Question about acne medicine...


Master Don Juan
May 15, 2005
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I started taking this Minocyclone pills and Tretinoin Cream a couple weeks ago. I had very mild acne be4 I started taking it. Actually it was more like I would have a few pimples show up and disappear regualrly around my chin and mouth. This Cetaphil face wash was great at making them go away within a few days but I decided I would go to the dermatologist and get something to make these pimples go away. So anyways, for the last week my face has been really dry around my mouth where the pimples are. The pimples are also quite irritated from this. My moms telling me this is normal but can anyone who has taken this stuff be4 tell me if this is just temporary? Will my face be this dried out for as long as Im taking this medicine or is it just like this the first few weeks or something?

You see I was chasing after this girl I had a crush on and then I gave up a couple weks ago as I felt it was getting to be unhealthy. So now this week she has been calling me every day wanting to hang out and Ive been blowing her off because my face is so dry it hurts when I smile. This is really bad timing and I guess Im looking for someone to tell me theyve gone through this and the dryness is temporary. I got a feeling if I blow thijs girl off this weekend, when I know she'll be calling to hang out, that Im going to miss my window


Don Juan
Jun 12, 2005
Reaction score
get some moisturiser man ffs.

try to get an oil free one so it doesnt makes the pimples worse.
anything by neutrogena is exellent.


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2005
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ive been taking the Tretinoin Cream for a couple years, and yes, at first i noticed some dryness and occasionally my face will be dry, its just a side-effect of the cream. there are a couple things you can do though

1st, you need to carefully regulate how much your using. i was told about a pea-sized amount, but if thats making your face dry, use a little less. the sun will aggravate your skin as well, so get a face moisturizer with spf 15 or something along those lines.

2nd, your face wash could be contributing to your skin being dry. My dermatologist recommended PURPOSE daily wash, its very mild and does a good job without drying my skin. i was told it was made to be used in accordance with the tretinoin cream.

3rd, get a good face lotion, look for something thats "non-comodogenic" (spelling?) but ya, look for that on the label. its hard to find a decent lotion thats non-comodogenic tho, so you have to experiment. i use PURPOSE dual treatment lotion with spf 15, since i can use it on my face when im at the beach. like i said, non-comodogenic lotions dont work too well, but its better then nothing. i also use cetaphil something, its green, says non-comodogenic also. that works wonders, just it leaves my face looking a little too moisturized.

and over time your skin should get used to it. try to use as little as possible at first, and gradually work your way up to pea-sized. i also shower in the mornings, and when i first get out i wash my face, and use some sort of facial scrub, i have these body-scrub gloves that work pretty good. just be gentle, since you've beeni n the shower your dead skin cells should come off easily, dont over do the rubbing. when you know you have a date, try doing this, you can use a towel dipped in warm water, mix it in with your face-wash.

itl get better as time goes on, just make sure you take good care of your skin. good luck with the girl, and yes, dont miss any more chances due to your face. get some lotion ASAP.


Master Don Juan
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Technicolor
ive been taking the Tretinoin Cream for a couple years, and yes, at first i noticed some dryness and occasionally my face will be dry, its just a side-effect of the cream. there are a couple things you can do though

1st, you need to carefully regulate how much your using. i was told about a pea-sized amount, but if thats making your face dry, use a little less. the sun will aggravate your skin as well, so get a face moisturizer with spf 15 or something along those lines.

2nd, your face wash could be contributing to your skin being dry. My dermatologist recommended PURPOSE daily wash, its very mild and does a good job without drying my skin. i was told it was made to be used in accordance with the tretinoin cream.

3rd, get a good face lotion, look for something thats "non-comodogenic" (spelling?) but ya, look for that on the label. its hard to find a decent lotion thats non-comodogenic tho, so you have to experiment. i use PURPOSE dual treatment lotion with spf 15, since i can use it on my face when im at the beach. like i said, non-comodogenic lotions dont work too well, but its better then nothing. i also use cetaphil something, its green, says non-comodogenic also. that works wonders, just it leaves my face looking a little too moisturized.

and over time your skin should get used to it. try to use as little as possible at first, and gradually work your way up to pea-sized. i also shower in the mornings, and when i first get out i wash my face, and use some sort of facial scrub, i have these body-scrub gloves that work pretty good. just be gentle, since you've beeni n the shower your dead skin cells should come off easily, dont over do the rubbing. when you know you have a date, try doing this, you can use a towel dipped in warm water, mix it in with your face-wash.

itl get better as time goes on, just make sure you take good care of your skin. good luck with the girl, and yes, dont miss any more chances due to your face. get some lotion ASAP.

Thanks. I got the Cetaphil lotion and I could really tell this morning when I woke up that it helped a lot, and I also noticced that it looked over-moisturized but it worked great. My face looks pretty red, I think its from having gone to the tanning bed earlier this week, but anyway the Cetaphil was really good to me. Definitely did enough to make me wanna hang out with her this weekend