pulchritudinous chum
Don Juan
Just wanted the master DJs to answer because I didn't want mixed opinions. Is it a good idea to sleep with girls you're not that attracted to?
It has always been a good confidence booster for me, though it's unclear or I missed the part in the Bible if to get the reputation you desire you need to only go after the girls that are up to your standards.
Last night I could have gotten laid by a HB6 and I decided not to, because I knew I could do better. Is this a bad thing? I mean, I got laid last Saturday so is it wrong to not put out and seem desperate, or will it make my rep turn from stud to gay?
It has always been a good confidence booster for me, though it's unclear or I missed the part in the Bible if to get the reputation you desire you need to only go after the girls that are up to your standards.
Last night I could have gotten laid by a HB6 and I decided not to, because I knew I could do better. Is this a bad thing? I mean, I got laid last Saturday so is it wrong to not put out and seem desperate, or will it make my rep turn from stud to gay?