Question about my passion in life.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2009
Reaction score
Northern California
As a DJ, it is stated that women are an addition to your life and just add to the great moments, but they aren't the focus. I believe this wholeheartedly.

But I have a question...

I am an artist. I love drawing. That is my passion. I don't care if I get women. As long as I get to draw and paint, thats all I care about. Now I would like to add women to my life, but as an artist, I love playing video games and looking at the artwork behind it and watching movies with an artists eye.

I don't play video games all the time, but I do work at a video game store, so I don't stop completely playing. I know a lot of women hate video games. But thats my goal in life. To become a concept artist for video games and make character designs for them.

So my question is, how do I do this without turning off women?? I also love comics as well and will probably be going to WonderCon this weekend. Nerding it out! I know women aren't too big a fan of comics as well. This is a big sticking are for me because I love looking at art and letting it inspire me to draw.

My whole thought on this though is that I like my interests and if a girl doesn't, I don't bother with her. But this makes my options very slim. With slim options, it gets kinda hard to practice on women. I can attract to a point, but once they find out I'm at home playing video games or reading a comic, they kinda lose the spark. And I'm not gonna BS with women about my passions. And I'm not gonna change what I do just to get with a women.

I'm stuck now. Let me shut up so you guys can read this whole long azz question. Thanks for your opinions.


Don Juan
Jan 8, 2009
Reaction score
Ready for this? Don't give a damn what they think! Do whatever makes you happy. The thing that makes you attractive to a woman is that they have to work a bit to tame you. The second you're housebroken; out in the street you go. By doing the things you want to do, you remain a challenge to women. So you love to draw and paint. Awesome. You have goals; even better. You don't need their approval.

You mentioned that as soon as a woman finds out that you're playing games or reading comics that you are a dead man. So the solution is simple. When you are busy playing or reading your comics, your phone doesn't receive female callers. You are busy doing something you like! Later on if an interested woman asks why you were not available you tell her you were busy. When she asks what you were doing, respond by asking her if she's writing a book. Make a joke out of it and keep her guessing. Problem solved.


New Member
Apr 2, 2010
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People tend to follow your cue on how to react to things. It's like a vicious cycle, you think she will dislike the fact that you enjoy videos games, she feels this on some level based off how you communicate it to her and does dislike it... because that's what she was supposed to do.

Making sweeping statements about women not liking who subjects is no good man. I would say that in fact there are about as many women who enjoy these things as who have a dislike for them... but to be honest probably some 90% of women, simple don't care about that... she might not sit down and play with you but how is that any different then her not going out and playing football with a guy?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2009
Reaction score
Northern California
rick92f said:
When you are busy playing or reading your comics, your phone doesn't receive female callers. You are busy doing something you like!
I love this quote. I really take it to heart. Thanks for the advice rick.

DaveHart said:
she might not sit down and play with you but how is that any different then her not going out and playing football with a guy?
When you put it in that perspective, it makes a lot more sense. I was being too negative about it.

What I notice about me is that I'm very incongruent with myself. I'm alsways second guessing myself. It's like I fake my confidence. I'm always lying to myself. I have to stop. It's such a horrible habit. I tell myself I don't care what anyone thinks, but that's my drive for the way I act and that's what I hate about myself. I have to change it starting now.

Thanks guys for the advice. It really helped me figure a lot of myself out. Wish me luck on creating new habits.