being EDUCATED about drugs.

By the way, do you smoke, drink, drink coffee or eat chocolate?
Feb 28, 2007
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Deus ex Pianoforte said:
I'm not arguing against weed, man. I'm just pointing out that there ARE in fact side effects from using this drug, just like anything else.
hahaha I hear ya' bud. It's just all funny to me.

BTW- everyone on this thread, I would love some help here. I am new and posted a thread on DJD asking for advice from people on how to get the most out of this website. Any feedback will be appreciated.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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You just shouldn't smoke weed, and this is coming from a daily toker. It messes up your ambitions in life, it dulls your brain, takes away all motivation to do anything, can mess up your sex drive, finances, and pretty much if you use it after a while, all you wanna do is light up and get high.

What happens, IN HER MIND, is that she comes to see you as WORTHLESS simply because she hasn't had to INVEST anything in you in order to get you or to keep you.

You were an interesting diversion while she had nothing else to do. But now that someone a little more valuable has come along, someone who expects her to treat him very well, she'll have no problem at all dropping you or demoting you to lowly "friendship" status.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

The Sperminator

Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2007
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If you smoke weed everyday you will become stupid. It kills brain cells. I knew people in highschool who were smart and never did it. Then they started doing weed everyday in college and they became stupid as hell. It made them talk slower and think slower. You can usually tell the major pot heads. They talk extremely slow and slur their words often. I smoke but only like once a month.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2006
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I really can't tell if that's sarcasm or not, so I don't really know what to say.
No, its not sarcasm lol. If it was, it wouldve been something like this:

Deus your amazing...:rolleyes:

Create Reality

Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2002
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Don't be a ***** Deus, the joint's comin round to you so better hit it like a fatty


Aug 22, 2006
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Ok to end the debate I'm going to say that weed has it's cons (most chemicals can be taken out using a water bong) just like alcohol and cigs. Compared to cigs and alcohol the cons are less severe. Although it is ILLEGAL it all comes down to personal choice. If your going to do a drug then stick to weed, caffine and alcohol.

Always do everything in moderation. It's true that smoking everyday will lead to brain cell loss and short term memory loss, but if you drink everyday the samething will happen. Playing football also leads to loss of brain cells. If you wanna smoke you should do it once a week using water bongs to take out chemicals or cook it.

Disclaimer: I tried it and I think drinking is cheaper and better. I'm not going to pick sides. It's just that the cons mentioned here are scewed to the point that it's untrue. Even if your wicked baked you can still function, no you won't kill your friend with a shot gun unless your a pychopath and it's impossible to overdose cuz your body can handle 1/2 the leathal dose before you PASS OUT for 1-4 hours and last time I checked you can't do anything when your passed out.


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2005
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i don't think weed is as bad as people made it out to be. Those who said otherwise have never tried it. Its like alcohol, cigarette or anything else for that that matter... enjoy it but don't abuse it.

Here are a few interesting statistics i've found...


More than 100,000 U.S. deaths are caused by excessive alcohol consumption each year. Direct and indirect causes of death include drunk driving, cirrhosis of the liver, falls, cancer, and stroke.

Traffic crashes are the greatest single cause of death for persons aged 6–33. About 45% of these fatalities are in alcohol-related crashes.

Alcohol kills 6½ times more youth than all other illicit drugs combined.


# Marijuana contains more than 400 chemicals, including most of the harmful substances found in tobacco smoke. Smoking one marijuana cigarette deposits about four times more tar into the lungs than a filtered tobacco cigarette.3

# Harvard University researchers report the risk of a heart attack is five times higher than usual in the hour after smoking marijuana.4

# The risk of using cocaine is estimated to be more than 104 times greater for those who have tried marijuana than for those who have never tried it.5

# Smoking marijuana can injure or destroy lung tissue. In fact, marijuana smoke contains 50–70% more of some cancer causing chemicals than does tobacco smoke.6


There's harmful longterm side effect for any drug if used/abused regularly... but i've found no death directly related marijuana alone. Alcohol kills more than any drug combine... why is it still legal and marijuana is not??

Well I'm here to tell you there is such a magic wand. Something that will make you almost completely irresistible to any woman you "point it" at. Something guaranteed to fill your life with love, romance, and excitement.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Aug 22, 2006
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Deus ex Pianoforte said:
Alcohol has been around for thousands of years, and is a well-established vice. It's widely accepted by society. Marijuana has been in the states, what, 100 years? It'll take some time.
Actually weed has been around longer. Even the christian bible mentioned the freaking thing moron.
Feb 28, 2007
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Deus ex Pianoforte said:
Alcohol has been around for thousands of years, and is a well-established vice. It's widely accepted by society. Marijuana has been in the states, what, 100 years? It'll take some time.

:crackup: Weed is referenced in the Bible, so it's been around plenty long pal.


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2005
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actually weed has been around for a very long time, even before the bible.

Cannabis has an ancient history of ritual usage as a trance inducing drug and is found in pharmacological cults around the world. Hemp seeds discovered by archaeologists at Pazyryk suggest early ceremonial practices by the Scythians occurred during the 5th to 2nd century BC, confirming previous historical reports by Herodotus.


Aug 22, 2006
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Deus just accept the fact you don't know what the f*ck your talking about. You were just proven WRONG by three people. So ya maybe you do look like a dork now... :crackup: and please explain to me how my TRUTHFUL arguments are HS? Your statement about weed being around 200 years is more HS level and turning the debate to mud cuz we aren't argueing over "facts" anymore. :nono: