pulling blondes,harder to do?

Not Quite There

Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
some people will probably slate me for this, and say all women are the same, but...

if like me you like blondes, i swear it makes it harder, why? blondes just seem to stand out more and attract way more attention, so if your in the club you always got more competetion and normally the girls are more aware of that attention.

If you had an attractive brunnete, and a blond who was average, but nothing amazing, i swear she would still get equal attention, if not more.

just an observation really, anyone else agree?

mind you, going sweden in a few weeks, maybe the brunettes do stand out over there!


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Great Lakes
You are right, it seem a skinny blonde is an American dream nowdays. I have no idea why...I dont like skinny part and it doesnt matter if she is blond...
I am curious too: why do you guys prefer lean skinny blondes?

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
I have heard from women, on this issue, who have been both blonde and brunette. They say that as blondes they attract primarily jock/frat boy type of guys and that as brunettes they attract intellectually-minded men. One thing I find amusing is how almost all blondes over here are natural brunettes; I can only recall meeting three natural blondes. It’s amusing how many guys think they’re talking to a blonde (and neglect to notice the eyebrows).

Not Quite There

Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
Re: Re: pulling blondes,harder to do?

Originally posted by al77
You are right, it seem a skinny blonde is an American dream nowdays. I have no idea why...I dont like skinny part and it doesnt matter if she is blond...
I am curious too: why do you guys prefer lean skinny blondes?
i swear its got to be soemthing with how we're brought up that attracts people so much to blondes, the media and most pornstars are blond as well, it must effect our subconcious.

I hate myself for it, i never used to have a thing for blonds, but now i do, i've just made my chances of finding my ideal girl 10 times harder.

I've pulled some pretty fit brunettes as well, hb8.5/9, but i just can't keep an interest with them. it's stupid!

I tell you what nthough, i have never pulled a red head, but would be willing to settle for one, theyre more rairer than natural blondes.

Not Quite There

Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Deep Dish
I have heard from women, on this issue, who have been both blonde and brunette. They say that as blondes they attract primarily jock/frat boy type of guys and that as brunettes they attract intellectually-minded men. One thing I find amusing is how almost all blondes over here are natural brunettes; I can only recall meeting three natural blondes. It’s amusing how many guys think they’re talking to a blonde (and neglect to notice the eyebrows).
ha, thats funny, because i am far from the US jock/frat boy image, and am pretty worldy wise and alternative almost.... but i completly go for the dumb blond dirty ook, i guess opposites must attract.

i know what your saying about the dyed hair as well, it seems a lot of dirty attention *****s dye their hair for the reasons we are discussing.


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Not Quite There
i swear its got to be soemthing with how we're brought up that attracts people so much to blondes, the media and most pornstars are blond as well, it must effect our subconcious.

I have to agree with your pornstars and the subconcious effect example. Here in the U.S., if an actress changes her hair color to blond, also goes the character. it is also because that there are not too many real blondes compared to eons ago -- at least in the US -- that's why they stand out.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
who cares
blondes might seem harder to pick up just because theyre stuck up *****es who have no values and have a superiority complex that they dont want to admit they have....oh wait that just women in general i just described.


Don Juan
Feb 28, 2004
Reaction score

"If you had an attractive brunnete, and a blond who was average, but nothing amazing, i swear she would still get equal attention, if not more. just an observation really, anyone else agree?"

--I have the opposite problem. I have a tougher time attracting interest from brunettes as opposed to blondes. I find blondes to be more confident, outgoing and playful. The brunettes I've met, and typically I only approach a '7' or higher, are usually a bit more introspective, thoughtful, and serious but also tend to be much more guarded in relationhip to the PUA.

The attitude being displayed in this thread, with all due respect, could be an example of a self limiting or self defeating belief ('blondes are stuck up'). After all, a number of these posts make no reference to a FR or LR. I don't want to hate, but your opinions should be backed up with concrete evidence from your personal FR's and LR's. Y'all can check out my FR's in mature man's boot camp from page 8 onward. I'm a newbie like most of you, but as constructive criticism, back up your opinions with actual real world experiences.


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2005
Reaction score
swear its got to be soemthing with how we're brought up that attracts people so much to blondes, the media and most pornstars are blond as well, it must effect our subconcious.

