Question for Interceptor


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
Reaction score
Latinoman said:
I was sharing some of my experiences in that advice forum to help men...but some of the males (more so than the females that posted there) got offended or pissed off to the point of personal attacks. And that was a "dating advice" forum for "m"en. The point I am trying to make, you will be surprised how many men feel envy of those that manage to experience some level of success with women.
I could not agree with you more. I myself feel the same way. If everyone her had my mindset I would post alot more real life situations. How I picked up a girl and had sex, date reports, the whole nine yards. Yet it just seems that most of the guys on here look at you like you are trying to validate yourself. They also act like there is nothing to be learned from a field report.t Your lucky to even get a response. If there is a weakness in the mature man forum its not enough posters and not enough field reports.

Lets make a field report month were that is all we post. Lets talk dates, sex, real situations with woman. If your not active than bring up some past experiences.


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
Reaction score
STR8UP said:
I'm curious as well.

Unfortunately it opens you up to misinterpretations by good posters and attacks by trolls.
I think your a good person and I like having you around on this forum. I think you are one of the most respected members on this forum and people have given you great advice. You posted alot of situations with girls were you said you could have banged them but didn't. I did not mean to be harsh towards you but at your age and your experience you I feel shoud have closed more deals instead of posting how you could have.

Señor Fingers

Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
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Wherever I am.
Interesting topic

I used to write about my experiences a LOT. Definitely written my share of field reports and overall I've had the tendency to inject personal anecdotes into my posts.. not so much anymore.

I think it's because you start out seeing the game from the outside in. Your approach is tactical and focused on concrete do's and don'ts. But over time you learn the mindset and attitude that leads naturally to these behaviors.

After a while "Try this C&F Line" turns into "Be relaxed and uninhibited". "Don't call her in 4 days" becomes "have a freaking life so you aren't counting the minutes till you can call", etc etc

In other words, common sense prevails and you learn to abstract out the miniscule details of your behavior into solid ideas, instead of locker-room banter.

At the same time, I still don't mind dropping some of my own experiences now and then, especially if I think it will help someone in a similar situation. In general I enjoy telling stories and believe that they can be parables to deliver a message with more of a lasting impact.

It's interesting to note that other people's stories stick in my head more than abstract fluff. I used to read Pook's posts all the time, but don't ask me to remember any of them, aside from a few brilliant quotes. I do remember a lot of MOTU posts though..he had the gift of spinning a tale into a solid lesson without bragging.

It's a fine line to walk, but I believe the ideal spot lies somewhere in the middle. If you are constantly yapping about the same sh!t all the time (i took this girl here, I got her to do that there, etc) well thats obviously your ego talking. But if you never divulge anything about yourself, well to me thats just another outlet for the ego, cause it's easier to make general statements than to put yourself out there before the scrutiny of others.

Personally, I'd like to see more anecdotes from folks like Interceptor. You can tell he's learned some tough lessons by the wisdom he speaks, but sometimes telling people about the X on the treasure map is not enough. It's often helpful to show the path from point A to point B, and what better vehicle for this than your own experiences? If your intentions are pure and ego really is not an issue, then divulging your humble beginnings shouldn't be either.

When you drop abstract, deep knowledge on folks, they have a tendency to put you instantly on a pedestal, like you were born knowing all this stuff and there is no chance in hell you were ever as inept or foolish as they were. In a sense it's a disservice because they feel distanced, as if they will never be as wise as you are.

I really think that is the spirit of this thread. Look at the first post and read between the lines.. blueblue is really asking "How did you get so smart?"