being aggressive for me is when the time is right, i take the girl into my arms and kiss her..i just do it, i don't sit around waiting to be kissed by her.
Originally posted by cmr662
but on the other hand i always see people write "let her initiate the relationship talk" etc. these seem to somewhat contradict each other. opinions?
relationship talk... personally for me, i don't wait till i'm officially "in a relationship" with the girl before i make any move on her, its basic, i can kiss her/have sex with her without being in a relationship with her. afiter this point though, i don't say anything about being with her long term, even after we've had sex a few times. i wait for her to bring it up. this shows me that she's serious about it... if you have read one of pook's AD posts, he says something about this as the girl "proposing to you when she brings this up" when she does, you know she's for real and wants to be with you.
then you can decide if you want her or not.
that's my personal two cents. hope it has helped you though things may be very different for each individual.
all the best