I hate myself for it, i never used to have a thing for blonds, but now i do, i've just made my chances of finding my ideal girl 10 times harder.
I used to love blondes about as much as you do and thats all I used to date. Not to mention how many girls I was letting go by being narrow minded but hey- your attracted to what your attracted to.

But what I noticed is that your making it hard to talk or find your ideal girl to a girl that you find attractive because she is blonde and you go ga-ga over them.

Some tips from my blonde hunting days.
1. They say blondes have more fun. So be a fun guy. Have a ball with them, act crazy, they will love you for it. especially the ones that dye their hair for more attention. Maybe they didnt have as much fun as a brunette, heard about the "more fun" rumor, and gave it a try. Be that fun a** guy they have been looking for. Hell, maybe thats a whole new source to tap into. I think thats another discussion in itself.

2. Blondes are dumb. oookay I can have a field day with this one. To help overcome your fear of talking to blondes, remember what the saying says. If they are dumb, then it shouldnt be hard with your DJ skills to seduece, #close, even lay right? Your bound to be successful, like taking candy from a baby.

Keep us posted


Don Juan
May 12, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by IGotGame

Some tips from my blonde hunting days.
1. They say blondes have more fun. So be a fun guy. Have a ball with them, act crazy, they will love you for it. especially the ones that dye their hair for more attention. Maybe they didnt have as much fun as a brunette, heard about the "more fun" rumor, and gave it a try. Be that fun a** guy they have been looking for. Hell, maybe thats a whole new source to tap into. I think thats another discussion in itself.

2. Blondes are dumb. oookay I can have a field day with this one. To help overcome your fear of talking to blondes, remember what the saying says. If they are dumb, then it shouldnt be hard with your DJ skills to seduece, #close, even lay right? Your bound to be successful, like taking candy from a baby.

Keep us posted

Isnt that just a steriotype?

I mean ya cant expect all blondes to be like this.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
who cares
Originally posted by ~+~
Isnt that just a steriotype?

I mean ya cant expect all blondes to be like this.
true....but some of the dumbest girls ive ever met have been blondes.


Don Juan
Oct 21, 2003
Reaction score
Can't say I consistently noticed blondes to be dumber than brunettes, but I do find it weird that majority of the people is more attracted to blondes than brunettes.

Well, that makes it easier for me since I prefer brunettes and redheads over blondes. I noticed that brunettes I encounter seem to be hotter than the blondes. Perhaps it's just because the blondes are fake blondes who decided that they didn't look too well and decided to at least make up for it by dying their hair blonde.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 9, 2005
Reaction score
The blonde I live with (housemate) has a superiority complex but I have seen her on days where she trips over things and do my best not to laugh at her.



Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
Reaction score
In reality absolutely not.

However, if you THINK it's harder, it will be.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Sh0t
In reality absolutely not.

However, if you THINK it's harder, it will be.
This is bascially the whole concept in a nutshell. If you think picking up any one type of girl is more difficult then picking up another then your mind will create mental obsticles that will make it appear to be so. It's psyching yourself out to make something appear to be something it's not. The reality is that each girl is pretty much the same when it comes to pick ups. You just have to know how to read the signs and act accordingly to the situation and that type of girl. Girls are definatly different from one another but these differences definately dont' equate to difficulty.

Not Quite There

Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score

Originally posted by allan976

The attitude being displayed in this thread, with all due respect, could be an example of a self limiting or self defeating belief ('blondes are stuck up'). After all, a number of these posts make no reference to a FR or LR. I don't want to hate, but your opinions should be backed up with concrete evidence from your personal FR's and LR's. Y'all can check out my FR's in mature man's boot camp from page 8 onward. I'm a newbie like most of you, but as constructive criticism, back up your opinions with actual real world experiences.
don't get the wrong impression, i've pulled a fair few fit blondes, in fact 1 of the fittest girls i've pulled was.

but my point is, if in a club a blond is getting hit on left right and centre, and a brunette is going unnoticed, then the blond is more than likely to have her guard up, where as the brunette is going to be more open to chat to you.

I do see your point though, and i guess the converse to thsi applies, sometimes you hear about really good looking girls, that never get chatted up, because all the blokes are to intimidated by them, so i guess it is more in your head.

Not Quite There

Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by IGotGame
I used to love blondes about as much as you do and thats all I used to date. Not to mention how many girls I was letting go by being narrow minded but hey- your attracted to what your attracted to.

