Quagmire911 Lifting Journal


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
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Thanks Stallion.

That supp list is nothing to what Alex had me on last summer :). Volume-of-pill-wise anyway.

Back is feeling a bit better than earlier on. Looks like it should be fine in a few days, but I will go to the physio.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
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Well so much for a relaxing week off. I didn't bother going to the physio and my back is feeling 100% now. Will probably go anyway when I have a bit more cash.

Now for the fun part. On Friday I sliced my pinky open to the bone at the second row of knuckles (middle). Had to go to A&E and get stiches. Nothing is broken which is a bonus. So I wasn't sure what I would be able to do this week; I had intended on this being a lighter week to get back into it after the week off. I then woke up this morning with a cold, so I also had tiredness/soreness/slight dizziness to contend with. I went into Glasgow with my friend to try out his uni gym but the c***s wouldn't let me in. So I came home and did a bit in the garage with the weights I have in there. So here it is:

Overhead press 90lbsx8x8-Even this felt s****y. Wasn't feeling great on my right shoulder as I could only grab round with four fingers and it felt odd.

Rows 100lbsx8x8-This wasn't to bad. Easier to grip.

Pressups 1x20

Abs-Single leg raise 2x10-I found out my abs are weak. Yehhh!

Hip/stepup stuff

Well there you have it. Probably shouldn't have bothered but I wanted to try and prep myself for next week when the finger should be as good as knew. I am getting the stitches out on Wednesday I think and it should have healed more by then so things should go better, as well as the cold being diminished. I don't think I will deadlift, but I should be able to squat/gm alright. I did quite a bit of walking about which will do fine for cardio considering the circumstances.

I am also mega-dosing vitamin C to try and help the cold and repair of the pinky. Going to get in 15-30g for a couple of days. I will probably then bring it down to 3g a day.

Well that is all, until next time...:up:



Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
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On may 22, 2007 I crushed the end section of my middle finger under a falling stone slab(landscaping). Just as it squeezed my finger was when my reflexes yanked it out.

What ended up happening was I "degloved" the tip of the finger, so essentially the skin and soft tissue disconnected from the bone and ligament underneath.

Also besides that narsty fact, the force of the stone slab had caused my finger to "explode" in some places and try to squeeze out of the skin.
It's all in my log, I took 2 workouts off and then started working out again. There was a big metal brace over my whole finger so it was an interesting experience.
Even now the tip of that finger is a little weird-looking and there's little scars all over the tip.

Point being, enjoy your finger injury!! :D You're not alone and as long as you protect the finger for a few weeks, go ahead with the workouts.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
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Thanks Alex, and Quik I guess...


Still feeling tired and s***. Didn't know whether I'd bother trying to do anything but I decided to get something done. Just went into the garage and used the weights in there, they were heavy enough for what I was doing today, considering I was going light. Here it is:

Front squats 130lbs 2x10-Form actually felt really good on these as well as strength. Conditioning was the issue, my heart rate started to soar as I got above 5 reps. Thats what a cold does I suppose. I was having to clean the bar into position and I wasn't sure how that would go with the finger, but it held up.

Romanian deadlifts 150lbs 2x10-Pinky held up alright although it was only really curled round the bar (kind off) it wasn't really gripping. I should be good to go with the heavy weights next week I reckon.

Hip+ab+knee stuff

Well once the finger is better which as I say should be next week, I should be in pretty good condition. The only thing that is twinging here and there is the right knee. Need to start icing it again, that got rid of it the last time. Along with some Cissus if I can stomach it. I'm also going to go lower on my squats again, I don't really like stopping just below parallel, it doesn't feel natural at all. I'll do it if I need to in comps in the future, if I do any.

Well that is all for today. I am hoping to go to Krav Maga tommorow night, last week was pretty good. Anyway until next time...:up:


Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
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Quagmire911 said:
I'm also going to go lower on my squats again, I don't really like stopping just below parallel, it doesn't feel natural at all.
when did you start doing this? all your squats should be as low as possible (in training anyway).


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
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Well I saw Rippetoe mentioning it to people on strengthmill. I tried it out for the last month or two and I don't like it. That's why I was using that box for depth and I think all that did was f*** my form up. Now my right knee is pissing and moaning which is irritating.

I'm going lowww again.

On another note, the cold is going away. I can make a fist again with my right hand and can nearly close the COC no.1. The pinky still can't apply force really so I can't close the last few mm's. Getting the stitches out tommorow. Should be good for overhead press on Monday I think.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
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Didn't sleep well today as someone phoned far too early. Drank too much on Friday which f***** me up. Still coughing shi* up from the cold although it is pretty much gone. Finger is good enough for lifting, thankfully. Strange stuff happened today, here it is:

Braced one arm Oh press 30kg DBx9 PR-Pretty pleased with this.

32.5kgDB Left side 1x6 1x1 Right side 1x4 1x4-I am not sure what to make of this. The second set I did less reps with my right, and on the third more with my right and my left died. This also correlates to my barbell overhead press. I have done 60kgx8, but as soon as I go to 65kg I struggle to get 3/4 reps. I think that my it is a core issue and I don't stay tight because my core can't support the weight. I think I may switch to seated DB oh press where I press both sides at the same time. That may increase the pressing strength whilst taking the core out of it. Of course, I will have to get my core up to par which I am already programming in.

