I wanted to update my current PR's:
Deadlift 155kgx6 160kgx3 185kgx1 (407lbsx1)
Squat 92.5kgx21 122.5kgx5 140kgx1 (bit below parallel) (308lbsx1)
Front squat 100kgx3 (220lbsx3)
Bench 90kgx5 102.5kgx1 (226lbsx1)
Overhead press 60kgx8 65kgx5 72.5kgx1 (160lbsx1)
Good morning 90kgx15 105kgx5
COC No.2 1x3 (Right hand)
Leg press 160kgx12 -Flat sled
As of 4th December 2008.
Progress has been treacle slow for some time, thats what happens when you drink a lot. I fear that I have actually regressed a bit in the last month or so because of how much drinking there has been. This week and last week have been cut well back and I definitely feel the difference bodily.
I am thinking to log my drinking in here so as to be held accountable- and I will be honest. This week has been:
Monday - 11 units (Bottle of wine+beer)
Tuesday- 0
Wednesday- 0
I had a kind of realization on Monday, or should I say Tuesday once I had sobered up. Thinking what the f*** was I doing, what had been the point. I didn't even enjoy drinking that night, and it was more for escapism which is just bulls***. I don't really have anything set in stone, I just intend to drink less, and less frequently. If I'm in the house and want some Bulmers, which I love, I'll allow one bottle (2.6 units) now and then. Hey- studies show those who consume roughly that amount everyday live longer
. If I am out with mates then maybe one day a week have three bottles. Occasionally I'll have more (hint- hogmany/new years eve
). Although I may take January off.
As for the numbers, in the near future (3 months or so) I want to hit a 250 bench, 440 dead, 180-185 overhead press (or whatever bw is). I couldn't actually give a toss about the squat. My bench is probably around 210 at the moment, but it should recover quickly over the next few weeks. Don't know about the dead, haven't done it in long enough.
Well there it is. Time to make the weights my b*tch again. Off to the gym in around 12 hours, now it is time for bed. Later,