Whenever I give my girl oral, she pulls away all of a sudden.
She enjoys it and all, but after licking her for a while, she kinda tenses up and pulls her vaglna away.
When I asked her why she does that, she says that she can't take it anymore.
Does this mean she's approaching climax or already has?
Same thing when we have sex. When we get going and I reach down to stimulate her cIit, she pushes my hand away. What's going on?
She enjoys it and all, but after licking her for a while, she kinda tenses up and pulls her vaglna away.
When I asked her why she does that, she says that she can't take it anymore.
Does this mean she's approaching climax or already has?
Same thing when we have sex. When we get going and I reach down to stimulate her cIit, she pushes my hand away. What's going on?