I have no idea what the proper way to do this cause I am not on facebook all that much, I have an account with one picture on it.
There's this girl at the bank that I have spoken to a few times, I have no idea if she's single. But she seems to be somewhat interested (looks into my eyes and smiles and plays with her hair, etc.) But the problem is that she is working and I can never time it to where she is my teller so that I can ask her out.
That's why the FIRST time you spoke to her, you should have asked her out. Guys always assume the girl they like will ALWAYS be there and they will unconditionally talk to them at all times, yet that's never the case. NEVER assume someone elses schedule is the SAME as yours.
So, the creative genius that I am, I read her name and last name on her name tag, I looked on facebook and there she is. My understanding is that I have to ask her to be friends before i can send her a private
My plan (tell me if this is horrible or what) is that I can ask her to friend me and then send a private message saying "Hey, I never get a chance to speak with you all that much when you are working but I just wanted to see if you would like to go out sometime". Or something like that.
Here's the problem;
She may not be single
I may seem like a creep
What do you guys think of this?
I need your best A game on this one. I can keep trying to get her as my teller and her supervisor not watching but it's been three weeks and my timing is terrible. Second, I don't want to embarrass her at her work. Third, I'm sure six hundred other guys have asked her out at work.
Any advice? I'm guessing I have to get a better picture on facebook of myself to do this? I only have one.