Question about average looking and above average looking men


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2012
Reaction score
We all know that women are like cats

When you chase them they runaway

When you don't pursue them they pursue you

However this is only if they find you attractive and have initial interest

If a woman doesn't find you attractive aloofness won't have any affect

So lets say you are a 7 or 8.The combination of you being attractive and women wanting to be the pursers and not pursued since they are like cats will give you an advantage because of that higher initial interest they would have as opposed to the initial interest level they would have with an average guy.

however if you are average looking how are you not stuck?
Since women because of your averageness there won't be a high initial interest like a really good looking guy so know you need persistence and good game.Well by nature since women are like cats and are more into the guy when they are the one doing the pursuing now you are in a difficult position because if you pursue you push them away but if you are kind of aloof they won't chase because of your average looks an lower
Initial interest they would have as opposed to the really good looking guy?

Am I correct?

Those of you who have personal experience with this i would like to hear your perspective


Master Don Juan
Mar 28, 2011
Reaction score
Assuming the guy has passed the 'Do i see myself fvckig him test', an average looking guy with good game will almost all the time trump a good looking guy with no game. Why? Because women are looking for a MAN, be a pu$$y whipped little bvtch and it doesn't matter if you look like Brad Pitt you're out sooner or later. Once you establish that value girls will naturally start the chase, it is your job as a MAN to show her that value and let her decide if she wants it.

That being said, a good looking guy definitely has more room for error as compared to an average dude who needs to make it up in terms of game.


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2012
Reaction score
Ok this is the part i am confused about

If you are a man of value then if you need to show a woman value

Isn't that approval seeking?

Vs a woman who approaches the guy she perceives to be good looking and feels that she is the one that needs to show her value win his approval

Maybe i am misinterpreting this


Don Juan
Sep 15, 2014
Reaction score
You don't show yourself awaiting for an outcome, you just act the best you can be,, who you are. not only with her but in life. she will notice if done natural ,, that she does not have it easy because she hasn't earned it.. let her decide what she wants.. you show your interest,, you go for what you want,, My main point is that if your value is true,, it will shine by itself.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2015
Reaction score
Well Im ****ing handsome tall long legs short torso long arms (modesty is a great quality isnt it), for which I thank my beutiful parents I dint do **** to become this, but more than one girl told me that I undress her with just a look and Im mostly to the point and always make it clear that I want sex and if it aint given to me so long *****. Plenty o fish in the sea.

Now I admit I play the guitar, I know women dig it but IDC, learnt by myself, I love blues music, I had it inside of me since birth, but never do it for a girl. Never. I do it for the music. Its the only thing that can make me cry. I hate guys who do it for the chicks. Its low. Art is much more than this.

Its like wearing glasses to look smart.

I have many other nice qualities like no matter what I do I do it good, no matter what mechanism or a new job or some new system I get my hands on, I always manage, and I always read people like a book an leave a footprint in their brain.

I have downsides ofc like booze and drugs and wasting my time doing nothing sometimes I just procrastinate. I also tend to create anarchy by instinct so that people open their eyes to some stupid ****, but it works against me, so its very important to think about everything alot for me or I go ape**** and destroy myself mostly. But I never went too far with this.

The wheel always turns - low then high then low... Its life.

But its not about none of that ****. You just need a look. THE look. The rest is not something to boast with in front of girls. Give them little. Uncover yourself little by little BUT always be truthfull. And you have to be aware of who you are. Its important. Very very important.

People say listen to your heart. Live for the moment. Nope. Nope. Nope. This is women talk. Listen to your upper head.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Lostsoul85 said:
We all know that women are like cats

When you chase them they runaway
They won't run away if they are attracted to you. Otherwise, I agree with your post. Of course the better looking guys always have it easier, that's why it's best to maximize your looks as best you can with style and being in optimum shape.

I'm an average looking fellow, so it's pretty rare that I can run the "aloof" trick and get girls to flock to me. Damn, I wish it was that easy! And by the way, if you are asking for her number, you are not being aloof, because if you were being aloof, you would have no interest in her whatsoever.

I find that women tend to be attracted to my personality, so I pretty much have to interact with them in order to get their interest. Once they see that you are a cool guy, then if you can get them to hang out with you, then you should be home free.

The main thing about being unaffected by outcome is that you have a personal sense of your own value and happiness that will not be destroyed or injured if one particular chick doesn't work out for you.