thanks for the kudos.
however i would like to take the opportunity to declaim my own experience in one sense. my posts rely heavily on knowledge gained from a variety of sources, and are inspired by waking up one day after many, many years of doing things the wrong way (or many different wrong ways, if you will).
however, if you met me -- and quite apart from some other posters who i'm quite sure are true beasts -- i wouldn't stand out physically in a crowd at the moment. my physique is impressive only if you knew me a couple years ago -- when i might stand out in a crowd for the wrong reasons. like most of you (and in some ways quite unlike WBA, Effort & others) I'm a journeyman in the middle of a long fight.
when i can can bench 400, squat 500 & dead 600 lbs. (or so) you might hear me pound my chest once or twice, b/c then & only then will I feel I've "arrived" in any meaningful sense. in the meantime, I'm in the middle of the journey with the rest of you, and not particularly worried whether or not I'll ever actually hit 400/500/600. But i have reason to believe that it's possible in a way I never would have thought even a year ago.
if the excessive certitude of my posts bothers anyone, just know that i'm at least twice this arrogant in person & on subjects i believe that i possess true expertise
my only goal is to increase the signal to noise ratio of responses here, which is why i'm brutally hard on a couple posters who i believe repeat bad or unhelpful information, and also why i'm very glad when experienced & knowledgeable guys like WBA, effort & stronglifts take the time to offer their own perspective, even on those rare occasions that i disagree with anything they post.