Today's session was great. Mixed things up a little with the upper stuff. Here it is:
One arm DB oh press 26x5 30x5 34kgx7 PR (75lbs)- As I said I'm going to continue 5/3/1 with upper, but I'm going to change the exercises. I made my best progress on the press doing this exercise, so I'll see how I get on. I think I'm slightly stronger on this than the full press, as this would be 68kgx7. My best press is 70kgx4. This also carried over well to my full press.
Deadlifts 120x5 137.5x5 155kgx10 (341lbs) PR

- Very happy with this. This is 3 extra reps on two weeks ago, and it felt a lot better today. I feel my form was better this week, on the initial reps anyway. I set up a little lower and focused on keeping the back straighter. I also had an mp3 for the first time in a long time, so I had much better music to listen to. I see a 200kgx1 soon, and I'm going to rep 182.5kg. Here is the video:
It takes me a while to get started, thats cause I was waiting for a line in the song and I couldn't really see the bar very well becuse of the ammonia

Reps 9/10 took a while cause my hands were sweating like hell and my grip was struggling cause of it. I really need to improve the lockout, its definitely the big problem. Getting it off the floor isn't an issue.
Chinups +7.5kgx5x4
BWx6-Grip couldn't go on.
That was all. I was going to do some bi curls, but my grip couldn't manage. I was lucky to be able to do some chins because of it. My left forearm was swollen to hell, it was pretty cool.
Didn't bother with a leg press or anything since I went hard on Tuesday. I'm very pleased with how lower is doing, I feel like I'm about at a new level. 400 for reps will be that new level. Hopefully my grip will keep up, but it wasn't as much of an issue last week with the heavier weight.
I think I'm going to sub flat bench for incline. I got carryover in the past, and its easier to maintain form. I've not really done anything different for a long long time, probably too long.
Not much else to say, time to eat. Need to keep it going, until next time...