Good to see you made it on. Will check the emails shortly, got another video for you to look at it. Although I will post it below.
Bloody long time coming. F***ing yes. You know what that means! Here it is:
Squats-125kgx1 137.5kgx1 (302.5lbs) PR 140kgx0-F********** yes.
The 137.5 felt great coming out the rack, and coming out of hole I knew I had it. The 140 didn't feel great, and I missed it. I reckon I would have done the 140 if it had been the first attempt, but I couldn't give a f***. Been waiting to do this for a long time, and all it took was going low bar. Now I must do 400+. Great stuff, here is the video:
Good mornings 82.5kg 3x8 PR-Good.
Hyperextensions 20kg 2x10
Side bends 10kg 3x5-Murder on the obliques.
That was all. I will update later with that overhead press video/chinup video and some grip work.
So, 200 and 300 have fallen. Now 400 on the deadlift must fall. I actually thought it would happen 4/3/2, instead it will be 2,3,4. I think the deadlift should be close. Mark Rippetoe pointed out why he thought I was still jerking out of position with the higher weights, so we will see how it goes (next week?) when I next try it. Pretty f***** happy about the squat, great to have done it.
Will update later,