push pull is about giving then taking away what you gave.
your friendly then your cold, your happy then your sad. you like her than you hate her. extremes build push pull.
the one i find most powerful and the one ppl most often refer to is your attracted, then your not, your interested then your bored.
effectively you are toying her emotions towards you, but tempting her then removing the temptation.
also you are guideing her, in a carrot and stick way: if she does something you approve of you condition this posative behaviour by rewarding her with IOIs, if she does something you dont apporve of you punish her with IODs
you want to keep her guessing until she gives heavy IOIs then you only want to be doing it as reward and punishment.
the key to to keep them off their feet and never quite sure what your intentions are...the theory being people always want what they cant have.
however you will need to intiate the interaction with less push pull and gradually bring it in, you need her to be invested in the interaction before it works properly, otherwise she will jsut not care...she hasnt given/ revealed enough about herself to care if you like her or not...so you want to wait for a few IOIs, push pull will work to amplify the attraction rather than create it as such...although there are ofcourse exceptions.