Question about approaching and interacting with women


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2014
Reaction score
I was reading Anti-Dump's guide that was posted here earlier, and I read this particular excerpt:

Almost every guy on the planet shows EXCESSIVE attention to a women. This goes on day after day, year after year. Women are bored with it. They've heard the compliments a million times. You believe a myth. You believe a women doesn't get enough attention. You believe she's starved for attention. This is not so. Every day some guy is asking her to "get together some time". Every day some guy is asking for the number. Every day some guy is telling her how beautiful she is.

When you show a women INITIAL interest like you said above, SHE BEGINS TO LOSE interest. Your theory would work if nobody was approaching these women day after day. THEN, her interest would suddenly INCREASE. But, instead, it DECREASES when you tell her how fine she looks and talks. She's BORED by attention.
So, in effect, there can be no 'Cycle'. Attention kills the deal. It might work on an unattractive lady. I'll give you that . But on attractive to beautiful. I say it BACKFIRES.

Now, this all makes sense to me, it even resonates with my own experience.

But if it's the case that even asking for her number is over-validating her, how does one and talk to women at all? It seems to me (and this is actually something I've been thinking about for a while) that any display of interest will make the girl lose interest in you.

How do you show your own interest, without turning her off? For me, the above quote creates a bit of a paradox.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
Konduit said:
I was reading Anti-Dump's guide that was posted here earlier, and I read this particular excerpt:

Almost every guy on the planet shows EXCESSIVE attention to a women. This goes on day after day, year after year. Women are bored with it. They've heard the compliments a million times. You believe a myth. You believe a women doesn't get enough attention. You believe she's starved for attention. This is not so. Every day some guy is asking her to "get together some time". Every day some guy is asking for the number. Every day some guy is telling her how beautiful she is.

When you show a women INITIAL interest like you said above, SHE BEGINS TO LOSE interest. Your theory would work if nobody was approaching these women day after day. THEN, her interest would suddenly INCREASE. But, instead, it DECREASES when you tell her how fine she looks and talks. She's BORED by attention.
So, in effect, there can be no 'Cycle'. Attention kills the deal. It might work on an unattractive lady. I'll give you that . But on attractive to beautiful. I say it BACKFIRES.

Now, this all makes sense to me, it even resonates with my own experience.

But if it's the case that even asking for her number is over-validating her, how does one and talk to women at all? It seems to me (and this is actually something I've been thinking about for a while) that any display of interest will make the girl lose interest in you.

How do you show your own interest, without turning her off? For me, the above quote creates a bit of a paradox.
There's a big difference between getting a girls number and telling her how beautiful she is etc... This is why ****y/playful flirting is advocated around here! This type if stuff is what women find attractive, not being blunt about something obvious like her looks for example. When you become indifferent to her responses and respond in a playful manner, you become "different from the rest" in her eyes. This is also what "game" is typcally called, its just playful banter that's all- which can lead up to sexual banter of course! Add kino to this and all of a sudden you're a "player." It's a really simple concept that most guys don't even realize because of how "valuable and scarce" women are portrayed.

Your typical AFC will just tell her that she's beautiful, agrees with her on everything, "respects her body and opinion," buys her stuff, drives her around, writes her poems, stalks her... THAT is a turn off. While the other guy makes fun of her remarks, sets boundaries and confronts her if crossed, lives his own life, doesn't be her door mat, isn't afraid to use kino, isn't afraid to disagree with her, and doesn't take whatever she says seriously. That is a guy she finds attractive, why? Because he's living his life his way and not letting anyone take over or effect it.

You can only validate bad behavior if you let her, women will always be testing for this simple reason- she doesn't want weak AFC's. You could say other guys have ruined it for the rest, but if you KNOW this stuff then it's really easy to penetrate. Be playful, don't take her seriously, and use kino! Then all of a sudden you're "different!"