Chinups BW+10kgx6x5x5-Pretty pleased with this. BW is around 180-185. Probably safe to call it 185 with clothes on and having eaten. I was alternating between this and the overhead work. One set of this then 1.5-2 minutes and then the next exercise, and vice versa.

CG bench 70kgx8x8-Not bad considering I didn't do them last week. My PR is 75kgx8x9. Didn't use a ghetto rack for this either. Should close in on a PR over the coming weeks. This week will have got the groove going a bit. Pointer finger on the edge between smooth and rough for reference. Just a bit inside shoulder width.

Rows 70kgx5x5-These didn't feel great, wasn't feeling them today. I may just do power cleans, Rippetoe prefers them to rows and it would be some good speed work for deads.

Abs Single leg raise/lower 2x15-Hard.

GPP-Rowing 6 minutes, last 15s all out-Fitness hasn't actually dropped too much in the last few weeks. Muscular conditioning was a bit off.

And that was all. Lower back didn't like something today, it is quite tight after the workout. Either the overhead work or the bench arch. Got some deep heat on it, will see how it is in the morning.

That is all for today will probably do some cardio tommorow. Until next time...:up:



Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
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Pretty good session today. Haven't walked out the gym like this in a while. I was tanked. Here it is:

Front squats 92.5kgx5x4 (203.5lbs) PR-God front squats are hard. I was going to do three sets but my quads were on the verge of cramping so I didn't bother. More precisely my VMO which I am not surprised at in the least. These were ass to grass fun :cool: Core struggles here, so this should help bring it up to par. Not done these in a few months, was a 2 rep PR.

Sumo deadlift 170kgx1 (374lbs)-Worked up to a moderately heavy single although it felt pretty damned heavy. Was after the front squats I suppose and my PR isn't much off this. Did 100, 120, 155 before this and they all blew off the ground. I was doing them both hands facing forward and I just managed it with the 155. I attemtped to do this with the 170 with straps but it wasn't happening, the straps didn't feel tight. So I just switched to hook and got it. Hips are the weakpoint here I am sure. I can get the weight off the ground but it is very hard to bring the hips forward at the top and lockout.

120kgx15 PR?-Not sure if this was a PR. But it killed me. Hip involvement was better here. I actually think rep work for deads is in order rather than singles until I can get the hips up to par.

Sumo stiff leg 100kgx10-Didn't have much left by this point.

One side deadlift-35kgDB 2x5-This is for the core. Enjoyed doing it, something new. The focus is to deadlift the weight on one side and really focus on keeping your body normally alingned and not twisting to the side.

Bi curls 40kgx5 (stripped to) 30kgx8-Probably got 15-20s rest stripping off to between 40-30kg. Bi strength is actually up quite a lot in the last few months. Think my PR was 40x8 a month ago or so.

And that was all. I didn't have time for cardio, but I was going through the workout quite a bit faster than usual so it was harder on the heart. Was only in for 45 minutes or so. Not a lot of sets in there but it fried me in a good way. I suppose the high rep sumos helped bring the work done up quite a bit. My limiting factors at the moment are my core, hips, VMO (think the rest of the quad section is alright) and I can just grip 180-185 hook grip on the deads. I'd rather switch to both palms facing grip and use straps if need be, seen to many bi tears for my liking. I really need to get the grip to the next level, it has stagnated recently.

Well that is all for today. Will do some cardio tommorow, don't know if I will go to Krav Maga tommorow night as I am low on cash. Will do some grip work and some other stuff at home on Friday. Until then...:up:



Don Juan
Nov 1, 2007
Reaction score
Bi curls Quag ? I thought you were part of the anti curl lobby :D
Good job on the lifts btw


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2004
Reaction score
He has to keep his guns well polished for the ladies. :up:

Good job on the PRs! (especially the curls)


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
Thanks guys.

FB: My stance on bi curls is that they have their place. They are obviously not a main move or anything and not terribly important, but they are one of the tools in the box that can contribute to and benefit your training, even in a small way. You have to use your biceps in a wide range of exercises and making sure that they aren't weak can prevent issues like elbow tendonitis among other things. So I do use them from time to time.

And yes I am vain and I have to keep my gunz in shape for the ladies, just like Simon pointed out :D

On another note: My quads have been killing me after the front squats, pretty good DOMS. Funnily enough, I noticed tonight that I have no knee pain which is a first in a while. Something in the front squats ass to grass I am thinking...

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
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Quagmire911 said:
Funnily enough, I noticed tonight that I have no knee pain which is a first in a while. Something in the front squats ass to grass I am thinking...
You don't seriously have doubts about this do you? :confused:


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
Warboss Alex said:
You don't seriously have doubts about this do you? :confused:
Perhaps you are misunderstanding me- my stance is that the low front squats are helping my knee...


