Although Peter bowed out of this discussion, I think it's because marijuana is deemed as poor "family values". There is a strong philosophical undercurrent in contemporary American society of pure body and mind. It's the "morality police" restricting or eliminating adult behaviors and preferences to keep pure the upbringing of children. Of course, we all want our future generations to be properly raised, but of course it's absurd that what one adult individual does to their own body without harming others affects the family values of others.PeterNorthIsAwesome:
So why is weed illegal? Because the U.S. government won't make porfit.
Also, the government would make huge profits and they know it. But that is another topic.
Personally, I think "sarging" while stoned is actually easier than while being drunk, mainly due to the more astute awareness of actions, but that relative ease applies only while being lightly stoned. But it's still easier to be sober.I tried smoking, I hate how it stays around in your system for a month and you sometimes get paranoid if your in public. At least when your drunk you can sarge but sarging high is really hard.
Just to share with whomever happens to be reading, while driving stoned is ill-advised and certainly not recommended, it's actually safer to drive while stoned than drunk. Statistically, there are just less marijuana-related accidents. Drunks tend to drive faster and more reckless, whereas being stoned tends to make for slower drivers. Of course, the catch is driving slow can be a hazard in itself.Also ppl who are high lack time judgement almost got into a huge accident when friend decided to cut off two trucks.
Though, a major problem is memory lapses; such as driving home at night and constantly forgetting what street you are driving on and where should be the next turn. Now that is paranoia!
Weed doesn't kill brain cells. Aside from the fact only a few people go on to develop schizophrenia, which does suggest the triggering of a pre-disposition, the general medical findings I have heard is the long-term cognitive effects of marijuana are gone by three to six months of abstinence for long-term heavy users. Overall, marijuana is safer (and more fun!) than having a few beers.Charm&Style:
Maybe its not bad for you, cuz your o so cool with having your brain cells killed or suffering from paranoia and schizophrenia that you considered it "not really bad".