Don Juanabbe
Master Don Juan
Buddy - first off, I f*cking love Alberta. It's the last sane province in Canada and I'm seriously thinking of moving there to get away from all this sh*t.Originally posted by CEF
Heh for the record I was born and raised out west in Edmonton, Alberta. For Americans who need to draw a parallel think Texas. The premier of Alberta, Ralph Klein once got drunk, stumbled into a homeless shelter and got into an argument and quasi brawl with a bunch of bums about them getting jobs. He is still the premier.
Don Juanabbe, I agree with you about the retarded social net in Canada. Its stupid and excessive. Living right downtown I see so many able bodied people every day asking me for handouts. Get a ****ing job!
Speaking of Toronto I was there a couple weekends back and went out to the clubs there for the first time. The women were pretty cold and seemed to live up to the stereotype. The music at the places we went was somewhat substandard and the ****ing double cover chage for guys REALLY pissed me off. I still managed pull a couple numbers thanks to my sister (visiting from Edmonton) and friend who I used as pivots.In all honesty I shouldent base an opinion on a single night out but if its like that all the time I definitely feel for you TO guys!
You got it right on the money. Torontonian women in a certain age bracket are cold, game-playing, feminista, double standardized, money chasing, superficial, attention seeking, overly materialistic spoiled hors that read way too much cosmo and watch way too much Oprah. They don't notice a man because they can't lookup from that little mirror in their makeup compacts or whatever the f*ck it is to see one.
Their attitude sucks. No man is good enough for them and if you say hi to one of them 25 or under you will get the cold shoulder.
These are the same women that at 32 find themselves alone, bitter and desparate, throwing themselves at any man they can get their hands on and not being able to get more than a f*ck out of him because they never took the time out to work on their personalities. I think the word for these women is 'cougars' and there are an awful lot of them out there.
Not that I want to dump totally on our women, because even though modern values and the media has warped them, this city is full of guys that chase, chase, chase, worship, kiss the arse of and set them on pedastals, because they too have been brainwashed.
I was talking to this acqaintance at the bar the other day about women and you should have heard his views. Totally warped, and wouldn't listen to any of my advice, and went so far as to call me a mysoginist who would never find true happiness and love. Barf. This is the same guy who hasn't had a date in two years and probably hasn't been laid in longer and pretty much props up a bar day in day out, hoping and hoping that by kissing the arse of the bartender (the one that couldn't undo my belt buckle fast enough a couple months back
Now tell me, who is more lonely, the 'mysoginist' or the AFC kiss arse? Not that I'm still not AFC, there are certain AFC qualities I have yet to entirely shed , it's gonna take time. Luckily, I can get away with more because of my looks, but still, I've screwed up a couple of relationships being AFC, and I'm still actively working on ridding myself of that particular flaw.
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