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
Warboss Alex said:
Yes, that's what I'm saying too. There's no doubt about it. :D
Indeed :)


Not a stellar day today. I reckon I didn't eat enough yesterday and my breakfast probably didn't have enough calories. I've started cutting away a lot of the white with my eggs as I don't like it so much, (strange everyone else does the opposite). So if I am doing that I suppose what I need to do is up it from 4 eggs to 5-6 eggs. Love the yolk and butter though, almost nothing beats it. Alas I also have no whey left which isn't terribly important, but I used to mix it with fruit juice in the mornings so thats less protein again. Everything is coming down to money as usual. Lately I have been forced to eat carbs later on just to get in the calories, so I am staying at 15% bf for the time being which blows. Will need to get the financials sorted out. Anyway here is todays effort:

DB overhead press (80 degrees) 27.5kgx6x5-Was planning on three sets but I just had a lack of energy as I mentioned above. Found it hard to stablize the weight. Its like I have the strength to press it, but it is hard to keep it going up in a straight line and if it goes to the sides that is that rep screwed.

Chinups BW+11kgx6x5-Same as above. Not enough energy.

DB hammer press 27.5kgx12 30kgx8 PR?-This actually went better than I thought it would, I think the 30kgx8 may be a PR. Certainly around that area. Was going to do cg bench but I wasn't feeling it.

Power cleans 70-75kg-Did these for a couple of singles. Really wasn't feeling it at all. I think my best was 80kgx4 the only other time I have done these so this sucked. I got pissed off and added weight.

80kgx1 85kgx1x0x1-These actually felt a bit better. I need to get form right with these, will need to look it up. Not to bad considering the lack of energy. I wonder how my upper back will feel tommorow. Didn't really fancy doing reps here, maybe that was wrong.

GPP-Rowing 7 minutes, last 15s all out-Good stuff. Conditioning is improving.

Abs-Double leg static hold-Did these at home as I ran out of time. 2x10-15s. Can't do full range of motion without back coming of the ground.

Well that was all for today. As I say, need to make sure and get those calories in, training sucks otherwise. Not sure when I will be in this week as I am working on Wednesday afternoon. Will probably go in Thursday although I might be able to go on Wednesday. Until then...



Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
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Just an update:

Had to work from 12-8 so I am just going to head to the gym tommorow. My new work has free gym access and I think it had everything that I need for my routine at the moment, so that will be good. I will make sure though. They don't have as heavy DB's though and I can't make a ghetto rack, so I will probably switch between both gyms.

Saw one of those assisted chinning machines for the first time. I could do a one arm chin with +26kg assistance and that was out the blue. Hopefully around +20kg doing it warmed up and all out.

Until tommorow.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
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Didn't really feel it again today. Not sure what the reason is. I ate well yesterday and this morning. Could be the front squats and sumo's are taking too much out of me. Here it is:

Front squats 95kg(203lbs)x5x3 PR- These were deadly. Seemed to be leaning forward too much. Core finds it difficult.

Sumo deadlift: Slightly high 150kgx6-Not bad.
Slightly low 120kgx12-Hard. These were high and low because of the weird plates in this new gym. I think I will probably just use the other gym- at least for lower day.

One side deadlift 32.5kg 2x10p- For abs.

Grip: COC No.1 R-1x20 PR L-1x13 COC No.2 x5 crushes either side, no closes.

Bi curls 40kgx5, 15-20s 30kgx9- An extra rep with the 30 this week.

Cardio: Did 10-15 minutes on the punch bag in the gym. Think I am going to get one of these- I love doing it. Cardio needs to be fun.

That was all for today. Was trying out the gym in my new work. Wasn't great. Some of the plates wouldn't fit on even though they were supposedly the right diameter. I also can't make a ghetto rack. I may be able to use it for upper day, will have to see.

Haven't been feeling it the last week or two after the week off. Not sure what the cause is. I do the squats and deads and I am completley wiped. Then I do cardio and it isn't too bad. I feel like I am back in a rut with training, and possibly regressing slightly. Perhaps the drinking is catching up with me. I will have a think about it.

Until next time...


Until next time...



Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
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Alberta, Canada
Nice front squats man. I still think front squats are among the most challenging core movements around! I want to see triples with 100 kg on the front squat from you soon. I know you can probably do it right now!

Do your best to keep your elbows up (I'm assuming you're using a powerclean grip). If you can keep your trunk straight and perpendicular to the ground your legs can handle the weight. Its just a matter of using your core strength to keep your upper body straight. I also find exhaling hard during the positive portion of the movement is great for lifting big weights.

Good work! Keep it up!


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
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Fuglydude said:
Nice front squats man. I still think front squats are among the most challenging core movements around! I want to see triples with 100 kg on the front squat from you soon. I know you can probably do it right now!

Do your best to keep your elbows up (I'm assuming you're using a powerclean grip). If you can keep your trunk straight and perpendicular to the ground your legs can handle the weight. Its just a matter of using your core strength to keep your upper body straight. I also find exhaling hard during the positive portion of the movement is great for lifting big weights.

Good work! Keep it up!

It kills my core. Very hard to keep from falling forward. My quads coped a lot better than last week. I think I will use the Poliquin method of using straps in a clean grip again, was a bit easier I think.