quantify, quantify, quantify


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2002
Reaction score
Quantifying pick up attempts

Here’s something I have been doing since I started using this site about a year ago:

Every encounter I had with a girl (anything from a “hello” to a number close) I wrote down, with a rating out of one to ten as to how well I did with the girl, and then a minor comment, such as:
1) 1 point, was completely ignored
2) 3 points, friendly, but no number
3) 7 points, gave name (anne) and number with smile

My rating system was like this:

A) Girl completely snubs me, or is a b*tch – 1 point (always give yourself at least a point for trying)
B) Number Close – 5-7 points
C) Date with make-out – 8-9
D) Got laid – 10

This way, you can judge your improvement by the numbers.
Because sometimes you may be thinking “I’ve asked hundreds of girls out, and they all rejected me” – but this is exaggerating the problem. When you have the ACTUAL numbers, you will see that they’re probably not that high, and you’re actually doing not too bad, in relation to the number of attempts you’ve made.

The other thing cool about this is that you can progress more quickly by quantifying a target. If you talk to 1 girl/week for a year, that’s 52 attempts. But if you force 10 attempts/day for a week, that’s already 70 in ONE WEEK. (You have 70 guaranteed points in a week- and the “gods of getting you laid” notice this kind of effort) Setting the number itself will propel you forward.

See, “I will get laid by a hot chick this year” is a good goal, but its kind of vague, and in a way depends on another person (the chick wanting to lay you)– whereas the goal of “I will approach 70 women this week, ” – well, nobody is in the way of that, but you, and it is very specific.

Eventually you will have enough success that you won’t have to record minor flirtations anymore (especially if you say “hi” to fifty women a day), and you can stick to recording overt successes (ie. you got laid). But at first, you should put them all down.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2002
Reaction score
Sounds like another post in here, from last year or so!

Bur great idea!
Make everything sound like progress, success, and you'll start feeling better.

As Thomas Edison said.. "I have never failed. I have only found 10 000 ways that don't work" (and acquired a lot of experience in the process)


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
I think this is excellent. I have thought of things like this even for work. I look at it like this. Michael Jordan can look back at what he did on April 15, 1998 and say hey I scored 35 points against the Lakers or whoever. But I thought of it at work, how do I know I was productive, without a better way of quantifying it. There needs to be a good method!

Same thing when you go to a gym if you don't record the weights you lifted, you don't know if you are improving, so I do record them most of the time.

Excellent way when applied to women, it keeps you honest and working harder. I love it!


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2002
Reaction score
That's a bloody good idea I think I'll try it. Something to give me extra motivation to go out and meet chicks

Channel your excited feelings into positive thoughts and behaviors. You will attract women by being enthusiastic, radiating energy, and becoming someone who is fun to be around.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2004
Reaction score
Finished bumping all 2ndTour's posts. :D

"Gods of getting you laid", hahahahaha... well, they are watching us! :cheer:


Senior Don Juan
Mar 18, 2005
Reaction score
I keep a spreadsheet with all my data. If you want to get better at ANYTHING, you HAVE to keep stats. How much weight you can bench press, how many girls you approach, how many miles you ran, etc...


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Great Lakes
Originally posted by 2ndTour
Quantifying pick up attempts

This way, you can judge your improvement by the numbers.
Because sometimes you may be thinking “I’ve asked hundreds of girls out, and they all rejected me”
Well...one thing that you do by that is to put more pressure to her her phone number. I dont think you want to have MORE pressure.

I think quantifying should encourage learning and skills, and not the results. who care if you got 10 esy numbers from ho like gals and got laid? You still ive yourself points?

I think it would be a good idea to reward some good approaches, i.e. approaches when you said some good c&f stuff.
So you gotta focus on what you actually said... and if she laugh at it or at least smiles. Laugh +10 points, smile +7. appoach with saying c&f +3. Approach without saying c&f -3.
Just a suggestion.