Not a bad day today. I'm sick of this lethargy, getting tired easily. I've said before though its seems to come and go. I actually felt a lot fitter after the training today. During and before I felt like a sloth. I'm really stepping it up cardio wise though, I've truly had it with this belly and feeling like an old man. Anyway here it is:
Bench 60x5 70x5 90x1 100kgx5 PR (220lbs)- This is what I was aiming for, pretty pleased. Aiming for a 5/3/1 approach this cycle. Last cycle I was trying the 5% solution but my gains out did the program.
Pullupsx8x7- I've decided these should be a lot better after watching this:
Konstantinov is giving me a lot of motivation at the moment. Strong, excellent endurance and in shape, all at 275lbs. I wonder why I can only do so little at 185-190. I keep blaming the extra 30 or so pounds I've gained on fitness and stuff like a lack of pullups, really I've just been doing as little as possible and focusing soely on strength- which has been a big mistake. I'm not really adverse to the idea of getting bigger although it has never been a focus of mine- as long I have the kind of athleticism I did at 155. The reason I don't is simply a matter of my being a lazy couch potato. If I was this weight at 10% though, that would be a big difference in itself.
Another man, Ross Enamait, who is 175-180 last I checked, has phenonmenal fitness and can do 3/4/5 without even focusing on the big three.
Its time to step it the **** up. I've been doing 15 burpees still the last few mornings and am going to up it to 20. This isn't really meant for much, just to get me started in the morning. I also did 100 rope turns after today's weights and I recovered a lot faster than last week, although lower day does take more out of you. Little boosts to keep the metabolism up and contribute a little to fitness. I am weary of doing too much if I'm going to be doing this every morning. The reason I want to do a little every day is that there that would become routine, and if I slip up with the main sessions at least I won't get back to where I am now.
On top of these small changes, which I'm sure will have a noticeable affect from doing nothing at all, I'll be adding in two higher intensity sessions as a minimum. I'll also be doing stuff like cutting the grass etc, which should contribute a little as well.
Hopefully I can do this whilst getting stronger, but to be honest its probably more of a goal over the next 3-4 weeks, maybe more to get the fitness up. And it may take the CNS time to adjust to the workload. I'll see what happens. In the end the extra work capacity will benefit the weights. I'm not looking to be insanely fit, although that would be good. The goal is to get to a reasonable level and then build on that slowly whilst getting stronger. A part of this as I've said is also getting back down to 10-12% or so. I don't know where I am. I've slacked in the last few weeks, but I didn't really have anything set out. What I'll be doing is:
I've been drinking less when I've been drinking although the frequency is still to much some weeks. It's still down on the start of the year, so I'm heading in the right direction. I'm also keeping any cheat meals to mainly post workout, and If I do cheat keeping the portions smaller. That's a reasonable step in the last week or so, enjoying the odd cheat meal but not going overboard. You can still enjoy some junk, just not 500+ calories of junk. I need to also make sure and hit the carb cut offs which can be a problem. I'm very zig-zaggy with that.
Anyway this has turned into a novel. I'll probably update with the HIIT. That is all for today, until next time...