But what I noticed is that your making it hard to talk or find your ideal girl to a girl that you find attractive because she is blonde and you go ga-ga over them.

Some tips from my blonde hunting days.
1. They say blondes have more fun. So be a fun guy. Have a ball with them, act crazy, they will love you for it. especially the ones that dye their hair for more attention. Maybe they didnt have as much fun as a brunette, heard about the "more fun" rumor, and gave it a try. Be that fun a** guy they have been looking for. Hell, maybe thats a whole new source to tap into. I think thats another discussion in itself.

2. Blondes are dumb. oookay I can have a field day with this one. To help overcome your fear of talking to blondes, remember what the saying says. If they are dumb, then it shouldnt be hard with your DJ skills to seduece, #close, even lay right? Your bound to be successful, like taking candy from a baby.

Keep us posted
good tips,

i guess the key to a fit blond (yeah i know all women) but especially girls who fit the sterotype is to show them from the start your not intimidated by their looks and if they are getting a lot of attention, this is where soem gentle negative hits and ****y and funny may work well.


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
Well one post stuck out as dumb

I got game that is the dumbest post I have seen in awhile.

Nothing personal, but the you seem to imply brunettes dont like funny or crazy guys at all. Secondly you seem to imply all blonds do. Wrong on both accounts.

Brunettes( which I tend to prefer but I still like and go for both) like crazy, funny guys as much as blonds? Were you smoking or drunk before you wrote that. It all depends on the girl herself. If all blonds are dumb, are all brunettes geniuses?

Getting beyond that back to "not quite there"s point. Let me make a simple point to you man about the human psyche.

A blond gir(most likely the majority) that is cute say a 6.5 to a 7.0 will most likely be more confident because of the fact that society in t.v. and movies has made it out that blondes are more beautiful. However you could find an 8.5-9.0 brunette and she might still be insecure. She's obviously hotter than the 7 blond but the difference is pay attention to the t.v and movies recently.

Pay attention to younger stars such as say a lindsay lohan who died her hair blond when she was much hotter as a red hed. There are more but I can't think of them.

However, when you think of movies as the same time which girls live and which always die. The blond always die. The brunettes always live. I think that almost applies to relationships in a small way. "note. Personal experiences".

Some movies to make my point though "scream", "i know what you did last summer", "texas chain saw massacre", "scream 3", "nightmare on elm street", "jason x", etc. etc. See my point.

It get's ingrained in society that brunettes are more likely to survive a situation like that than blond same as a blond is is supposedly "sexier".

Alot of psychological and media factors involved.

To sum it up it's all in your head, and theirs.

The blond is always the sex symbol.


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2005
Reaction score
i got game that is the dumbest post I have seen in awhile.

Nothing personal, but the you seem to imply brunettes dont like funny or crazy guys at all. Secondly you seem to imply all blonds do. Wrong on both accounts.

Brunettes( which I tend to prefer but I still like and go for both) like crazy, funny guys as much as blonds? Were you smoking or drunk before you wrote that. It all depends on the girl herself. If all blonds are dumb, are all brunettes geniuses?
I wasnt drunk, but I was smoking...cigarettes. 1st of all, I thought it was pretty obvious that I was trying to alter the man's thinking a bit. Overcomming a mental hurdle he made for himself that blondes are harder to approach or speak to than brunettes, cause he's so attracted to them. 2nd-Throwing a stereotype or two out there was just a funny saying that he might look back at when he's in a bar and see's some hot blondes he wants to talk to, then maybe shys away. He might think about what I wrote and laugh, say well blondes are dumb and go be crazy and have fun with it.

And yes you can go and have fun and be crazy with brunettes too. lol. Guess I should be more specific.

And for all you other sensitive Don Juans out there I know there are intelligent blondes just as there are brunettes.

But I'm still stickin to my guns when I say Iv'e meet more dumb blondes then brunettes.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
I love this thread.

Yes it is an example of limiting beliefs but there might be a shred of truth due to social preference on here.

Have you ever noticed this, at least I belief it to be a bit true.

Blonde girls prefer guys with dark br or black hair and tanner skin. Like the Italian guys that are stud looking style.

It seems like people are trying to come to a genetic middle ground between pale and dark!